Saturday 29 June 2024

Trying to figure out names

 Alaska - "down with Kaisa" or "all ask A", might better fit Himalyan mountain tops, with Buddhism granting such a position and view. 

If one then would think, what the former Alaska ought to be called, after thinking of Novaja Zemlja and Russian Santa Claus there, I come to think of the name "Dwenda", kind of people wandering around and asking from whom one can learn skills for so northern life, and the well working answer often is that from some Russian culture. And people also are all the time searching for the tale like beauty of nature etc, of quite round crystal shaped mountain tops, wolves, thick needle trees, etc and of course lots of snow. 

But at that the place seems to be called north-eastern USA, which seems to lead to guessing that China would be renamed usa, leaving the former usa the name Switcherland, kind of fitting the many immigrants there, and usa trying to change the world toward better via highly educated or otherwise wise views. 

????? * * *

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