Thursday 18 July 2024

About ways of doing and the scope of understanding

 In the news there was an unusual fine video of a woman athlete throwing a heavy metal ball which was attached to a metallic chain that had a handle for both hand. First she spinned around a circle or more and it was quite the usual way like I have often seen in the news. But then she unexpectedly,maybe because of the summer, did not so carefully aim to the opening in the sheltering metal net around, but instead let her pisition and ways of doing be free, so that she gained a many times more complex leisurely happy pleasant summer holiday like way of doing, and so a much better understanding too. But the ball hit the net, and on ghe next time again, but her way of moving was really pleadant to see after so many stick gigure like men etc. Humans are by their basic nature much more complx! 

I was left thinking what is such a heavy ball, is it from prisoners' clishee? Typically jail sentences seem  to be aimed at least in the news to compare in lenght and style so much with the normal lenght of consequences without such a crime, like for example years of living together as a family, that ghe reader of the news gets some idea of why who did what: did they prefer murder plus jail to family lufe, then the family lufe somehow was not so good enough for them. So what is such a heavy ball like social relation or lufe situation? Is it a family member or a close relatiln that on the surface seems ok behaving but is somehow so much with different vaöues, likibgs or so poor skill level or different type of wisdom of lufe, that in oractice the person jyst sabotages many lufe possibilities, good things done, speedy ways of doing, wise ways of doing etc. Sometimes such really relates to too stuck engineering like head or some influencies of that kind, and in those cases, the advices in the beginning of my book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" might help, see or buy the book at .


I do not know if it relates with complexity at all, but last spring I woke at least twice some time early in the morning as if someone resembling president Stubb had said via some virtual connection that the world seems to need me for the daylight etc. It has appeared thst if the world is not likely to endure for long, it may for spiritual reasons ceade to exist already beforehand. So if no-one wishes well for lufe in the wide world and tries to live according to common sense with that goal never neglected, then I guess the world would cease to exist. But on the other hand, if it seemed that I might have been woken from death or wanted to the same spiritual kind of world as some others, it does not seem that one should prevent people from wishing well, but instead one must go different roads, live in different worlds which have been chosen according to shared valyes, likings, skills, ways of living, etc, like-minded together. 

( President Stubb has looked humanoid robot like in some news pictures, but that may relate to him being work-oriented in a way which seems to consist quite largely of following educated perspectives like school knowledge etc but prooably sometimes quite speedily. ) 

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