Wednesday, 24 July 2024

About the intermediate forms between war and peace, and about the modern world

 In the news there was some interview of some American women, and even though they talked of politics, of the coming electilns, the words made one compare it with what had been told of the beginning of a war in the old times, maybe a hundred years ago, and it was clearly different nowadays. Going to talk of such with neighbours snd awuiantages sounds lije something only familues raising their kids togather might do sometimes, it did not sound like a natiln wide thing, much less a change of times, but could have been a beginning of a family project to do something together or plan a holiday, maybe go on a vacation trip with a family or choose vacation tines so that childcare fits together with other things done. But when comparing ut to a beginning of a war, it did not sound like such a big change in the society - why would changes come so aruotly in these midern tines?? The interviews sounded more like they could have coooerated as a town district yo keep up the things they all valyed in the local possibilitues for life, like education, working life, familues, etc. It seemed that the world is so global, people from so many different cultures, or interested in different cultures, that borders between coubtries aren't such an exact thkng. 

Earlier today I watched some Vysotki's video/song about war, and it jyst seemed that the differencies between individuals were causing such, and that thr fights of siblibgs or of other childhood envuronment would have ceased via gettkng more distance and changing to other social circles of the kibd of people one behaves civilicedly with, respects and values, feels it good to be in the same society with them, so those would be one's clise relatilns, and stay away from childhood environment. 

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