23th of June 2024 As I think of myself as younger, I have liked the Finland's national hymn Maamme-laulu, kind of seriously liking this climate's nature and this place to live in, lufe here with the four seasons and the Finnish culture. But later as I have learned to compose melodies, see advices at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2023/09 , I have wondered if I have understood the melody of our national hymn right at all. It seems charmed by the climate etc, but at the same time, as I have also learned of healing, see www.EasyHealing.info i.e. CuringGuesses.BlogSpot.com , there seems to be in the feeling of singing together as a group, a flow of bacteria created pressing the people downwards toward a lack of moral, kind of toward opposing the ideals sung about, which are not so clear but something convincing, naturally supported because of being good chouces, I thinl. So is it possible to have such a hymn at all?
If one thinks of choosing a new anthem, it ought not have such too big drawbacks. I have written at lenght about many kinds of useful skills in my blogs, see especially LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com . I used to have a singing experience of life but I have it no longer, and also my picture of the world is too broken. But anyway I have learned from writing that good choices often ought to ve ok from the point of view of tge whole world, or something in that direction, since many have their own likkngs of which cultures abd climates to prefer, and so they should move to live there, and so there ought to be lit of learnibg of new cultures' skills when already living there, etc. And anyway, foreign relatilns matter too. My only melody in this is Reaching for a good future in a society, but it isn't hymn like. Of having written amazingly much of the skills for a Christmas gnlme like life, I guess that some would lije to choose some Christmas song, but is any Christmas song ok all the year? The song "Tonttu" is about Christmas gnomes, but under zero temoeratures are too dangerous if there are many foreigners interested in the song. From writing about the gour seasons, I have noticed that the song "On kesän kurkas huomen ja suvi sunnuntai. Ei liiku lehti tuomen, on lintunenkin vait'. Vienosti kukkii pellit ja vaarat vihannoi. Kun hartaat aamun kellit vain rauhaa rauhaa meille soi. * Kuin pyhäin juhlasaatto käy soinnut yli maan. Tää on kuin sen päivän aatto, suuren autuaan. ..." seems to fit the weathers of all the seasons and bring longed for fracturelessness, but I do not know what it's effect would be otherwise. Of hymbs there is the Finlandia hymn, which is very famous, and has usually been the only much suppirted alternative for the old anthem. But I do not know of songs so well, so I cannot estimate this well enough, at least not nowadays at all.
From my blog FinnishSkills.BlogSpot.com
Come to think of it, would many like to choose similarly new hymns, or the like, in addition to the old ones, since times change and it would be good to have good lufe also in the modern more globalised world. So the Christmas gnome skilks tgeme might help in that.
If one thinks of how to compose a song that is good for all the weathers of the year or at least ok for them, is it possible? I think that the singing birds out in the trees all the year would have wisdom about such, so one shoukd compose it thinking of the wild birds. When one has a rough idea of the seasons, the summer is floyrishing, goid to be a model of wisdom of the trees etc, spring and autumn are kind of speedily moving, while in the winter cold the little birds need to know how to turn themselves into feathered balls. The winter cold needs lots of skills but stays largely quite unmoving and prepared, watching the wintery beauty of the landscape. Such coukd comoare with a hot summer day, and nature's beauty from which to learn weather skills etc maybe could compare with region. Speediness in tge summer and winter could comoare with the caried lines and leaves of a tree bracnh, or with looking more widely around. And so one should jyst see what is alike for sll and what is good for each season when just such weather skilks are needed. And so one would enjoy a Sunday mirning atmosphere on a hot summer day, with nature around, both trees clearly in sight and with a good atmosohere and a wide open space like conceiving air and movement too, maybe a grassy sand road or otherwise good quite ordinary road too. So one would admire at the atmospheric beauty of the kandscape, maybe ask little singing birds of such, and jyst compise around the theme as one's glance naturally wanders, and when the experience of the beauty and wisdom of nature is so strong that it helos to create such atmospheric fracturelessness.
24th of June 2024 I have written something in connection with the Finlandia Hymn in my blig post https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/10/thoughts-about-magic.html where there is also a video of the song.
My melody Reaching for a good future in the society, can be found at https://composingmelodies.blogspot.com/2019/05/reaching-for-harmony.html .
There is a video of the song Tonttu in my Christmas gnome skills text J36. https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2021/09/skills-of-christmas-gnomes-10.html .
There is in my book about the four seasons, a picture of a song book page of the song Sunnuntaiaamuna, see the spring part, late April at https://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html .
There is also the song Finland's Song, which is quite much about autumn weathers but somewhat about at least winter weathers too. If someone has read my books, it is at the end og the booklet Christmas elf like work, which one can downliad for free at https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/02/about-making-presents.html . There is in the blog post about the four seasons a video with me singing it. And there ought to be a video of a male chour singing it at my blog post https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2024/01/a-video_30.html .
Of my own texts the book "Magnifient Views: and nice to live in" seems to bring something of worth in connection with national identity etc. Maybe also my other books etc, see MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com .
Also the previous blog post https://learntalents3.blogspot.com/2024/06/about-products-quality-like-fwatures.html about manufacturing good quality products seems imporant for a society.
And the idea tgat one should not be alliwed to affect thing outside the area that one cultivates right then, seems important too. One must in that take knto account the skill levels, values, quality, pictures of the world, situation at hand and whlm thkngs concern, and each one's ways of being social.
Anf it seems important to always wish well for lufe in the world, now and in the future, wishing things well for lufe in a way that is fair toward all. One should folliw healthy clmmon sense and healthy wisdom of life, and have civiluced wisdom as a helping aid, and consider good quality impirtant in this. Wishing mildly well for the world, like civilucedly from a distance, makes this easier. Also all social contacts, things said or claimed, etc ought to be watched from this context, taking into account which vslues got supported and which not, what opposed, etc.
( Of my melodies came to my mind some which can be foubd in my Christmas gnones skills text (the first of the booj serues) A47., C11. and was it G44. at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 and at links from there, the last one in a blog post from January 2021. Maybe the melidies are not so interesting, but the blog posts might be interestkng. - The picture G45. of an Amerucan indian drom I made on a course, was from ready made parts and with the help of the course leader. )
( The first of these melodies I composed in the spring winter 2019 in Savonlinna at Kaartilantie 15B24, thinking as the subject the original header Feeling of more green/trees in town. But then I changed the name to Gnome like life, since I was writing about that subject.
" A47. 23th March 2019 I came to wonder if one could by one's approack and attachement choose how one feels about how much nature there is in the town that one lives in, and I wondered if one could make a song teaching such, and so I came to make a try on it. It wasn't a very good day for me, but the end result is maybe somewhat gnome like and might fit somehow to such choices too.
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