Sunday 2 June 2024

What is your cultural inheritage?

 In the news today, in the beginning of summer, there was an article about beautiful places to swim in in different parts of Finland, see . And in the article there was a video of boys swimming near Vaasa in the western coast of Finland. And some of them seemed to be copying from the eskimos, thinking in their mind that they want to learn eskimo skills, get eskimo influencies and do things in good quality eskimo like ways, with their own wisdom of life, civiliced wisdom and common sense, everyday life supporting, kind of along. And it is likely that they would have liked to keep such skills and such view to life as parts of their repertuaire also later in life, kind of to be wiser in life skills and to know more about the world. And that made me think that such is how cultural wisdom is passed on to the next generations, if one only has some source of such influencies. And so it does not need to be a full time way of life, to have some idea of such an old way of life and view to the world. 

And similarly the same persons can learn about Kalevala and respect it's wisdom, values, view to the world and ways of living, be a Finn, even though it does need an objective picture of the world all the time, so lying isn't enough, isn't the same, since the traditional Finnish ways of living were with tough weathers which means that one needs to succeed in practice, just lying isn't the same. 

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