I watched from the news the Emperor of Japan visit Britain, or so the news told. I watched also some video of Bhutanese flight personnel singing and dancing, with the header Jerusalema. I wondered about emperors' work. It seemed to clmpare with Bhuranese royalty: how to arrange things wisely for a different kind of place. Since all areas are not so much alike. So the style of the emperor seemed to suit that view: what is the philodophy suited to this wa y of lufe in this climate and place. And how to arrange things in practice in connection with the theory perspective, leaving room for individual judgement, wisdom of lufe, correctiön toward better lufe and wiser arrangements in practice.
The www.blogger.com blog editor has a theme option called emporio or something like that. It seems to be reserved for goverment minustries or bigger entitues, since it looks just impissible for my blogs, which I feel to be of quite big subjects:
While my present theme is much handier for this kind of blogs as mine:
The other theme looked nice with the picture, but it kind of supposes that the reader knows these subjects and what they contain and knows that one wants to read just them. Besides, the Christmas decoration I bought from a shop years ago, I have not made such myself, don't have the skills for such, and it is kind of remigious, reserved for Christmas only and here it is because it connects with the subject of new Santa Clauses in the text.
And these need the clarification " a natural shore maybe would be if you lije just that clinate, culture and nature, are impressed by their wisdom of life. "
My blog "My name association "emperor" " https://linkstomytexts.blogspot.com
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