Sunday 2 June 2024

Prey's paths

 I have tried to find a song which I liked as a child. It had words somewhat like "A man is now escaping from the prison island in Sakhalin. He is travelling pres' roads" (alone in the Siberian Taiga forests)...

I liked the view of it being possible to wander in the wilderness, while the ways of humans are often unbearably unwise. The problem is that humans just aren't wild animals, now so wise and do not have such ways of living. 


" 30th of May 2024   Come to think of it, my father had a nice way of skiing in the forests in the winter, resembling some Eino Leino's poems, but I guess such is some traditional wisdom and he had good skills of recreation outdoors in the winter.

"I ski the snow covers leisurely slowly, (just a few steps, then  stopping for a moment to look at the landscape, the snowy beauty of trees etc, gliding down a slight hill, a few steps and looking around, maybe changing route,...)
Wind tosses snow.
Mostly it is as if travelling against the wind and not so much like being carried along the wind. 

My advices for learning skills for building a good society to live in and for a happy life in it, see . See also my blog .


But I haven't wandered in forests almost at all since the summer half of the year 2007, when I was in a wilderness guide course at Siikaranta institute in southern Finland. Somehow there just were no possibilities of going to the nature after that, even though I liked the course. And I haven't spent time on a summer cottage for almost 15 years. Partly there has been no possibility to such, and partly life has been more comfortable after I 15 years ago moved to Savonlinna, which was a town inclined toward several areas of life which I like and value. Also Espoo is much more comfortable than Helsinki. There being trees etc in town and just outside one's window, and skills of makkng indoors nice, are important in makkng town life comfortable. Please see my book "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in" at or at . It really is relieving to just sit and look at the trees outside the window, while a birds sings in a nearby tree, and while wandering in the town streets to have learned to look at the town views miljo oer miljo like those who planted the trees, bushes etc. 

This is in Puustellinmäki in Leppävaara, in Espoo, at the capital district of Finland. These are views from my windows. 

I consider it imporant that there would be trees and green areas everywhere especially in big towns, so that for relaxation it is enough to go home, instead of needing to travel outside the town for recovery after a day of work or studies. Besides tge old town miljos with trees like some university miljos or like some old wooden house with cafeteria and a park around, are really fine and nice in towns, likewise shores with trees, shore stones, grasses, etc. I think that some minor statues or a memory stones/plates? (Often with some group of bushes and maybe other gardened plants, maybe with stones as a tight small place, and maybe with a bench near by for the elderly to sit in the greenery at the half-shadow of bushes or trees)  at some corner or side are often fine too, kind of making it easier to respects such a cultural miljo, instead of sometimes passing it as if it were only some grasses. 

"A crying flute


I made out ofa small leaf tree ajoyous flute,

but I did not get a sound to it;

I thought: my happinesses' godmother (/ elf) hasn't delivered my music player's talent,

Sing singeli, haven't delivered talents, 

I showed the flute to all around. 


I saw a mosquito: "Hi mosquito, hear,

Blow to my flute a soul and spirit!" 

"Sun shines, I do not have time!" 

Murmured the misquito, the servant of twilight,

Sing singeli, tge servant of twilight,

and my flute shone glitteringly in the daylight. 


I travelled the trade routes of the world,

I asked for a tune from there and there.

Those shoke their heads and talked with gestures 

And the did not know the language of the one who asked from them, 

Sing singeli, the language of the one who asked, 

And my flute got ugly rusty. 


At that I cried aloud, 

my unhealthily yelliw face I hided in the darkness, 

and I thought: now I want to die; 

my lousy flute I (lightly slammed/) dropped to the ground, 

Sing singelu, (slammed/) dropped to the ground, 

And right then sang the flute. 


My humming flute I lifted to my lips, 

my fingers rowed and repeated tunes, 

Sorrow melted, was found a flood of religious songs, wonderful sun rays reached my soul, 

Sing singeli sun rays reached my soul, 

And my flute cried of joy. "

( 22th of June 2024, Midsummer Day    This song made me remember my childhood social environment, see )


A traditional Finnish song "I made a wooden pipe out of common wood"


 This my old video and the words tell of how to find one's talents and develop them, instead of reaching for points. There seems to have come to my singing videos other voices, which I think is because those others knterest listeners, so they hear many versions of the songs. 


* * * * *

3rd of June 2024   " Of solving emotional tangles 

 I yesterday translated the words of the old Finnish song about learning "Itkevä huilu" to English "A crying flute", see , and remembered from my childhood how my Chinese working life oriented mom had difficulties kn learning wise ways, then learned with the help of the song. But was left pondering, can you then solve emotional tangles, since she thought that those are typically the problem. And so she came with examples of awful emotional attitudes etc, and created an awful mess and ruined so many of my major life possibilities as I had been interested in a career in music. A big part of the problem was she wantkng such tangles, social unjustice, etc. 

But so, an awful emotional tangle often has some strong motivation, so one must learn to recognize of each part what kind of factors are there, what major basic happenings and basic motivations of human lufe or usual situations, things done, etc. A strong insistent tendency of an awful problem to stay, is usually connected with the person causing it, living it strongly, being motivated to such a life in the long run, choosing such to be a major factor of one's future life for tens of years or even longer, if one thinks people living maybe in afterlives or via soulwandering even hundreds or thousands of years. So such is caused by having a social eye that one wants a child with just that person there, now that it is possible, and one sees it as a major good choice in one's lufe, somewhat like someone might see a possibility of a dream job or of cultural influencues of hoped for kind. 

Some might guess that wanting to destroy some harmful or unwanted factor or person in one's living environment, might look similar, but it does not, since it is more lije a technical deed, like aiming for a target and hitying it with a small caliber gun, kind of nice and tidy, guided by the intellect. Instead of the "here I live" type of strong choices to stay in such situation. Such crimes are often based on recognizing wrong who are personal relations near by and who just known from younger years but instead caring for some other area of lufe like a professional, typically for a wide group. 

And then there are ordinary motivations in life, like living according to one's ages old nature ghat is wise, and getting fairly room for one's wisdom, in which my book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" at might help. Aggressions between groups often relate with social unjustice, plus failings in social perceptions or in communication. 

One can tune oneself toward one's dream job, culture, etc, and learn their skills, see yesterday's post about cultural inheritage. So it may be one reason for people feeling aluenated, or then some really are ufos, not comfortable on the Earth, but instead dreaming of another kinds of planets for themselves to live in. 

Lies and social copying and misperceptions, make these more difficult to recognize what is what, who is in which sense doing what, like for example if someone does something and slme others come socially alobg in different ways, with different degrees of moral, and some just do something else, maybe faking to be along. And these vary already in a short time, so it is important who is motivated to what kind of life and what are the values, skills and comfort zones of each.

I have lately had a not-so-good head, but if you read the English lyrics and listen to the song, I guess one of the points in learning is that the flat kibd of terminological looking theory perspective isn't so detailedly exact, so one ought not folliw it so detailedly. So if one has some wisdom and positive feelings showing the way to better functioning, those and the everyday life with nature too valued and present in the living environment, show the way to better functionibg, show or give rise to the exact form which makes the more rough instructilns, which were in a flat language, work out in a life like form which is guided by wisdom and feelings which are required to be moral and wise in the world - so you cannot follow all feelings, if those feelings are not wise enough. " 

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