Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Some wisdom of walking where there are trees, plus handicraft skills from a branch

 In Savonlinna where I lived seven years at Kaartilantie 15B, at first there lived, if I remember right, on one side none, then there came  russian family to live there with teen aged kuds, but on tge furst evening their two sons who were already older, went to watch some motor cycle gang, just out of curiosity, and it seemed that they never returned. They seemed to have some other teen boy as if as a replacement, but it wasn't quite the same, even though the boys had been so old that it would have been natural for them to go to study for sone profdssion elsewhere, even though theh did not seem of fully adult age. Anyway, the life of the famiky seemed badly shaken, as if with a lack of luck - can it be like I had years later bad luck there after my white spitz had died? The woman seemed to like the place very much, just loved it, but then she too had to move away because of money shortage etc, and she so cried, lije I cried years later when I had to mive away, and I too had loved tgat place. Could it be that on an arts oriented place or in a town or district well reserved for certain kknds of strong areas of life, much valued in the world or by the natiln, there might be a way to get money to be enough if one somehow worked this and that in arts of good quality or teaching arts or whatever the local strenght or task is - or in bringing such arts skills to where those are much llnged for? Workandfeelings.blogspot.com 

Maybe the Russuabs had had a bear there living the winter with them, or after thrm there came two bears and an older kibd of bear cub largely on one's own alreafy. As if a somewhat old man inhis workibg place, soolen socks in sandals, tea cup in hand, trying to create some comfortable life. So it seemed but I never noticed anything special connected with them. But it deemed that there lived wuse bearsin the neighbouring apartment, and it was somehow very good for writing and trying to solve the problems of the world. Here in Espoo I have sometimes on some spiritual side as if a bear in the apartment, a vague grey figure, just outline, but it is nothing in wisdom comoared with Savonlinna, so can it be mice here? 

Anyway, a bear walks in the forests when there is no snow and the ground is not wet. It sees things like a human in a place with a few trees: there is an ooening and light in that direction, sensing the light coming at a tilted angle from between the tree tops or from side just under the treetops where there is an opening, and on the other side maybe more dense forest, imagining the feel of gren branches almost against lne's face if one enters there. So there are different kinds of miljis glidingly changi g to the neighbouribg lne. So in the light obe has as if a wide wuse atmospheric view, a society level point of view with atmospheres too and civiluced wisdom with the detailed eyesight bringkng objective tjinking and practical lufe along. And where one wanders is considered normal just then: some trees, sone terrain but not a so wide view, more like primarily jyst obe context. Or then like entering a sofa one can enter the dense forest, is it mainly for rest and talkibg with the small insects etc things like dummer grasses, dew, insect life near by, etc. 

And vua such a view if one looks at a sturdy fallen tree branch, there comes strong ways of doing bringing certain kind of activity, whilr some other kibd of ways of doing sre jyst atmosoheres in the air, kibd of possibilitues, nit yet realuzed here at least or at all. So in a way, if one thinjs of handiworks, a fallen tree branch as a home decoratiln, like I had there, seems to teach handiworks somewhat like a bear's view, like the fallen squirrel shaped very thin scraps of pibe's bark sometimes when the snow mels on spring. So if I can solve environmental problems this way or that way, is it learned from the bears or from my pets, or via birds from bears fsr away? One spring shen dnow melted I tjought of bears, and I had bought frozen lingonberries and full milk. So I had the lingonberries in a vup and poured over full milk, and the milk froze like snow crystaks but not fully, it was so much like spring. And I sent the recipe to some bear sanctuary or zoo and maybe I got some handigraft advices via birds in return. 

5.2.2018   Nätki suburb is largely like grandparents' home. The people here are, like elderly and people with large capacity, considerate and good willing on the surface but have their tough side when needed. They are all the time skilled in the amount arts are but mostly just live in their homes here.


24th of July 2024 in Espoo,   In Savonlinna I liked the inclination of the place, I had chosen the town partly because I liked it's attractions and main professions somewhat like my still somewhat distant dream jobs. So I was just satisfied with the shops' profucts, with the professional type of inclinations of others living there, with many of the arrangements, with the space left to live in, even though I would have hoped for more space for sports, going to places, being with people without danger, but I still had somethingthat maybe was important for me to write about, so I largely stayed at home, learned something about arts, wrote jyst about dsily and liked the lufe with my dogs and my vidits to the city center and the public library there, and the local newspaper. https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/04/magnifient-views.html 
Here in Espoo there is no such peace for my inclinatiln. When I in the beginning compised something, there came a grest fuss of it, and my poodle was really fine artistic elderly gentlemsn instead of judt like the dogs in the neighbourhood. The home does not feel so in harmony with the environment. Instead here just about every time I think of making home nice or jyst living my lufe here indoors, there come as if some lines from somewhere at the street's side, kind of sayi g that I ought to have plastic contsiners for study papers (called "mappi" in Finnish, which does not connect in any way with maps), maybe in the style of lld fashilned comouter screen. Such jyst makes no sense. It isn't officially so here, it belongs some tens of years to history or to some engineering oriented person's scjool years. The engineering ofie ted things hete nowadays aren't of thst level, but instead one wonders at humanoid robots, shop's attempt at robot delivery wS it two summers agl, the automatic car I once saw, the cultural communication problem of Latinos mixing engineering with dreaming of living kn Vantaa, and the ordinary school or kindergarten near by. 
So writing about Christmas gnome like lufe seems Espoo like, seems to suit the people around and what the places are for. But in the air there is some occult problem of some on some spiritual side claiming that all ought to behave like the Seedish culture, but it does not make sensd, since Finnush speakkng Finns think through tjkngs in the wide pictures of the world and in wisdom of lixe, and so things work out, but if obe replaces such with the Swedish following some product's created socisl box, no-one cares for the whole, and so lives and the situation of the world just go ashtray. 

At home it seems that it is an ok enough atmosphere mostly only if things are left untouched, also home chores largely undone, which is jyst impissible in the ling run, and instead of leaving the home my way, thkngs like clothes etc in quite round looking buncches like one in care professions lifting a clith or other object, kind of to see what is this or to arrange thing in one's own care profession's style, and olwering it to roughly the same place as a bunch it happened to fall to, trying to make things nuce and comfortable with food. So I guess it is a quite ok style that many care orofessionals want to learn. But it is not my choice. It is not good for being acyive or understand about skills etc. But it really is a style which does not show almist at all who was there and left thibgs so or from whom there was social inflyencies, so such irratuonal skriik skraak style social dominancy vua some occukt roads and the social claims of others based on such style left there, gets much smaller. But there seem to be handicapped (some just come from hospital and trying to see if they can continue lufe by eating well, kind of taje a look at their own situation and feelings) in this apartment hoyse, and awful such crines in the apartment jyst above mine, so one is jyst about always trying to take into account that ways of living here ought to be somehow good or ok for handicapped in the same house. So instead of soeedily arranging home and things just in any way that seems to work, obe must take care tcat nithkbg awful hapoens for socual reasons or lack of cobsiderate ways between human tyoes, and tvat there would always be some comfortable healing ki d of optilns, ways to have ok capacity to think what now, learn about healing, think about lufe chouces, solve social problems which maybe led to accidents, etc. And similarly leave room for impirtant jobs, foreign cultural influencies and the school work and kindetgarten near by. 

I do have some plastic paper containers ("mappeja") but those are mostly old obes, having some study papers from the wilderness guide course, some containing lots of copy papers of self-estimation tests etc from a course for applying for work vased on my somewhat enhineering type of studies in the u iversity in the 1990's, and I used to have a big bunch of papers of work applications of work baded on my university educatiln, and some of the containers have vopies of song lyrics (Vladimit Vysotski's), short dtorirs, hobby books, interesting magazines, maybe brochures too or something of the kind.
Here is a song by Vladimir Vysotski that I just found, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VZFXWYAtWQg
It is about sauna steam bath experience with a lake shore and trees near by, but from the point of view of lufe experience of one not skilled in the heat regulation of the north, in the presence of others with heat regulation snd other skills for the local life. So tge others are more serenely living, but the basic things that one needs to take into accojnt about lufe so north are dtrongly in theur minds and the foreigner only learning to pay attention to such necessaties to the lufe kn so cold. 
I guess it is a view needed to understand the serioysness of northerners, but the song lyrics I had or maybe still have, are fine Finnish trsnslations of some society level opinions like about peace movement, etc. 

I just found this song of Vladimir Vysotski that I used to espdcially like. I was told that it was about his lufe as a poet, about the search for wisdom of life, about having found solutions that xarry well, almost too well to be able to communicate it all to the others in the society. 
"The horses drawing the carriage which got scared of some sound or just had too much energy of theur own
The song telling of the moment /way to live 


...by the edge of a chasm (of the too low lewel of understanding and quality of others) 

I was given horses which do not obey or listen

I did not have time to live

I will not have time to finish my song

By the edge of a chasm

But more like wanting to spend time outdoors instead of coming to the indoors, wanting to live according to one's own wisdom of life. Is it a song of a youbg adult? 


For you to see tgat there can be things or deeds ok in a society and in the world, which are of the type of personal wisdom of life and insight that carries well, like for example weather skills, I add here the blog pist of mine from yesterday, so you also, if you read my books, see what such wisdom like in the above Vysotki's song I among other things have or used to have: 

From my blog MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com 

"Ebook "Wine like fascination of life" 

 The ebook/book ought to be available in the Amazon internet bookshops, with unlimited copyinh allowed. 

You can read it as a blog, starting from the earliest posts, at Winelikefascination.blogSpot.com .

24th of July 2024   In yesterday's news a picture of a forest fire in Portugal, somehow wine resembling style https://yle.fi/a/74-20101060 

I wonder, I wrote the book "Wine like fascination of life" or just collected the texts to it, since some were so much wushing for wine like weathers, and handicapped for softening, some young adults for better life, etc, and since the text Dwenda in the beginning of my book "Of walkkbg in beauty" seemed so outrageous to many, and partly maybe since the miracle healing advices appear too good for many. So I thought, I remembered, that the name of the book was "...of life" instead of the flat academical sounding "...in life". The book was a collection of texts snd linjs of which even one could be like raising a glass for the glory, love etc of life, could make one feel emotionally well or momentarily quite well kn a lasting way, lift the spirits so. So I wonder how can thr name of the nook be in different style? Has somebody else changed it to suit their own wines instead of rhyming it with my texts? 


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