Monday 8 July 2024

From Alaska to Dwenda, or for those travelling in a cold climate

" 7th of July 2024 

8th of July 2024   Of the name Dwenda, I am good at theoretical thinking, so I suggested a name connected with wise ways of thinking, D, which appear to fit together with the nature, in questions of northmost America the trees there, and a kind of wider fascinating spgere of lufe and of undwrstanding and skills with a tale like charm of the northern forests, snow, nature and the seasons there, like what is the charm of some books there and my view of how to learn new skills, talents and a way of lufe suited to an area that one would like to live in and whose seasons, weathers, type of nature imoressions and their atmospgwre sensstions, etc one is fascinated by. And my imoression about traditional ways of life in the quite north, and of the ways of living of wildlife in the north. But these wete jyst imordssions of a certain style, certain ways of choosing what is comfortable for people, animsls  groups, etc motivated in a certain way, what is a fruotful groubd to build upon together with civiluced wisdom and especially civiluced valyes. And the ibflyencies from the arctic Santa Claus Kand in the North-West Russia at Novaja Zemlja made it possible to choose jyst such that it would be like a nice present or nice presents for the ibdkviduals but with good wuse effects in the world and posdible in practice, for e ample of a right size class in each thing. Or that was the aim. 

It somehow came to my mind to add this video which is in my long text about the Skills of Christmas gnomes, 

" b3.  My own Gaia theory. The domain is no longer valid. Just a story, the link ought to be to , and , maybe also to .

(8.5.2023   The picture of the video are from a cold climare of four seasons, summertime pictures. The paradise theory says that one ought to have climate skills for the climate that one is in. ) 

The video has no sound. "Gaia story" by khtervola 

After the white flowers in the beginning at least most of the outdoor pictures are from our summer cottage in eastern Finland, but I haven't been there for over ten years. People are enthusiasts of different things, via them they rise higher, but not via anything that others happen to like. 

It is important to choose where one lives so that that climate supports just those characteristics and values which one wants to have endlessly without needing to compensate them away and without the features of other climates. This Christmas gnome text's skills are meant to be possible all over the world, so they do not demand a cold climate, but many of them get support from a civiliced society. 


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I am not so sure if one can apply this world wide in clld climates. For example for getting things in China well, I woukd guess somethibg like "yes, in civiliced ways (that are according to wisdom of lufe according to pisitive feelings) one ought to do, and ok I will follow healthy common sense and healthy wisdom of lufe and see, take care that my versions of civiliced wisdom I use are healthy in the large scale too and in what comes to following civiliced values in healthy ways." 
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I do not know how much human societies can affect their living environment, is it true that the famous Alexandrian library was in the middle of the Arabian peninsula? 

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In Tahiti they do not have as much weather skills as is needed in Alaska, but they seem to like speedy sporty life? But Tahiti is small. It is possible to practice sports indoors also somewhere in Asia, I have heard. 

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9th of July 2024   If the name of a wide area Dwenda, helps learning fascinating clinate's culture which one likes and values, and learn talents, wisdom and skills from the nature, etc, and does so all over the world, is it then in a sense a name suited to the whole planet Earth, so would the planet Earth have in some sense naturally the name Dwenda, since thinking a liked fascinating area there havibg that name (Dwenda) or being a part of a wider area with that name (Dwenda) would be a good way to live there, to learn to the place's habits, skills, ways of living, etc. So in a sense such a planet would be called Dwenda, even if it isn't officially called tgat. 

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It is clear that the name does not begin with a G, since G kind of stops one without a so wide view, while the name Dwenda is like going to the nature landcspe wondering what is there to learn and how one could learn, and so tge style of the name ought to make one pay attentiln to the impressions of how the trees etc bear winter, what kinds of strenghts or qualities they have, what is the atmosphere of living there, like fog here but there opens to the sea where slight cool breeze and quite big cool sea's waves, so each place has it's own way of walking, livibg there, and among other things upon these build the climate skills. 

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10th of July 2024   The name Dwenda for this kind of purpose maybe isn't such a new things, since Russia is a wide country and people there need weather skills even if they travel. And in the Finnish language Russia's name is "Venäjä" and in Finnish "äijä" means a man or a guy. 

I do not know about the name "Russia". "Ruskea" in Finnish means brown, and the old name for Russians used in war time and sometimes later too, is "ryssä" which hints of the Russian tendency or the tendency when fighting against Russians, to use "rysä" type of traps as if fish traps of a stationary kind which are open on one side abd lead the fishes towards the center of the container made of metallic net, but the roads gets narrower, and so the fishes do not fibd their way out of tge trap. It is a trap used against many soldiers movibg steaightforwardly typically along a road, while the others ate more mobile and in the terrain at tge sides. So the soldiers jyst drive forward until tgere comes some obstacle on the road which makes them stop, and after a while also behind them there road is blocked. So it is possible to shoot many or to take them as prisoners. It is a type of trap relykng the mire numerous side being more stupid and clumsy. 
I wonder if some aggressive south-Asian looking woman has at some time used the expression that some one has "rysiny(t)", did it nean "ryssii nyt", "(there are) Russians (around) now"? The expressiln meaning having failed in an attempt in a way sounding like having driven oyt of the road colliding with young trees. So had she come too north, would she have liked to live in the large town and metropolutan areas of the world, I guess there many more such possibilitues in the world, but one needs to travel to some such place that one likrs because of it's good sides, so from there one can fibd info sbout other places with similar good sides, not from here where the climate demands having nature around. 

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Travel to your dream destinations with Dwenda travels,Dwenda travels is a way of looking so that one gets a feeling of utter beauty of nature and learns great new talents etc,

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