Monday 12 August 2024

July 2025 Olavinlinna castle 550 years old

 Next year 2025 in July Savonlinna opera festival will celebrate the 550 years old Olavinlinna medieval castle where the opera festival is kept. 

My Christmas gnome skills book series might be seen as a way to make something so fine reachable also in other countries in different kinds of places. Also my book "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in" might be interesting in that context. And my book series "Of walking in beauty" seeks to bring some such charm as a walk in the nature, available also in other countries and climates. For my books see or the internet bookshop .

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About the way of practising and of the local Finnish charm. If there is a common wish in the area for such a happening, kind of to lift mood and to show that wetoo can learn something on our own, heloed by education, books, media, free time fun etc. And if there is some olace with nice nature that does not get spoiled, like cluffs, some geasses, some trees too, maybe a shro or an otherwise nice nature landscape, maybe one could keep the happening in such a place, for example in tents, or in an old wooden house good for villagw happenings. If someone likes to wander in such a olace or in nature at some other place, one could store it in one's memory as miments of charm, of the practical reality being in nice ways stimulu, atmospheric, wuse, good for basic ages old lufe skills. And so one coukd sing when at home remembering such moments of charm, just a short piece, without repeating, without losing the fascination, stopping before that. And cultivating such fine atmospheric wise things kn life, sometimes sinhing too, mayve old valued songs from an ordinary song book. And if one has a holiday, has practical lufe with family and besuty of nature. If one st sone point wants to try performing, one coukd sing just once such a short piece in the happening, kind of to see if it lifts the spirits toward high culture, real wisdom of how to live wisely in the world, wisdom of feelings, of growing talents, of passing cultural wisdom of happy life and upkeeping a wise world for the younfer generations and also to other newconers. 

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13th of August 2024     I collected the latest texts from this blog plus a couple of other texts of mine to a new book "Of a culture's traditional wisdom", which ought to be soon available at the internet bookshop. 
You can find it as an efile at .

15th of August 2024   This Christmas gnome skills blog is maybe continued at .

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Estimating what to call Dwenda

 Dwenda is a name ghat ought to be used just phonetically, seeing where it teaches skills of living in a fascinating climate, learning the wearhers of the year and learning both from the nature and traditional ways of living well suited to the local climate and nature. Dwenda as a phonetical impression teaches also what to pay attention to when wanting to learn new skills, talents and wusdom of life that are possibilitues jyst for oneself as an individual and not necessarily to all. In addition one needs civiluced wisdom and healthy ways of living. 

So one coukd call Dwenda some place or area that brings quite automatically into mind the climate, nature and traditiobal ways of living being important, maybe also high skill level and healthy wisdom of life. So my guess is that one coukd rename Alaska Dwenda, but I do not kniw if the people there are inclined that way or is there still tol much of fighting and of sitying indoors, and what are the values of the people, is it good influence? 

Or one coukd call tundra lije regions at large Dwenda. Or arctic regions. Or all those regions where it is important to like the climate, nature and traditional culture's ways of living there. Dwenda coukd refer to the place being new to the individual and the individual liking it's weathers and clinate and nature and wanting to learn to live there following much the traditional ways of living there. So it would be a way to call a new fascinating place when at the phace of learning skills and talents of living there. 

As far as I understand, one could not name a person, for example me, Dwenda, and not a town either, for examole Helsinki, since such woukd create lots of imoressions in addition to the phonetical ones, and so the thing would go ashtray. 

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12th of August 2024   To get an idea of how the name Dwenda works, you ought to be in an area whose climate you like, whose climate fascinates you. And pay attention to the different types of weathers there in their atmospheric form, and similarly pay attention to impressions from the nature etc of wise nice ways of living them, their shifts etc. And just live so, and it ought to bring enjoyment and beauty, together with wisdom of life and well working ordinary practical life. 

In the Finnish language Russia is called "Venäjä". 

One could also think of different types of sports in similarly spirited atmospheric forms, if one likes such sports, and learn sports skills that way, I guess. 

To whom should each kind of studies be aimed at

 I have written really many of these pieces of texts, so much that I have nothing more to write, but some people or mice or ghosts or I do not know who, are used to me writing such. So when they come up with a good subject, they try to put it into my head, kind of forcing "blurts", which of course just disturbs the writing. I guess such means tgat the idea or opinion does not somehow fit my views or skills, but that the person sending the idea would know 3-4 aquiantages to whom the idea would suit well. So pleade send ghe ideas to them! 

The news say that schools in Finland start mostly either today or tomorrow. I remember from my school years the same blurts like feeling of boys and some adults trying to for e wise girls to school by evil means, when in fact they ghemselves woukd have needed school much more. The "blurts" kind of feeling does not mean that summer holuday is coming to it's end and it is a mark of the time for starting school. Instead it means that you are forcing wrong persons when some others are those who would need something school like to their own lives right then. That can include some short lessons for adults remainding of school skills as a part of life and hints on healthy ways of living, etc. 


These are my own personal blogs. My name is on the side panel or under the texts, or in some blogs opens to sight by pressing a sign of was it three horizontal lines on top of each other. 

You can start bligs of your own, if you want, by going to and opening an account there. There are many different looks possible for the blogs, and there are possible other occasions of ypu having started some blog attempt there, since this has been a good site to blog and it has been free. And from one can find nice videos to the blogs, for example songs, without needing to make such by oneself. 

There are several types of Christmas gnomes etc wanted, so I would think it a very good idea to have different persons each blogging about things interesting them, instead of piling all wishes upon some individuals. 


Before I started this Christmas gnome skills subject, I had lots of other blogs to some of which I wrote just about daily something which I felt to be important. It was an arts oriented town and I had had good thinking skills and was interested in many things, including religion. So I learned that if one is interested in solving the big problems of the world, one can so learn new skills as one gets older, but writing about such solutions goes best when one oneself lives such an age, kind of thinks clearly and well jyst that skill level, feels it to be the major factors of life and of the world or of one's profession. But if one via age learns more and more, at some point obe's lufe and one's viewpoint start to be so centered on other questions, or so stuck, that one no longer thinjs so clearly those things or no longer feels them to be of a high enough basic skill level, and so the task of writing of such is left to the younger less experienced ones who kind of live and lesrn just those kinds of things then. So they must write such. But if there are no such people, maybe some intermediate older person drinks a cup of milk coffee and writes it, but it is not like such skills shoukd be used. If I understood right, that is why some religious people drink coffee, kind of thinking of communicating to the lower skill levels. 


( The basic rule is that each one should write one's own thoughts, if one wants them written somewhere, since lne oneself is of the right skill level for that and is motivated. 

If somewhat more skills are needed, the people one usually talks with and who suppirt such an idea, prooably would be well suited to the tsk. 

If one does not know but feels the subject interesting and needed, one can ask for such texts to read. 

If someone has lots of insight of one's own, it is ok to give such person support for writing about one's insight, but that does not mean the person being suited to writing about your own interests, especially not if there is no common viewpoint, ways of thinking, etc. ??? )

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8th of August 2024   So each child etc, each person should be judged separately what kibds of studues they need, each time separately as if a different person, since such skill levels, quality, values folliwed or aimed at vary, and so etimes also there is a differdnt person mixed or a different area of life or influences from different tvings or oersons., some which only vua social skills and lies survive through the situatilns, for example by referring to what the other one just said and by changing the attentiln to a different interesting subject, without ever going through ground in a civiliced good quality way. 

 Likewise older and already adult peopke too should be judged each tine seoarately. It is typical that as older people know quite much school like things and have at least momentarily good thinking skills in use, even if they were not good at school like things, but socialmatters differ a lot from oerson to person and influence things a lot. For exampke some younger generatiln aged man with a friendly attotude, may send wishes of an old woman knutting, when in fact the man would lije to try such skklls, buy some nice handiwork coloured thread and store it in an ordinary brown cartoon box, to have it available but not disturbingly female (would aunt like teach the way to use ordinary school like point of view to such, for example valuing arts instead of just artistic handiworks, the feel of the materials when doing handiworks instead of trying to pretend, etc) context. 

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 12th of August 2024   Also markibg made by teachers or somebody else, ought not be just straight lines, lines, square forms or the like commanding, but instead include some message or info of what the marking is about, what it means, how sure it is, what type of thinking and picture of the world it is based on, by whom it is made, strenghtened, alteted or the like, instead of jyst some libe in the air commanding. Basic thing is tgat children and teens ought to learn skklls for life in school, so they independency ought to increase according to clmmon sense. And so some line commabding to folliw school learning, ought to make their environment follow basic civiluced values snd clmmon sense, especually fair play, giving all fair cgances to live in a way they like and that is healthily wise enough in the long run too. 

Of forcing one ought to notice that lazy pupils with liw school skills feel some forcing needed, while diligent skilled pupils need just common sense and fair play without forcing. It is typical for lowest school achievement that they do not folliw the basic advices of how to think, so I think such ought not force others to study more or in more subordibate position. Instead the teachers ought to try to think with good quality the basic reasons of using disicpline, and to whom in which ways.

Tuesday 6 August 2024

( "Got a princess and half a kingdom")

(  In the old Finnish folk tales it is often told of a quick witted young man who goes dating with a princess and after some adventures and successfully fulfilled tasks "gets a princes and half a kingdom", "and they lived happily ever after". That is how Finnish speaking Finns say that it is often good to think of their own marriage: each lne cares for the things that one is interested in, has kibd of as one's speciality, one's wisdom and strenghg, one's areas of life, and that view opens to the wide world and is a forefigure of having profession of one's own for the kuds, and the whole is coordinated according to civiliced values, common sense ans healthy wisdom of lufe, i.e. according to civiliced wisdom in a well working fair way that is wise in the world and gives fairly room to all individuals, each one living according to lne's wisdom of life, inside civiliced ways and civiliced values. 

As I had written this, there came to the street by the corner of this house what sounded like a South-East Asian man on a motircycle, and a truck with a square box like back part, and that was somehow very near the impressiln of those Finnsh folk tales.  )

I must remark that I do not have children, and that I have tge impression that in practice many marriages (of others) have not worked out so well, because the people have not been fair enough, and not aimed at just love marriages. 

Hazardous terrain

 In the news a video of an "unsolved" murder case: a slippery slight grassy slope without anything special leading the unaware visitor glidingly to a wide ditch of ice cold water, .

Monday 5 August 2024

2950 pieces of text about skills for Christmas gnome like life

 If I counted right, mostly counting each paragrapfs but not quite all, there are now in these three blogs together about 2 950 pieces of text that started from the Christmas gnome skills subject. In addition there are other blogs of mine that might fit the subject, and so there really sre quite many books of mine roughly in the subject at the blog of free versions of my books at .

YouTube for kids?

 Some days ago removed my newest video channel with the video playlists connected with my books in it. But I did not understand the reasons at all. I am not cheating. I have all my life thought that quite many thoughts and skills of mine are so great that I would not get room for them if I would lie, and so honesty has always seemed a much better option for me.  

But anyway, when I tried to find out, what was the point, I found something about a brand channel, should I figure out something about such? And today it seemed that I should mark my birthday public, but my birthday has always been an unlucky day for me. I also run to some advice about content creators for youtube kids, and even though the good sides sounded line my Christmas gnome skills text which can maybe for about a year be found via , anyway my life has not been safe. 

So what is the idea? Is it that others could create nice content with the help of my texts, for example kids by copying some Christmas gnlme skills advice of mine and filling the rest with their own pictures, texts and videos, or parents who hsve some nice ideas and pictures, or people of grandparents age, or? 

July 2025 Olavinlinna castle 550 years old

 Next year 2025 in July Savonlinna opera festival will celebrate the 550 years old Olavinlinna medieval castle where the opera festival is k...