Saturday, 3 August 2024

Do social situations with the spouce create inherited qualities

 Some day this week I watched recommended videos' still pictures in the list and wondered, do child's charachteristics come from the social situations between the spouces? Like a wise active healthy kind of person if she/has just some somewhat complex but more stationary kind of spouce, would get feedback "Sooh, just be, aren't it comfortable so?" and so the lufe and the child would be largely just stationary, like one eaten bakery, but largely without picture of the world, without the wise healthy ways, without the emotional kibd of wisdom of life, more like jyst a social being. 

Or the children of not so skilled, who are kibd of clumsy and slow, the children would run around doing chores mindlessly, somewhat like engineering oriented who consider themselves wiser than the others. 


That would mean that near relatives are not alike in what kinds of situations they create and what they do in the world, what they cause, what are their values, skills, quality, comfortable areas of life and comfortable situations. So they also ought not get automatically the same feedback, ought not be supposed alike in such respects. 

Also, in social lufe it often happens that one person does something, while the others get dragged along. So social looks being of a certain kind does not necessarily mean the person using just such areas of life. At least you should pay attention to the social ibfluencies you get, are you especially in that situation via social inföyencies from the other person for example thinking that the other person looks civiliced or using your cuviliced picture of the world, thinking objectively with good quality and wusdom of lufe and folliwing wisdom in practice, taking knto account the environment and the wider environment and what the others each are like, all that wisely in the world? 


My father and mother saw each other as positive challenges for themselves, challenges tgat they longed for in life and which were good for their life possibilities, and for which they well had the strenght for so that they jyst out of enjoyment chose such a spouce. My father seemed to have some healthy kind of wisdom of lufe, kind of ages old nature of humans and luving beings carrying lufe well when in connection with lots of emphazis on rationality. He also had good weather skills and kind of easy going almost flegmant looking social style as a choice he considered a good option. My both parents valued really lot school's civiliced wisdom and the nature sciences, especially rationality. I guess my mother saw living with a man as a challenge to lufe skills, integrity, wisdom of life and objective thinking skills, saw this from the point of view of having grown up in a traditilnal women's view, in a group of young women or girls' school, kind of thinking women and men different and wondering how to live in such a situation as a woman, with his husband havkng gone through the military service and having a different status and social point of view. They had both had uneven school achievements. So I guess they would have tried to get a child via emphasizing healthy ages old life, especially basic functions of life working well, maybe somewhat copying from the nature via traditional life with the nature, which was largely walking and looking at the trees, grasses, seeing some bird, or the like, and very much living with the weathers and practical chores. I have never before managed to understand how they could be my biological parents, but maybe this way it is possible. The second child they I guess tried to make by remembering their old skills and doing something similar, but it was like mimicking, so it produced a different result. (Could it have been after a party?) And they I guess wanted me somehow along as a forefigure but threw me away since it did not seem a good idea, better to allow the second child to be a different kibd of individual, so they got a socially convincing acting kibd of child tgat pretends that he is expected to have my virtues but instead just about always attacks me and my possibilities to life. I was considered the wisest in our family, especially as a child, and my parents were as if considered my children, and often other adults and other humans too cobsidered somehow less wise as if children comoared to me as a wise rational person with emotilnal wisdom too, but when I got older people foubd it easier to lue about who was like what and so I got bossed around and to unactivity awfully lot abd lost my social power to influence my life and almost anything at all, especially so because of kind of spiritual effects and when there were foreigners estimating something or people from far away, and so later also when people estimated by looks or attacked lyingly in the cover of low-quality thoughts etc, and somewhat such happened already as a child or baby. 


b3.  My own Gaia theory. The domain is no longer valid. Just a story, the link ought to be to , and , maybe also to .

(8.5.2023   The picture of the video are from a cold climare of four seasons, summertime pictures. The paradise theory says that one ought to have climate skills for the climate that one is in. ) 

The video has no sound. "Gaia story" by khtervola 

After the white flowers in the beginning at least most of the outdoor pictures are from our summer cottage in eastern Finland, but I haven't been there for over ten years. People are enthusiasts of different things, via them they rise higher, but not via anything that others happen to like. 

It is important to choose where one lives so that that climate supports just those characteristics and values which one wants to have endlessly without needing to compensate them away and without the features of other climates. This Christmas gnome text's skills are meant to be possible all over the world, so they do not demand a cold climate, but many of them get support from a civiliced society.


I found some video of Pentti Linkola : Mirror of the soul   I did not watch it fully, but anyway it might explain that this is just one, quite extreme viewpoint, and not a fight between human types. 

A few days ago I read in the news of a man in the Netherlands having given sperm to those suffering from childlessness and so he had over 500 hundred children. There was a picture of him and he seemed kind of wanting things alive in his environment, wishing well for children or at least some possibilitues for learning via going to school etc. His name was something like Meijer, which at least in Finnish means a big milk products manufacturer or something like that. But whdn I saw the picture, it made me realize that it seems that most other people, maybe just about all do not want children, maybe not any new children to the world or very few new children and no children of their own, since they look kind of dark or lifeless style like death or near death in ways of living preferred by themselves for themselves, so it must be in some sense rare to want children so much tgat life too is well arranged for having children kn the living environment, kind of refreshing. 

And that means that much of the evil of the world may be related yo people wanting to die, and so there maybe is for very many lufe after death, so dying isn't so easy or possible at all for many. So if people do not want to live as humans, there is the option of soulwandering. That seems to require, at least momentarily, the ability to change form, like in insect's transformatiln from certain species worms to butterflues. Or like miracle healing. The reason for humans lookibg lije humans, seems to be young vabies in mother's stomach dreaming of living a human lufe with humans, so the body forms aimed at are of humans. But thinking of how few are comfortable of living always positively and well for the world and for all living beibgs etc, while having a landscape like view of the world, seems to indicate that not all are comfortable of always living like a moyse which rises to two feet to look at the environment  so it is likely that many would change to another form, for example in their dreams to an animals species like them. In my eyes certain types of monkeys or apes do not look like the forefathers of humans in the forests  but insyead like the descendants of humans who were nice fellows keeping them company indoors. 

But one must notice that some humans aim at a future of cyborgs, humanoid robots, other machines including computers, possibly devils but not life in it's traditionsl forms like human spcieties and nature. Some also aim at only ufos etc remaining, or maybe talk of ghosts etc. And some aim at such via the failures and ignorancy of the other views. 

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