Thursday 18 July 2024

Of the highly skilled

 In the radio years ago there was a radio play of a boy or a man called Elmo, who was unimaginably good in sports, just superb. And in it seemed important that the name was Finnish, and not in English for example. So it was a name of a person who tended to lie that he failed. Instead of a person with a name associated with lies and his mother or murders. So it was the name of a so skilled person that he felt it uncomfortable to tell how well he did in achievements, so for social communication's sake he added some lied failings so that the others too would try in common sense like ways those ordinary life skills for which they now had the company who had a good grasp of them in common sense like ways, which ought to be well possible for others too, a good ground to build upon, just step by step in ordinary ways but without forgetting to follow civiliced values. Each person achieves in one's own ways one's own kinds of things, often those with which one is comfortable, but the basics are much the same to all, and the masters of some area often have good moral in all things connected with that area, always, they dedicatedly want to cultivate everything well in that area and in things connected with it, be those everyday things or some specialities of the area, and so they grow in skills and otherwuse not. So only lying does not bring such skills, and neither does the wish for social dominancy care things well in any larger area. 

In my email there was an advertisement of differently patterned coloured fabrics for sewing. I wonder if these are different women's versions of trying to find dynamics like Eino Leino's poems. Yet the old familiar type of cotton fabric with lots of small fliwers seems to describe better what actually was the goal: life flourishing in many ways, for example families with kids in the summer time, eating ice cream in a garden etc. 

" About celebrations 

Savonlinna was good at celebrating while the capital district isn't so good at celebrating. As far as i understand, in a celebration day there ought to be the thing celebrated, some guests, some ages old life, some time outdoors with some motion too, foods that are kind of traditional somewhat countryside like but somehow stylish like magnifient looking and tasty, and some fine pieces of culture like some song (on a CD?), poem and/or piece of tradition or history, lots of free chances to talk for a while or do something in varied groups, and an end in sight guests leaving they having the teavel or something else for ghe evening. 

But this is just my impression. Home tidy, clean and nice is important too. There ought to be some nature around. 
And like painting or drawing demands a moment of it's own, maybe 15 minutes with time also for the subject, for such life, and with the goal of making a fine piece of art, likewise things in the party demand some space for them at least on the part of the one who offers them, so that the atmosphere is better.
In celebrations it is a rule that one ought to behave well and be good willing, dress in clean celebration clothes too. If one does not feel like behaving so one ought to leave. Also otherwise it is ok to make just a short visit or to not to come if one wishes so. If some have come from far and cannot leave, they can go and find some quiet enough corner and read a book. 
But I haven't been in such celebrations for a long time, years and years.  

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