Sunday 23 June 2024

About products' quality like fwatures affecting life possibilities

 In Savonlinna I liked some things very much. I lijed the attractions of tge area, and so I also liked it's products, which for me sometimes were very relieving, kind of havkbg a good attitude of giving room to life. Here in Espoo in southern Finland, it has not been the same. I guess the difference is that the products I bought in Savonlinna were kind of referring to whole areas of life, with a wide view of ghe world, aiming at giving good possibilitues for such a profession, hobby or an area of life learned about in youth maybe. So it was not so much an emphazis on producing a product, but instead on someone knowing certain area of lufe well, likibg it, understanding how to give possibilities to learn talents supporting it and such jobs , kind of like is good for good quality art, and like the elderly seek to keep up old professions' traditional skills and learning, giving the youth pissibilitues to such. So the artifacts were maybe done in a hobby like way, because of liking such areas of life, and maybe also via spiritual roads I got a lila and a white blanket for my white miracle healing spitz dog - kibd of supporting such lufe, lije was my aim, good healthy ways of living, wisdom of lufe according to feelings, wishing dedicatedly well in the wide world with the help of civiliced wisdom and good quality objectivity backing up the need for free time refreshment, recreation and varied healthy happy free activuties with friends etc in an environment that one likes and which has nature too. 

( The Christmas themed sheet seems to carry like a good area of life. While the other blankets, decoration cushion, CD shelf and the edge of the parrot style mirror, carry only a short while like attention in this object (the white woolen blanket connects to the white spitz that I had, so it was making it's coloyr blend with the environment, giving room to it, but not teaching such to me in the lobg run), and outside that place of attention just bang, without any support of social relations or tge society working well. The woolen shirt is maybe from Helsinki, making one dream of better life that might include such handiworks from natural materials. )

So this is very diffetent from producing certain type of handiworks like plänts plänts plänrs scratch äsh bang! Or with eating make it softer looking lije hot day atmosphere but not caring for such person's life at large, not making yhings good for life, except kind of by smallening the sphere of life to one subject only, kind of life near such pbject's usage. 

( The knitting basket and dry hay are from Espoo, and kind of carry activity in that subject but are not thought as giving advice of how to live a healthy kibd of viviliced life. The drawer shelf is from Savonlinna and seems to tell something of what impirtant jobs are like, hiw to leave such a possibility for oneself, develop some of such abilitues and check that tjings are well in the wide world. While the sewing box bought from Helsinki is of plastic, colourful thin fabric and a thin soft padding, making one dream of life and of improving thibgs widely in the world, while cursing one's lousy luck of not getting such of natural materials. )

I guess that to Savonlinna people come dreaming of making high quality art with a high amount of civiliced wisdom and wisdom of life, experience of life too. So they do things in a hobby like way and not so very long. 

In Espoo people try with a civiluced picture of the whole and with some demanding an eye somehow partly also on the possibilities of engineering educated makibg such, try to figure out how to make masses of such objects, maybe in a somewhat machine like or work lije way. I would guess that someone dedicated choosing the fabrics and materials, and civiliced people dreaming of such handiworks making the products.  

Helsinki as a capital tries to arrange things well in the whole globe with the help of objective thinking, but it is an enermous task, so many arrangements jyst don't carry thst much, and so one is left with partial answersof too little caliber& area, and the not-so-well carrying more widely possible answers like a plastic imitation which one tries to replace with natural materials, maybe referring to local life. 

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I found a video of dogs seeing animals in s zoo.

Dogs are quite young compared to humans, so when they see impressive things, they try to learn skills for life, lijewise young humans. The experienced often makes the error of believing tgere to be several such occasions. 

A white spitz maybe is in some sense chocokate brown. A black dog maybe is in some sense grey, murder or hit like food brown, reddish orange with spots of light colours like white, green, light grey, black, blueish grey, bright orange, yelliwish fading to mild emoty food psckage colour, spot of dim read, and black fading to bluish grey maybe referring to sitting and reading. A orange reddusd brown coloured dog is maybe like middle grey with large round edged spots of dim red with maybe some lila or apricot in it, largely white in a somewhat laborous way, chocolate brown, some small bright white spots above the eyes. ???

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26th of June 2024   I yesterday lustebed to tge song "I have veen thinking about you", which somehow brought to my mind Brutish Buddhists like Sangrashita, and today morning I was somehow left thinking, if British Byddhists think of Finns that way, is it a good way to make nice products, and not so much a near social relationship, kind of having read something that one lijes, which has wisdom of lufe, and momentarily make some product, for exampke sew a little while, for such persons thought of. Then the product us good willing, not overly laborous, not so personally understanding tvat it woukd resemble black magic but anyway has some more positive idea or wisdom in it. Or some Arab in Arab countries writing of such Buddhist resemblibg Eurooean wisdom of ways of living, are some Arabian books like that? 

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