Thursday, 25 July 2024


 "  The news today claimed that in connection with the major music happening Coldplay, Helsinki changed it's name to Coldsinki. There was a video with a tram and road signs with the text "Coldsinki". The piece of new mentioned the major use of services, the major wishes of travellers and of living in Finland being an important determining factor in what to call the place. Having lived my youth in Helsinki and all my lufe, except travel, in Finland, I would say holistic rationality with common sense, healthy kibd of wisdom of lufe, ibdividuality, some fracturelessness, civiluced values and the lufe possibilities created by civiliced wisdom of life, and good quality in these, plus the Finnish climate and nature, the four seasons with daily recreation outdoors a psrt of the way of lufe at least in the southern half of Finland, and summer cottages, active life, many possibilities for an individual, music too, yet not at the center of attention of the world but more like just living obe's own life, in harmony with the world. 

Many of my books as free downloads or blog links, see 


If one wants advices of living in a cold climate, one would maybe be interested in glancing/reading my books and .

My book "Magnifient views: and nice to live in", see 

My book "Knitting Tips: Nice knitting" at (click on the picture from the blog, so maybe it opens to a wider picture view where you can read the text).

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July 2025 Olavinlinna castle 550 years old

 Next year 2025 in July Savonlinna opera festival will celebrate the 550 years old Olavinlinna medieval castle where the opera festival is k...