Sunday 9 June 2024

About estimating skill levels, values and who is suited to what kind of tasks

 In today news I ran into a weird article, or more like an ok article about a weird building: a funeral building for some rich man's 11 years old daughter, a long time ago in Pori in Finland, see . More than a funeral place for a wise talented girl, it appeared an attempt to think through one's aquiantages, ponder who is suited to what kinds of tasks in the society or in tge world. Say a girl shows promises of high skills, signs of wisdom and talents, together with wisdom of life and aiming high in the society or in the world, how can one know what kinds of tasks such a young person will in the future, or already now, be capable of in the world, and to what suited to by one's values, interests, likings and preferred way of life, ways of being social, etc. If to begin with there is building made thinkibg of lne promising young person, what would the building look like if it had been made for some other young person with talebts etc, for examöle some class mates of yours? Those would all produce different kinds of artwork, inclined to care for different values, skill levels, areas, groups, etc. And what one does not safeguard well enough, one ought not affect. Of boys it is often easier to eatimate the possible future professions and types of quality, strenghts in skills, maybe what kind of perspective to the world one woukd lije to have in daily life and so in one's work too. And many do not want to cultivate things in the world so widely. Some of them would like the emphazies on values, skills, etc that suit some other climate and some cultural area therd, so they ought to move to luve there. And many woukd like to have jyst certain type of job, even if there are many of such. The the world needs that one wishes things well for life in the world, now and in the future, fairly for all and with good enough quality, healthy common sense and wisdom of life. 

One ought to notice thst to invent a good quality thing, or to tell of one's own heart's voice, like a moment of inspiration, may be valuable job like things in a society and often claimed to be high, but those are very different from making a product to sell for large masses of people. The famous stars etc are like products: suited for many, while the inventor etc are just single persons' having learned slme widely needed part of the skills for some task, and the stars egc on the other hand teach such to large masses, maybe based on the original works, but the persons are of a different type: more like giving room to others instead of takkng the things said etc personally. And things like statues etc are for the audience, for their learned wisdom about such ideals in the society, and not about the original persons so rememvered, instead more like the collected wisdom of all or many in the society about what is veneficial for such achievements and why are such goals valuable to have kn a society. 

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10th of June 2024   My blog about my name association "emperor", see 

I was interested in painting in Savonlinna, but here I haven't painted almost at all. But painting as a serious goal seems to teach objective thinking skills if one cultivates such with good quality and aims at wisdom of life and moral. 

11th of June 2024   My social relations are somewhat like those of a person on a pilgrimage : I value some areas of life very much and kind of discuss seriously but not so many words and mostly I want to keep people at a distance, being social especially with those who share a similar attitude etc.  

Trying to explain pilgrimage: I try to do things well, leave the world well for life and well for my own life, thinking that others too do similar things, like academical or weather oriented, people valuing wisdom of the feelings, etc

Of Buddhist pilgrimage I found this video of India advertising walking in the footsteps of the Buddha, Buddhism is kind of rationally thinking individuals' search for wisdom of life. 

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