Dwenda is a name ghat ought to be used just phonetically, seeing where it teaches skills of living in a fascinating climate, learning the wearhers of the year and learning both from the nature and traditional ways of living well suited to the local climate and nature. Dwenda as a phonetical impression teaches also what to pay attention to when wanting to learn new skills, talents and wusdom of life that are possibilitues jyst for oneself as an individual and not necessarily to all. In addition one needs civiluced wisdom and healthy ways of living.
So one coukd call Dwenda some place or area that brings quite automatically into mind the climate, nature and traditiobal ways of living being important, maybe also high skill level and healthy wisdom of life. So my guess is that one coukd rename Alaska Dwenda, but I do not kniw if the people there are inclined that way or is there still tol much of fighting and of sitying indoors, and what are the values of the people, is it good influence?
Or one coukd call tundra lije regions at large Dwenda. Or arctic regions. Or all those regions where it is important to like the climate, nature and traditional culture's ways of living there. Dwenda coukd refer to the place being new to the individual and the individual liking it's weathers and clinate and nature and wanting to learn to live there following much the traditional ways of living there. So it would be a way to call a new fascinating place when at the phace of learning skills and talents of living there.
As far as I understand, one could not name a person, for example me, Dwenda, and not a town either, for examole Helsinki, since such woukd create lots of imoressions in addition to the phonetical ones, and so the thing would go ashtray.
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12th of August 2024 To get an idea of how the name Dwenda works, you ought to be in an area whose climate you like, whose climate fascinates you. And pay attention to the different types of weathers there in their atmospheric form, and similarly pay attention to impressions from the nature etc of wise nice ways of living them, their shifts etc. And just live so, and it ought to bring enjoyment and beauty, together with wisdom of life and well working ordinary practical life.
In the Finnish language Russia is called "Venäjä".
One could also think of different types of sports in similarly spirited atmospheric forms, if one likes such sports, and learn sports skills that way, I guess.
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