I have written lots of advices about learning new talents, changing profession to one's dream jobs, and advices for learning climate skills of the four seasons and also some advices about moving to live to some place that one likes and admires. I have also tried to fit together the traditilnal culyures of the world with these modern times with technology, globalisation etc.
I have lijed Jack London's book Call Of The Wild, but hace not seemed of the same type as the people in Alaska. I guess I would not like to live so north. But I watched some videos of Alaska and as I wondered what was the problem in learnkng climate skills and some wisdom needed there, I came to think of school teachers' education meant for the twachers of the first classes of school, and it seemed yo include such wisdom that was needed in Alaska and which the travellers in Alaska seemed interested in, fascinated by. So I suggested it somewhere and it seemed to work out well.
I also otherwise thought of what would make it easier to learn xrom yhe very northern nature there. And of what types of persons were fascinated by such places in ways good for learning the skills, talents, values, cultural ways of living and some wisdom of the nature well suited to living in Alaska. So as I ran into the Russian Santa Claus living in Novaja Zemlja, and was suddenly asked what would be a good name for Alaska, I thought also of these things.
For learnkbg climate skills, it is impirtant to notice what are the westhers of the nearest few days like, how do they vary, what is characteristic to the ongoibg season, and especially what is the whole year like in weathers and especially in the spirit how the nature lives them, what are the virtues and values to reach for, what kibd of beauty and charm of each time of the year. You should tune to these and not to the weathers, character, etc of some far away places, just choose where to live based on the charm and on your character and lufe strategy being tuned to just such kibd, not dreaming of very far away climate's character trsits, good sides, westhers, things to do, etc. If you prefer some other climate zone's ways and character traits, move to live there.
For learning whst weathers there are, what wise mood of livibg them, what wisdom of the nature, what traditilnal ways of living well suited to the nature around, etc, you shoukd pay attention to kibd of round shapes, arch like, atmospheric, which have lots of wusdom like culture, charscter, wisdom of lufe, or tge like, and that of a natural kind. That brought the "Dwen", with the "en" or "wen" like an arch, a whole yo notice, the "D" making it like thinking maybe typical to young animals, noticing things in the environment, understanding ygat this is just an advice from a thinker, kind of widening obe's view to new things, building a picture of the world. The "w" would maybe help to refer to complex lufe like wisdom of lufe, ways of living and doibg, motivation, etc like tge old times or women. And since the problems of not learning local ways of living often are caused by being interested in other types of places and cultures, the ending "da" tried to tie the whole to a bunch like traditional culture's ways of living suited to living in harmony with the nature environment, having ages old wisdom of life, understanding also rationslly that there is a whole culture hete with it's ways of living, valyes, traditilns, etc, like a tribe, lika tale like, like having also some wisdom of the nature, a tribe similar to those in quite nesr by areas, suited to those who wish for a such way of lufe, want to adapt to and adopt the virtues , character traits and skills that ghe nature's wisdom sees as the good ways of living here.
Likewise if one has some personal objectively true insight, one can by so recognizing find where one has something more to offer to working lufe, talents, wusdom of life, et .
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