Tuesday 16 July 2024

How do we form a society

 As younger I have sometimes been amazed at something that I was interested in having been mentioned as if I had asked for, supported something in such a group of yhings but overly much, like tens of years of wage for good building workers for having build a house tens of years ago. I have kind of wondered what is such, when my normal view was people getting ordinary fair wage for their work. But if it thrn is so that those were the builders of the fine white catedral in the center of Helsinki, and had been priests somehow ever after, or were just needed such workers even if some of them were foreigners, yes I would have thought that such a place may be needed. 

But does this then mean that ordinary jobs aren't so supported and asked for? Do we ask for only single things that we understand to be needed, and not the whole society running well anyway according to basic school like picture of the world, wishkng well in the world, common sense like rationality, healthy wisdom of life and freedom of individuals with fair play considered important. 

Like if I when living in Savonlinna just somehow liked the unpainted wood dyed to middle brown in the window frames, kind of practical looking clmfortable to homes to live in, but outdoors there seems to be dangerous, as if some considered the colour black, even though I have thought it referring to tress growing outside the window and brknging so a landscape like view. When I moved to Espoo, there were again such window frames, and a feeling of dangers around even thpugh there should not have been such, so what did I order and how, and why is it so dominant in my life? 

Here is a picture of when (almost in the end of January 2021) we, i.e. I and my apricot poodle Banjo just moved here, but Banjo got soon attacked and I have been just stuck after he died. It was so fun going for walks, having nature and arts and practical things in our lives and trying to solve some big questions of tge world by academical kind of way but strenghtened by our own interests, experience of life, having free time for such somewhat poetry like etc. But in the picture my poodle looked kind of sleepy, as if thinking of fat elderly nurses like life, and my life has seemed to continue along such lines, maybe because it turned out that there are handicapped here and so my healing blogs CuringGuesses.BlogSpot.com needed to heal the situation to better, toward atmosphere good for life. But the fact is that my poodle Banjo was thinking of a white Japanese spitz dog like his about same height but more sturdy pair Vaspukka, which had died one and a half years earluer. Banjo had hooed that here again we could have a nice Japanese spitz in our family. Even though a Japanese spitz had been kind of more for cozy life, it had been good to go for walks and be active, kind of artistic, have many kinds of things in life, somehow there had seemed to be well room for such, even though a Japabese spitz seemed to prefer running leisurely, like a happy fat person, instead of running speedily aroubd in circles like poodles tend to do if one sets them free somewhere where there is a big lawn. 

itään, vaikka iaka monta lkaatikkoa olen jo purkanut.


See also https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/04/magnifient-views.html 

If one thinks of what those who tend to be ill and mostly just sleep and stay st home, if they needed some advice of how to recover and live comfortably at home. My strong opinion has always been that as healthy and capable I can make much better advices. But now via experience I have noticed that if I would for example make a melody of wakkng up, being revived to life, refreshed, vitalused, it would include some element from active life remembered, so maybe it woukd disturb those ill who seek to be unfairly dominant socially and in the society even if they are foreigners valuing some not do healthy culture, and so maybe such lufe would grt destroyed. Which maybe happened already beforehand. So writing of Christmas gnlme like lufe, I would have guessed that also for those who are so ill that they mostly stay kn bed, it would have been good influence if I had a nice well running way to leisirely make home cjores like feels good and needed and keeps home and lufe nice, full of activities when one feels so and with a good quality rationality. But such too has seemed too much for some who want to compete with snything healthy. So maybe there are reasons for not wanting such either, even though it would be good for life. Maybe somewhst fat elderly nurses feel it uncomfortable to be active with the liveliness typical to young people, so I guess they should fknd in their own ways and amounts the needed natural waking to life and to natural pleasant kind of straightforward action, to which tgere coukd suit the advice about honey like atmosphere at https://learntalents3.blogspot.com/2024/06/tranquil-peace-and-beauty-serene.html .

There are the patterns, curved lines etc of the unpainted wood in sight of the window frames. 

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