Saturday 29 June 2024

About a natural way to dance and learn skills

 I watched yesterday some of a video of the Swedish old times Eurovision winner band Abba singing their song The dancing queen. For the first time I thought of the melody thinking of a family with school aged girls in Lappeenranta in eastern Finland, and it seemed that the melody did not give much room for individual dancing but instead more like folliwing mom etc saying let's now do these movements and thise kinds of etc. I think that one does not learn if obe has no space for individual expressions of what comes to obe's mind, like a few steps like this, for example those from southern Sweden maybe would like a short piece like pirates. Or a few steps lije snow plus trees. Kind of doibg things that one can based on one's ordinary lufe skills, but not so much that one woukd change to another subject or different skills practised. Kibd of as a group doibg sonething oractical chores together snd each one doibg in one's own style and according to one's own motivatiln and skills, for example varying rythm and mood according to thibgs done. And the action natural like on the video summer cottage like life. 

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