Tuesday 2 July 2024

Static life experience is different from rowing boat, reactive sports, etc

 In my text about the charm of capercaillie https://learntalents3.blogspot.com/2024/07/the-charm-of-capercaillie.html , I tried to describe a northern summer like experience of nature. It was in connectiln with the merimetso birds having conquered small stony island at Finland's coast, and typical to those new birds is that they do not leave the nature untouched. There sre too many of them, they do not folliw local ways and they raise their young, so they create just an awful mess and nothibg much of the original is left, maybe only some dirtied cliffs and tree that has suffered a lot. So I tried to figure out how such a nature experience is possible. And so I thought of watching the shore or a local wild bird swimming near it, but in tgat it is essential that the experience of lufe is of life in the living, for example of shore's low waters, and of untouched nature, not a garden only. So it could be in other countries too, also in very different climates. But static view of nature or bicyclibg by isn't the point. That has much too little personal variations. Also the suggested road like curving bridge near shore cliffs in Helsinki, in today news https://yle.fi/a/74-20095236 , does not sound lije giving this kibd of view at all. Besides it does not have tge feel of wild nature, if it is surrounded largely or fully by bridge or other buikd things. So a small light boat with a small engine, could be much better for such sightseeing, even if it has a roof, but there ought to be shore weeds too. For example a nose like landform near a build walkibg road straight to the sea would be better than bridge but not good enough, not so strongly experienced, not bringing so much personally meanibgful wisdom of lufe and lufe experiences. Like swimming on a natural shore maybe would be if you lije just that clinate, culture and nature, are impressed by their wisdom of life. For example a rocky shore walkroad there plys a swimming sand shore near by. 

The article had unusual kind of persons in an interview, was it Chinese? Those claimed something much against local traditional values, just lued as if it had been a memorised song instead of a landscape like picture of the world, kind of lying that way the whoke situation, which is very much agaibst the usual efucated picture of the world wiyh on's own observatilns from daily lufe and common sense olus wisdom of lufe alobg. 

Life sings if it works well in some sense. So songs are often compised about some well working life tgat suits many, and it really is a way to get some idea of such well workibg ways of doing. So one can on one's own too choose something of the kibd and often it carries lufe quite well, but of course us sonebody else's version, so it is good if one knows several good songs and has lufe skills of one's own, lufe experience too. And a singer too has one's own view of good lufe, well workibg ways of doing, some wisdom of lufe, values, social styles and interests and groups to belong to. So songs kind of contain glimpses of solution of others of how to get lufe to work out well. So songs' positive effects are not based on lues but instead in there being somethkng valuable wisdom in them, even tjough of varied kibds, sometines well ubderstood and sometimes judt fun or interest in old valued songs of others. 


7th of July 2024   Just an association to the smaller rowing boats, in the news today https://yle.fi/a/74-20098454 

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