Tuesday 2 July 2024

A Christmas decoration from straw

 Obs. The advice about "reducing big burdens" is in this blog post, at the entry 3rd of July 2024, after the first snowflake in it.

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 I tried to figure out why my way of painting got stuck to like just as if colouring drawing a shape, and next to it another in another colour, and so on. It was uninteresting and so my painting hobby largely ended, ceased. There was a paper pad with a cover of such a style. I remember wondering at it, but I do not remember if I bought such. Those were basic water colour painting pads, quite cheap. But maybe someone would say that it was a question of some other products that I had bought. It might have been the Christmas decorations of straw. I had two of them, one light straw colour, I do not remember if that too was from Savonlinna. But in addition I had a more clumsy lookibg one which had been dyed fully red, not so bright red but some kind of Christmas red it was I thought. I do not remember if I bought them both at the same time from Tiimari in Savonlinna, but the one selling them said something of them, and I did not understand, but I said that I want Christmaas decorations and have two companions dogs of equal suzes and their voloyrs seem to fit with these, and such choices are often wanted. I did say that I like red too. If I remember right, both had beards of seeds but was it in shop or just when having come home from shop or in the Christmas somehow on the first moment, it was as if from somewhere came a moyse or rat and in a very short time ate the beard of the red one, and dusapoeared abd I haven't seen mice or rats after that indoors, except once my whote spitz seemed to eat something which coukd have been a mouse with very unhealthy ways of living, kibd of klunk style. 

So was there some task connected with these Christmas decorations, which in Finnush are called "olkipukki" while Santa Claus is called "joulupukki". Us the idea that I shoukd help to somehow teach, create so new Santa Clauses via having these in my eyes teaditional handicraft like and dyed midern shop version like decoration "Christmas goats"? But I haven't noticed that I would have learned anything, except that these are for the actual Christmas celebration only, so there may be some religioysness in their style and intended usage. And I have learned  like I knew beforehand, that to me the seeds in their beard are important, make them more charming and remind of old times. And I have learned that red shop producrs may be somehow a good choice for me via their coloyr dymbolucs, even if the product otherwise would not be so fine. 
I remember thinkibg that a straw goat must be made from moist straws, for the straws to not to break. And that one must have a liking for such a job and a fascination about such a task and about the natural materials. And one ought not make so many of them at a time. Instead make one and see how it turns out lookibg like, abd make another and it too has it's own typical personal kibd of charming style, and both Christmas like in their own way too. And so on. 
So I do not know, how I could create Santa Claus creating advices, but there my many texts about skills for a Christmas gnome lije life, see LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 .

From Savonlinna I bought was it Christmas 2020 a round red Christmas carpet, which seemed as if fittting to reaching for higher skills, but maybe somehow harmful, kind of cut away by other if such was kept after Christmas. I have most of my life been cut away many liked things that way away from my lufe, but I do not know why. Sometimes I feel thst some ckassify them as extra lufe possibilitues which they want to rob away from my type of people, even though mostly school saw such areas of lufe as ordinary hobbies etc. 

The picture was taken here in Espoo two days before my poodle was killed. 

( From news 3rd of July 2024   of thousands of Chickens having died because of erraneous claim by laboratorio analyzis, though it says almost 2/3 spared. Coukd it be the colour connecting with a charming character and wishing well, so some wanted to sreal the orange reddish brown eco chickens from a farm with 100 years of experience with chickenshttps://yle.fi/a/74-20097730 )

There was also a picture of the roadsign, like to a Santa Claus Land, I thought. 

( Detailed visual eyesight important all the time is typical for cold climates. If one wants less detailed pictures, one ought to search for pictures from warmer countries. For example many garden flowers and traditional miljos with gardens seem to be planned to be watched with a mire dim eyesight, kind of as if in a flu or on a hot summer day evening, with social content, miljo etc being important. Such would be found from Central-European countries and South-European countries too. I guess in warm countries detailed eyesight is used like knowledge from one's picture of the world, or useful hint when driving, and is not so life-like in it's style, more like stone view. https://www.travelawaits.com/2743696/best-cities-in-europe-to-see-spring-flowers/ 

If it in a hot climate is too hot to look at them, can it be that people there are too fat because they do not know how the Michelin man like amount of fatness that makes it easier to bear difficultues, depends on climate or season of the year. There ought to be some quite thin layer of fat which is enough for bearing extra difficultues which do not last more than day or two before tge next quite heavy meal, plus in addition a thin soft cushion like padding for making daily relations lighter if aiming at positive for feelings. )

"Tears of our happiness

I still have somewhere the rose which reminds me of happiness,
Those many fears have been forgotten,
I was like a tiny piece of wood floating in the bubbles of the sea so defenceless
Magic took us to it's power
Now to a tale like land I will show the road to you.
Do you still remember the road? 
I would take you there again
Do you remember those tears of the wonder of our new happiness?
Toward my soul I was at that time searching for. 
Our dreams did not lose their wings,
Still belueving in my ideals I found love.
I feel I ought to travel this road in life all the way
Oh, I am regeretting: I will not get the easiest road! 

Do you still remember those tears of when our happiness begun? 
Through the years, the memory always along. 
Those never fully dried: 
Thank you, my friend. 

Tears of happiness are tears of relief when life changed to much better like one has long wished for. The problem with improvements in life is that often one gets used to them and bored and so one isn't so happy anymore. The key to lasting happiness is building life upon healthy natural ages olf life, which is of the type suited to the individual, like climate likings for example. Then too one would need the society support such good life, and one woukd need a social environment valuing similar wisdom of life. And as time passes and one oneself changes and the world changes and the lives of others go onwards too, there should be a possibility to retune each relation and thing in life to right charming well working distance and such type too, to get new nice things to life and to distance oneself from burdens, without giving up the rule "Live and let others live!", see F60. at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2020/12     )

If one wonders, what is the wish of Santa Clauses, I guess it is continuing cultural traditions in wise ways fitted into the modern world, wishing well in the world. 

The red Christmas carpet seemed made by some religious person. The decoration leaves on white or light blue arlund the edge seem to refer to not-so-skilled style theory perspective mentionibg green leaves in nature and leaves as atmospheric beautiful decorations, but in style of ukuleles, so referring to learning paradise types. And tgat in the context of Christmas bringing some presents abd a relugioys person being able to help in arranging such. And so the red round caroet next to my poidle made tge poodle's natural style appesr complex and fine, and lijewise tge meaningfulness in healthy kibd of daily life seen meaningful from the poibt if view of schooked picture of the world and as more complex than theory, and so these giving rise to tge ordinary solution finding possibilitues of schooled kibd of objective thinking. And so these ought to have helped me and my poidle in solving world's problems. Starting from my own skill level as a thinker, and helped by my poidle in some ways but I do not know how, but at least it was nice company and I liked walks and the coat care, etc, valued it as my friend. 

If one thinks of how to create new Santa Clauses, I would think that the new Santa Clauses need to be wise in healthy natural ages old ways, and referring to my previoys blog post 

"For example a nose like landform near a build walkibg road straight to the sea would be better than bridge but not good enough, not so strongly experienced, not bringing so much personally meanibgful wisdom of lufe and lufe experiences. Like swimming on a natural shore maybe would be if you lije just that clinate, culture and nature, are impressed by their wisdom of life. For example a rocky shore walkroad there plys a swimming sand shore near by. "

 I would say that the person shoukd like the place he/she lives in, find it a right kind of wise tune in one's heart, so tge nature there would make lne wiser. Likewise the place ought to be such that it is natural, feels natural to gelp the basic needs of others of many many others endlessly, basic skill level, hwaling, lufe skills, lufe pissibilities, gettibg alobg with othwrs and wisjing well in the world, having a wuse enough cultursl environment, being fair and honest enough, jeeping up wuse teaditilns, gwalthy wats of living, etc. In Lappland the cokd seems to make the dituation such that one thinks tgat basic needs ought to ve met or then due away. But caring such for many is an enermoys task, so the environment there ought to be such that it lifts skill level, gers lufe goibgceasier and more fracturelee way. In Lappkand if there are trees, the landscaoe outsude the window ought to such: beautiful if jyst left undisturbed, and in a garden or yard walkways cleaned from too much snow but tree branches etc and preferably the whole landscape otherwuse left untouched, and so sniw makes it beautiful. There also is healthy kibd of challenge in the weathers, making  sports hobbies wushed fir, so good will would help a lot. 

But the ways of living depend on the place. Watching some Russian film of nature at northern mountain region, made me think that maybe I am disturbed by the style of someone walking there as if owning the place, when in fact the nature is so scarce there, that if one would think of living there, there would not be enough many plants, or tree species, etc, and the nature too easily wounded. So I would think that one ought jyst walk thete admiring the beauty, the atmospheres of the sights, and then jyst walk home, to somewhere where there is a paved road or walkwsy with a rail mountainside, so that many feet or passing by many times there does not disturb the nature at all. But often those liking to care for such nuild environment do not like to observe thibgs so well, not so detailedly, and do not safeguard nature, do not feel like going for a walk in harmony with the nature, etc. 

3rd of July 2024   In the night I woke up as if someone had said "37 million, there will be so many new Santa Clauses this way", and even some Santa Claus in the Lappland seemed to react that that is too many, it was not planned to begin with, unless those are the ones visiting familues' homes at Christmas, instead of having a Santa Claus Land of their own. Maybe they could unite their forces if they suit to live in the same town or smaller place to live in, coukd have different versions of local lufe lije it is good to have different kibds of shops and houses suited to different ways of living the local life, like in the book https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/04/magnifient-views.html , but maybe all towns, climates, etc are not so suited to be Santa Claus Lands, maybe there are other kibds of things one can do there dedicatedly and arrange such for a larger area too, like nice ways of doibg handicrafts for example. 

About reducing big burdens like healing the ill children visitors in Santa Claus Lands etc, there are several good ideas. One is to teach all skills and knowledge when they are heslthy and such tgat it helps them to stsy healthy, get healed quickly, and be able to take care thst life goes well in the society and in the world. The usual such wisdom are healthy natural ways of living, civiliced wisdom and wishing things fairly well for all in the world. One should also notice who cultivates what areas, with which skills, values, goals, quality, social chouces (one shoukd aim at being fair, also toward not-so-liked peopke associated with or mentiobed or compared with), areas of comfortability, etc, and remember that one shoukd not affect things which one does not cultivate well for the world, like choices of values to follow when affecting the world for examole. 
Then there are factors which make learnkng easier, like walking roads' edge while admiring the looks of trees and undergrowth plants by the road's side, and forming so a gradually increasing landscape like picture of them one by one, like school learning goes through new things. Of these one can also learn something about healthy natural ways of living. Music, meditation, liked sports, hobbies, etc teach wisdom of life and may increase capacity abd make social life at least partly more positive. 
My healing advices about healing by pieces of healthy natural ways of living and wisdom of lufe according to positive feelings, work just by reading and understanding with common sense, mostly one needs to read about two rows or a few entries each about two rows from the index or less than a page of quite nice text, but first one must try to find the right texts and get a general idea of this way of healing, see www.EasyHealing.info which ought to lead to my blog  CuringGuesses.BlogSpot.com . The idea is that the ill oerson oneself or some friendly oerson helping coukd read the texts, and so get healed in (tens of) seconds or in a few minutes, kind of reminding oneself of the forgotten pieces of healthy ways of living, including the importance of following feelings in ways positive for life, in a wise enough way. These are just blogs, books etc of mine, so there is no client service, abd no spiritual contact from me offered to them. Just find some person who can read and has some common sense, and that's it! 

There were in today's new among other things about football fans in some Eurooe Mastership tournament game in Scotland, https://yle.fi/a/74-20097675 , and some, on some city square connected with the happening, two interviewed men appeared quite stuck in a way familiar from the time of my university studues as a young adult, but when one changed the style of conversation to what are the moods today, the motivational interests, (cultural?) areas of life in the air today, it seemed to go just fine, with more complex cultural areas of life mentioned, understood in everyday life's ways, inspired, motivated, spirited. 

Fair play connects with estimating what each one cultivates and how and what is so it's effect and place in the world. And which values one folliws, etc. So fair play is different from granting the same righrs as the other one has. People often have different valyes and skills, dufferent sphere of lufe, etc, and different picture of the world, so it is not ok to geant them equal rights. So one can notice that different professions, gender role based values, habits, social ways, etc, different cultures, different types of moral, etc do not deserve the same rights as the other one, instesd one must estimate each one separately, taking into account that sll do not folliw tveir all valyes and skills all the time, so for example school educated boy may thinkarmy like attacks, aiming at killing, destruction and suffering,  preferred goals compared with school education's values, and that is very different from gurls cultivating good life for their future family and nearest obes and wisdom of life according to feelings in the world, without forgetting school education's values and basic skills. So those two views cannot exchange position and power in the world, are not alike in effects. Likewise cultures are not alije in what they cultivate, for exanple the Swedish speakkng Finnish culture cultivates a good imago even if it means lying etc, while the Finnush speaking Finnish culture cultivates caring things fairly well for the world with the healo of educated objective thinking, common sense and wisdom of lufe. So those two ought to affect different sreas of lufe and in diffwrent ways, instead of having as much influence as the other culture. 

I have written so much about the rationality of feelings, see MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com , that it is no wonder if I seem to run amazingly lot to the explanation that sone women or girls are in fact transvestites, i.e. men pretending to be women. Such is often for bots and men an attempt to gwt women's benefits and position to boys abd men, as if those were not results of women's work lije deeds and strenghrs in skills and values. So one should not act who cultivatds what, how much, with whuch valyes, skills and picture of tge world.

 Clothes are meant to communicate what to expect from the person wearing them, lije symboluc volours meaning that it is likely that the person would suppirt such values. And types of clothes suit to different things done, so one can communicate about one's profession, hpbbies, type of free time sought aftef, etc. And in connection with doing thkngs, communicating and being social, the types of skills and emohazies on types of ways of spending time, often seek to have expression in the styles of clothes, like kind of stick figure like thin guy in trousers and shirt also of basic style could be good for basic oractical actiln, but if one is much more skilked, one often runs knto communucation problems  so one would use clothes that refer to some extra factor, extra skill to take into account, lije the style of some other area of lufe too, of certain level of complexity via which to recognuze people with whom it is good to communicate, or fir mire varying ways of doing like mysic etc, mire round more complex shapes of vlothes, likewise if there are differencies of tens of years in age, it affects with whom to get along and in which ways and so the style of clithes too. Clothes can help to tune to certain areas of life, so transvestites alliwed woukd mean for some men a cooking hobby lije free time clith or a party like shirt or the like, instead of a skirt. A skurt refers to caring for many sides of things, caring thibgs well for life, for certain areas and with the sense of atmospheres and wisdom of lufe according to feelings along, so for looking things from many perspectives at the same time, a comfortably wide nice looking skirt is often a betger social choice than jyst trpusers. And the idea is that one should not lue about these, for example thinking that the clith or company eould bring the skilks and values, but instead one ought to dress according to one's values and dreams, according to what one seeks to support, and one's preferred skill level in sight in the style and type of clithes too. So it is not all8wed to act a woman. 

So the difference between man like ordinary trousers and a woman in an ordinary colourful skirt is something like when one is at home with childhood family or friends and the woman in skirt would care some things well like is recommanded, the one in trousers saying "I woukd not think that one needs to do such, I would not bother to do such", so the one in trousers is leaving a more scarce version of what to care well and with which creterions to estimate that it is ok. While the woman cares things well for life lije is civiliced and has wisdom of lufe according to feelings. One who man like cates such, takes them in a work like wsy, thinking what was it that was demanded, which were the criterios of it done - instead of like the woman just caring yhings well for life like common sense and comfortable living in the long run demand, while one's civiliced picture of the world and exoerience of lufe offer backip. But it is essential to remember that the values of each matter a lot, in this too. 
Clothes also sometimes go wrong, so it shoukd somehow be seen in one's socia style. If one needs a certain kind of cloth and there are only one blue version of them and one type of red, it is clear that one cannot choose so exactly. On the other hand,if one would do habdiworks oneself and manage to produce a nice cloth fitting oneself very well, it would become a way to recognize that one individual, and so someone wanting to steal one's identity, life, etc, woukd steal those cöothes or spoil them from you, while kidnapping or otherwise transferring you away, or spoiling or otherwise changing your lufe so much that a happy actor looks more like you than you yourself. If doing handuworks is more common and without such personal attachment, it ought not affect so much, like for example if you give your nice handiwork away to someone who likes such and buy something nice for yourself instead. 

Some change a lot the style of their clothing. Sometimes it looks like social lying or acting, which often is disastrous for some at their mercy. But at other occasions changing types of clothing according to things done has seemed to make room for life and has not apeeared harmful or like acting. Especially hobby group leaders (hobby group techers) seem to change clothes often so: having a quite outrageous style well fitted to the subject of the free time hobby course,often making one wonder at which foreign cultural inflyencies it is, but they say that it is their iwn view, it just appeared to fit today, but that thry have lots of cultural inflyencies from this and there and maybe their spouce too a foreigner, and when the hobby class is ending they sppear to have ordinary nice outdoor recreation coat or some other type of nice outdoor clothes that seem to classify them to a certain large group like school teachers for example, and if one looks at their own things typically at a table or a stool where they keep the course, those seem to include some factual work cloth of a still different style, but those all fitying to parts of the same way of life, which seems to be possible to have been communicated in an honest way in all the social circles. It seems that hobby course teachers are not so many school teachers, but instead so many that one can ask some such opinion too but not so many and not so school like oriented that people would get squeezed to school like life, but instead each course ought to offer another kind of lufe, more like free time or another profession, vulture, inclination to wisdom of lufe etc. 
A hobby course teacher ought not be a foreigner, since thst causes communication problems and what has been possible for the hobby teacher is not working out for the students of his/her course. So a hobby course teacher should be of the same culture, being able to answer all questions from the point of view of the school like thinking, picture of the world, wisdom of life, etc of young people, and also offer info about possibilities for such a hobby, jobs around the world, for such srea of lufe, and these too from the point of view of young people's understanding, life experience, etc. So the hobby course teacher should be an enthusiast of such life, knowing of such possibilities beacause of being interested in such life and cultures supporting such. 

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