Next year 2025 in July Savonlinna opera festival will celebrate the 550 years old Olavinlinna medieval castle where the opera festival is kept.
Like thousands of unique red diamonds: Blogging out of habit/because of occult demand: Learn talents and skills for a Christmas elf like life 3.: wild nature etc * For a global audience of all ages etc : Christmas elf like life year around, world wide, in the modern world, see and * My impression is that nice more local blog posts are much wanted, likewise journalists wished for also in these subjects, and I guess songs, products, etc too, ...
Monday, 12 August 2024
July 2025 Olavinlinna castle 550 years old
Wednesday, 7 August 2024
Estimating what to call Dwenda
Dwenda is a name ghat ought to be used just phonetically, seeing where it teaches skills of living in a fascinating climate, learning the wearhers of the year and learning both from the nature and traditional ways of living well suited to the local climate and nature. Dwenda as a phonetical impression teaches also what to pay attention to when wanting to learn new skills, talents and wusdom of life that are possibilitues jyst for oneself as an individual and not necessarily to all. In addition one needs civiluced wisdom and healthy ways of living.
So one coukd call Dwenda some place or area that brings quite automatically into mind the climate, nature and traditiobal ways of living being important, maybe also high skill level and healthy wisdom of life. So my guess is that one coukd rename Alaska Dwenda, but I do not kniw if the people there are inclined that way or is there still tol much of fighting and of sitying indoors, and what are the values of the people, is it good influence?
Or one coukd call tundra lije regions at large Dwenda. Or arctic regions. Or all those regions where it is important to like the climate, nature and traditional culture's ways of living there. Dwenda coukd refer to the place being new to the individual and the individual liking it's weathers and clinate and nature and wanting to learn to live there following much the traditional ways of living there. So it would be a way to call a new fascinating place when at the phace of learning skills and talents of living there.
As far as I understand, one could not name a person, for example me, Dwenda, and not a town either, for examole Helsinki, since such woukd create lots of imoressions in addition to the phonetical ones, and so the thing would go ashtray.
* * *
12th of August 2024 To get an idea of how the name Dwenda works, you ought to be in an area whose climate you like, whose climate fascinates you. And pay attention to the different types of weathers there in their atmospheric form, and similarly pay attention to impressions from the nature etc of wise nice ways of living them, their shifts etc. And just live so, and it ought to bring enjoyment and beauty, together with wisdom of life and well working ordinary practical life.
In the Finnish language Russia is called "Venäjä".
One could also think of different types of sports in similarly spirited atmospheric forms, if one likes such sports, and learn sports skills that way, I guess.
To whom should each kind of studies be aimed at
I have written really many of these pieces of texts, so much that I have nothing more to write, but some people or mice or ghosts or I do not know who, are used to me writing such. So when they come up with a good subject, they try to put it into my head, kind of forcing "blurts", which of course just disturbs the writing. I guess such means tgat the idea or opinion does not somehow fit my views or skills, but that the person sending the idea would know 3-4 aquiantages to whom the idea would suit well. So pleade send ghe ideas to them!
The news say that schools in Finland start mostly either today or tomorrow. I remember from my school years the same blurts like feeling of boys and some adults trying to for e wise girls to school by evil means, when in fact they ghemselves woukd have needed school much more. The "blurts" kind of feeling does not mean that summer holuday is coming to it's end and it is a mark of the time for starting school. Instead it means that you are forcing wrong persons when some others are those who would need something school like to their own lives right then. That can include some short lessons for adults remainding of school skills as a part of life and hints on healthy ways of living, etc.
These are my own personal blogs. My name is on the side panel or under the texts, or in some blogs opens to sight by pressing a sign of was it three horizontal lines on top of each other.
You can start bligs of your own, if you want, by going to and opening an account there. There are many different looks possible for the blogs, and there are possible other occasions of ypu having started some blog attempt there, since this has been a good site to blog and it has been free. And from one can find nice videos to the blogs, for example songs, without needing to make such by oneself.
There are several types of Christmas gnomes etc wanted, so I would think it a very good idea to have different persons each blogging about things interesting them, instead of piling all wishes upon some individuals.
Before I started this Christmas gnome skills subject, I had lots of other blogs to some of which I wrote just about daily something which I felt to be important. It was an arts oriented town and I had had good thinking skills and was interested in many things, including religion. So I learned that if one is interested in solving the big problems of the world, one can so learn new skills as one gets older, but writing about such solutions goes best when one oneself lives such an age, kind of thinks clearly and well jyst that skill level, feels it to be the major factors of life and of the world or of one's profession. But if one via age learns more and more, at some point obe's lufe and one's viewpoint start to be so centered on other questions, or so stuck, that one no longer thinjs so clearly those things or no longer feels them to be of a high enough basic skill level, and so the task of writing of such is left to the younger less experienced ones who kind of live and lesrn just those kinds of things then. So they must write such. But if there are no such people, maybe some intermediate older person drinks a cup of milk coffee and writes it, but it is not like such skills shoukd be used. If I understood right, that is why some religious people drink coffee, kind of thinking of communicating to the lower skill levels.
( The basic rule is that each one should write one's own thoughts, if one wants them written somewhere, since lne oneself is of the right skill level for that and is motivated.
If somewhat more skills are needed, the people one usually talks with and who suppirt such an idea, prooably would be well suited to the tsk.
If one does not know but feels the subject interesting and needed, one can ask for such texts to read.
If someone has lots of insight of one's own, it is ok to give such person support for writing about one's insight, but that does not mean the person being suited to writing about your own interests, especially not if there is no common viewpoint, ways of thinking, etc. ??? )
* * *
8th of August 2024 So each child etc, each person should be judged separately what kibds of studues they need, each time separately as if a different person, since such skill levels, quality, values folliwed or aimed at vary, and so etimes also there is a differdnt person mixed or a different area of life or influences from different tvings or oersons., some which only vua social skills and lies survive through the situatilns, for example by referring to what the other one just said and by changing the attentiln to a different interesting subject, without ever going through ground in a civiliced good quality way.
Likewise older and already adult peopke too should be judged each tine seoarately. It is typical that as older people know quite much school like things and have at least momentarily good thinking skills in use, even if they were not good at school like things, but socialmatters differ a lot from oerson to person and influence things a lot. For exampke some younger generatiln aged man with a friendly attotude, may send wishes of an old woman knutting, when in fact the man would lije to try such skklls, buy some nice handiwork coloured thread and store it in an ordinary brown cartoon box, to have it available but not disturbingly female (would aunt like teach the way to use ordinary school like point of view to such, for example valuing arts instead of just artistic handiworks, the feel of the materials when doing handiworks instead of trying to pretend, etc) context.
* * *
12th of August 2024 Also markibg made by teachers or somebody else, ought not be just straight lines, lines, square forms or the like commanding, but instead include some message or info of what the marking is about, what it means, how sure it is, what type of thinking and picture of the world it is based on, by whom it is made, strenghtened, alteted or the like, instead of jyst some libe in the air commanding. Basic thing is tgat children and teens ought to learn skklls for life in school, so they independency ought to increase according to clmmon sense. And so some line commabding to folliw school learning, ought to make their environment follow basic civiluced values snd clmmon sense, especually fair play, giving all fair cgances to live in a way they like and that is healthily wise enough in the long run too.
Of forcing one ought to notice that lazy pupils with liw school skills feel some forcing needed, while diligent skilled pupils need just common sense and fair play without forcing. It is typical for lowest school achievement that they do not folliw the basic advices of how to think, so I think such ought not force others to study more or in more subordibate position. Instead the teachers ought to try to think with good quality the basic reasons of using disicpline, and to whom in which ways.
Tuesday, 6 August 2024
( "Got a princess and half a kingdom")
( In the old Finnish folk tales it is often told of a quick witted young man who goes dating with a princess and after some adventures and successfully fulfilled tasks "gets a princes and half a kingdom", "and they lived happily ever after". That is how Finnish speaking Finns say that it is often good to think of their own marriage: each lne cares for the things that one is interested in, has kibd of as one's speciality, one's wisdom and strenghg, one's areas of life, and that view opens to the wide world and is a forefigure of having profession of one's own for the kuds, and the whole is coordinated according to civiliced values, common sense ans healthy wisdom of lufe, i.e. according to civiliced wisdom in a well working fair way that is wise in the world and gives fairly room to all individuals, each one living according to lne's wisdom of life, inside civiliced ways and civiliced values.
As I had written this, there came to the street by the corner of this house what sounded like a South-East Asian man on a motircycle, and a truck with a square box like back part, and that was somehow very near the impressiln of those Finnsh folk tales. )
I must remark that I do not have children, and that I have tge impression that in practice many marriages (of others) have not worked out so well, because the people have not been fair enough, and not aimed at just love marriages.
Hazardous terrain
In the news a video of an "unsolved" murder case: a slippery slight grassy slope without anything special leading the unaware visitor glidingly to a wide ditch of ice cold water, .
Monday, 5 August 2024
2950 pieces of text about skills for Christmas gnome like life
If I counted right, mostly counting each paragrapfs but not quite all, there are now in these three blogs together about 2 950 pieces of text that started from the Christmas gnome skills subject. In addition there are other blogs of mine that might fit the subject, and so there really sre quite many books of mine roughly in the subject at the blog of free versions of my books at .
YouTube for kids?
Some days ago removed my newest video channel with the video playlists connected with my books in it. But I did not understand the reasons at all. I am not cheating. I have all my life thought that quite many thoughts and skills of mine are so great that I would not get room for them if I would lie, and so honesty has always seemed a much better option for me.
But anyway, when I tried to find out, what was the point, I found something about a brand channel, should I figure out something about such? And today it seemed that I should mark my birthday public, but my birthday has always been an unlucky day for me. I also run to some advice about content creators for youtube kids, and even though the good sides sounded line my Christmas gnome skills text which can maybe for about a year be found via , anyway my life has not been safe.
So what is the idea? Is it that others could create nice content with the help of my texts, for example kids by copying some Christmas gnlme skills advice of mine and filling the rest with their own pictures, texts and videos, or parents who hsve some nice ideas and pictures, or people of grandparents age, or?
A tree from the point of view of my healing skills
I have always thought of trees as fine, wise, healthy, long enduring. I myself have not managed to learn such. If I were a tree, I would be cut down in a few minutes. So at most I could be one grass. But better to be an animal or a human.
So I was surprised to notice that as I have been sleepy after my apricot poodle's death some three years ago, I have watched a lot out of the window at a big pine tree. And somehow I suddenly realized was it this summer, that the bark the surface of the line's trunk resembles the thick fabric upon a wound when it has mostly healed but not fully healed. It seems that a tree has too many other beings coming too close to it, is it insects, animals and humans, or also spiritual beings and plants, so maybe a tree is in trouble like a person who tries to be like a good trustworthy loyal family member to all around it. And so it is maybe because it likes so much the place it grows in. And like a wise skilled person with wisdom of life and an understanding of the world, the tree tries to find itself room to live in, somehow, somewhere it ought to be possible, even via high skills it ought to become possible, why isn't it looking possible?, maybe by makkng the world a better place to live in via it's own maybe universal kind of wisdom and healthy natural wisdom of life, like this possible for all around for example: and look, so it has grown new green leaves somewhere. ... Maybe life is that difficult if one lives together with a big group in a family like way?
Should a tree like person be considered to be like a grandparent to a child, and not of one's own age. So the tree like person would be quite boring and one would just walk away, and the tree would be left in peace, still teaching it's wisdom of life to the passer-bys.
About a dead bear cub found in the news
There was in the news told a story of a dead bear cub having been found in New York, of how it had ended up there, but I was not quite sure if the dtory was one of the teller of it or did the teller get it as influences via some virtual or mental or spiritual roads from someone else, and was quite wondering what to do with such a wrong claim's effect on his life, reputation, it's effects on others etc.
I remember from my childhood a similar, true sounding tale told by my grandpaps Pasvo Kariainen, of him having found or shot a small bear cub, put it into the trunk of his car and brought to town to set it on sight for all to see how fine and magnifient even such a small cub is compared with humans, to strongly speak for nature protection via such a fine sight of a wild animal, even though dead.
Often looking at some music video makes one think that the performer looked somehow at the viewer and catched some idea in the air, like if teenagers at home are enthusiastic and keep some noise a parent walking by can kind of catch the tune, somehow take part in such a deed but in milder ways than the eager young whose own idea it was. So it is not true that one would admire a singer because of having watched a music video many times, instead one is left somehow with an empty feeling like when having been in a too liw quality company without fully noticing it, and so one jyst likes music and needs musical kinds of view to life, musical spirit, and woukd like to lesrn to sing and dance and so one watches some music videos that one happens to find. But anyway, one's own skills are whst one does point by point each moment and what values one has, what one needs in life, what one can so influence the world and take cate of tjings with one's wisdom of life, and so such affects lne's looks from moment to moment, and so one slmetimes likes to have also some expression for those sides of one's understanding of life, and so lne may watch some music video because of that, but one does not want to give one's skills or looks away because of tgat, and especially not for longer periods than jyst a short while when watching some video. It is not at all true tgat women or girls would like to hive their looks, skills, social power to infludnce tjings, or the like to any men, transvestites or whatever. If one gets skills or looks typically as a present, very often it hapoens that one nevers learns to value such skilks etc, so that us not ok between possible future spouces, friends or allies. Mostly transvestites consider female charachteristics as looks or unfair power to influence tjings instead of as thousands of skills, and vslues, lufe cjoices of carefully cultivating such wisdom of life always and with good quality, even if others don't.
Someone being very high in some view often means that one always seeks to take well care of things that are largely wanted in the world or just in the society, but which most do not seek to cultivate, do not have such skills, values, dedication to just such tasks. Often professions are in practice different from the dreams of most, like for example publicity typically does not create any new room for such a phenomena in the society, but instead too much publicity annoys many who have other values and likings, and so publicity is often for well behaving people who let ordinary viewers shine, and who somehow understand manage to live in the middle of public thkngs and öeople's views of them or I do not nniw what. Marking someone high is typically a result of the person wanting such knowledge being interested in such a subject, for example how to learn snills for living in a society. So such hierargies do not need to be copied by others in the room or by family members, etc, but in conversation it of course matters if slmeone wants to learn such skills, so for such a use such markkngs are needed, but other persons may similarly have lufe goals of thrir own liking.
About life possibilities and money
About crimes and different pictures of the world
In the news there was about mafia i.e. organized crime in Germany or was it in Italy. It said something like what I heard in school age tens of years ago, like if you order a pizza, the restaurant marks that it sold also another pizza which never existed or at least you did not order it. Such is well familiar from someone being in an agitated mood, attacking verbally or affecting some arrangement because of it, and also claiming that the other one started it by attacking. So it remains a question to solve what was the other one doing, what were his/her intentions, what actually happened, was there lies, systematic unfair behaviour or hate or taking sides against some persons, features, skill levels, values, inclinations, types of arrangements, or the like. So usually there needs to be fair rules for all, like "Live and let others live!" and enough distance between the opposing parties, especially if they prefer different social style, different values or the like.
Usually with crimes it is so that the successful criminals have some good side in the society and in the world that they are taking care of, like protecting the country, protecting their own type of working life assets like certain level of thinking skills and healthy ways of living, or like the elderly often has some very strong skills dearly needed by some and irreplaceable or just valued because of understanding better what is good in life and needed in societies in the long run. So usually there is the task of fitting together the extra asset with the needs of keeping up the daily life's basic possibilities, basic life well running in the society without civiliced freedom etc lost because of too many criminals around.
How wide is a culture's traditional wisdom?
"How wide is a culture's traditional wisdom? I did not write exactly about it, but I guess the source is largely in the Finnish speaking traditional Finnish culture, even tjough in the form of having weather skills, some traditional values, wisdom of lufe and ways of living, which then in turn bring skills and wisdom of life of my own, for example the emphazis on objective thinking brings thoughts of one's own and practice brings knowledhe about the effects of different ways of doing, values, etc. I have over 110 blogs and have collected mostly of them tens of books and booklets.
Saturday, 3 August 2024
Of understanding people and of learning from them
If you are good-willing and look at some other person while standing or sitting side-by-side, without being overly close, so a half a meter or more air in between, and just look at what the other person is doing and in which ways. So you see his or her perspective, ways of doing, what one pays especially much attention to, etc, so you get an idea of the situatiln from the other person's perspective. Such often explains a lot of what the other person is like and how he/she behaves, what does in each situation and what kibds of roads it leads life.
Likewise you can so learn skills by watching and recognizing areas of life in use, the emphazies on them, the main thkbgs done and the things especially cared about. It us also important tl notice how detailed each thing done needs to be and how much knowledge in one's picture of the world it needs and what other skills.
Likewise one can so momentarily copy some wisdom of life, living roughly along such a way of living, like the other one having lustened to music in the radio and you kibd of catching some idea of the mood via ehich the other one lives happily, does chores, etc. To such is typical that it lasts maybe 5min or a half of an hour afterwards but not longer, since other things clme to disturb one's life. But if there is some point in it which one needs to notice and then that's it, then it can last for a lufetime, a happier life.
Likewise the ill often get healed quite much by watching for a short while a family member doing home chores etc, kind of catching the tune of how to live a healthy life this time of the year, in today's world.
A new book "Of trying to heal the world"
I collected the latest texts of this blog to a new book "Of trying to heal the world", which ought to be available soon at .
Do social situations with the spouce create inherited qualities
Some day this week I watched recommended videos' still pictures in the list and wondered, do child's charachteristics come from the social situations between the spouces? Like a wise active healthy kind of person if she/has just some somewhat complex but more stationary kind of spouce, would get feedback "Sooh, just be, aren't it comfortable so?" and so the lufe and the child would be largely just stationary, like one eaten bakery, but largely without picture of the world, without the wise healthy ways, without the emotional kibd of wisdom of life, more like jyst a social being.
Or the children of not so skilled, who are kibd of clumsy and slow, the children would run around doing chores mindlessly, somewhat like engineering oriented who consider themselves wiser than the others.
That would mean that near relatives are not alike in what kinds of situations they create and what they do in the world, what they cause, what are their values, skills, quality, comfortable areas of life and comfortable situations. So they also ought not get automatically the same feedback, ought not be supposed alike in such respects.
Also, in social lufe it often happens that one person does something, while the others get dragged along. So social looks being of a certain kind does not necessarily mean the person using just such areas of life. At least you should pay attention to the social ibfluencies you get, are you especially in that situation via social inföyencies from the other person for example thinking that the other person looks civiliced or using your cuviliced picture of the world, thinking objectively with good quality and wusdom of lufe and folliwing wisdom in practice, taking knto account the environment and the wider environment and what the others each are like, all that wisely in the world?
My father and mother saw each other as positive challenges for themselves, challenges tgat they longed for in life and which were good for their life possibilities, and for which they well had the strenght for so that they jyst out of enjoyment chose such a spouce. My father seemed to have some healthy kind of wisdom of lufe, kind of ages old nature of humans and luving beings carrying lufe well when in connection with lots of emphazis on rationality. He also had good weather skills and kind of easy going almost flegmant looking social style as a choice he considered a good option. My both parents valued really lot school's civiliced wisdom and the nature sciences, especially rationality. I guess my mother saw living with a man as a challenge to lufe skills, integrity, wisdom of life and objective thinking skills, saw this from the point of view of having grown up in a traditilnal women's view, in a group of young women or girls' school, kind of thinking women and men different and wondering how to live in such a situation as a woman, with his husband havkng gone through the military service and having a different status and social point of view. They had both had uneven school achievements. So I guess they would have tried to get a child via emphasizing healthy ages old life, especially basic functions of life working well, maybe somewhat copying from the nature via traditional life with the nature, which was largely walking and looking at the trees, grasses, seeing some bird, or the like, and very much living with the weathers and practical chores. I have never before managed to understand how they could be my biological parents, but maybe this way it is possible. The second child they I guess tried to make by remembering their old skills and doing something similar, but it was like mimicking, so it produced a different result. (Could it have been after a party?) And they I guess wanted me somehow along as a forefigure but threw me away since it did not seem a good idea, better to allow the second child to be a different kibd of individual, so they got a socially convincing acting kibd of child tgat pretends that he is expected to have my virtues but instead just about always attacks me and my possibilities to life. I was considered the wisest in our family, especially as a child, and my parents were as if considered my children, and often other adults and other humans too cobsidered somehow less wise as if children comoared to me as a wise rational person with emotilnal wisdom too, but when I got older people foubd it easier to lue about who was like what and so I got bossed around and to unactivity awfully lot abd lost my social power to influence my life and almost anything at all, especially so because of kind of spiritual effects and when there were foreigners estimating something or people from far away, and so later also when people estimated by looks or attacked lyingly in the cover of low-quality thoughts etc, and somewhat such happened already as a child or baby.
b3. My own Gaia theory. The domain is no longer valid. Just a story, the link ought to be to , and , maybe also to .
(8.5.2023 The picture of the video are from a cold climare of four seasons, summertime pictures. The paradise theory says that one ought to have climate skills for the climate that one is in. )
After the white flowers in the beginning at least most of the outdoor pictures are from our summer cottage in eastern Finland, but I haven't been there for over ten years. People are enthusiasts of different things, via them they rise higher, but not via anything that others happen to like.
It is important to choose where one lives so that that climate supports just those characteristics and values which one wants to have endlessly without needing to compensate them away and without the features of other climates. This Christmas gnome text's skills are meant to be possible all over the world, so they do not demand a cold climate, but many of them get support from a civiliced society.
I found some video of Pentti Linkola : Mirror of the soul I did not watch it fully, but anyway it might explain that this is just one, quite extreme viewpoint, and not a fight between human types.
A few days ago I read in the news of a man in the Netherlands having given sperm to those suffering from childlessness and so he had over 500 hundred children. There was a picture of him and he seemed kind of wanting things alive in his environment, wishing well for children or at least some possibilitues for learning via going to school etc. His name was something like Meijer, which at least in Finnish means a big milk products manufacturer or something like that. But whdn I saw the picture, it made me realize that it seems that most other people, maybe just about all do not want children, maybe not any new children to the world or very few new children and no children of their own, since they look kind of dark or lifeless style like death or near death in ways of living preferred by themselves for themselves, so it must be in some sense rare to want children so much tgat life too is well arranged for having children kn the living environment, kind of refreshing.
And that means that much of the evil of the world may be related yo people wanting to die, and so there maybe is for very many lufe after death, so dying isn't so easy or possible at all for many. So if people do not want to live as humans, there is the option of soulwandering. That seems to require, at least momentarily, the ability to change form, like in insect's transformatiln from certain species worms to butterflues. Or like miracle healing. The reason for humans lookibg lije humans, seems to be young vabies in mother's stomach dreaming of living a human lufe with humans, so the body forms aimed at are of humans. But thinking of how few are comfortable of living always positively and well for the world and for all living beibgs etc, while having a landscape like view of the world, seems to indicate that not all are comfortable of always living like a moyse which rises to two feet to look at the environment so it is likely that many would change to another form, for example in their dreams to an animals species like them. In my eyes certain types of monkeys or apes do not look like the forefathers of humans in the forests but insyead like the descendants of humans who were nice fellows keeping them company indoors.
But one must notice that some humans aim at a future of cyborgs, humanoid robots, other machines including computers, possibly devils but not life in it's traditionsl forms like human spcieties and nature. Some also aim at only ufos etc remaining, or maybe talk of ghosts etc. And some aim at such via the failures and ignorancy of the other views.
Friday, 2 August 2024
Of mildening big troubles
My white Japanese spits when it was older, maybe near ten years of age, had the habit of going through all kinds of forefigures or like minded in having awhite coat, for example people wearing a white shirt, etc, people having chosen to ve in some way white all the time, so especially nyrsing professionals. And so it often turned out that they were not all so moral and good willing like the white colour would suggest, but instead often fed up and quite many of them wondering if black would be the right choice for them. So my white miracle healing spitz got such influencies from varied types of humans. If that went too far ashtray, to nonmoral or even devil servants, I used to comment to it about what is the healthy amount of each thing, like if you are not so motivated toward such shouldn't you leave it away or have it in much smaller amounts in your life, and do instead something that is ok in your opinion, ok in the society and feels like ok for you personally even if you earlier were interested in healing. If one does too much of something, even if it is valued in the society or by the people you know, doing too much of it makes the quality much lower, so there usually is no common sense like point in doing it, it is not at all so important to do it as in small amounts, even though human working places often deteriorate that way, esoecially if there is someone bossing them without enough understanding. So individual judgement is the good side of adults, you can do things that make sense, are good for you and the world, choose your own profession, change it when needed, live your own life wisely, wiser than others could have commanded. Civiliced wisdom is needed, is good to know about, but the basics of it along all the time in common sense like ways, is much better than to try to reach for some ideal in amounts of work or reach for some single critetions instead of using common sense and healthy wisdom of life, and give your friends etc, to the people and animals etc around also their space to live in, freedom with common sense, wisdom of life, fair play and wishing well in the world with basic life skills too.
Thinking and sports skills
In the news there was yesterday a video of a judo match which brought to mind Tao-te-ching readers versus a Christian monk.
I am not up to the relugious level in my writings. Philosophy, objective thinking, arts, wisdom of life, learning skills, etc would describe my level. But as I have now later compared my writing skills and understanding with pieces of religious texts, I just do not have any skills for such. I do not understand how very different kinds of oeople could read the same pages with an ok, even greatly relueving results.
Thursday, 1 August 2024
Internet address
I just bought the domain i.e. theinternet address for a year, and set it to direct visitors to my long long long Christmas gnome skills text's beginning at . It should start to functiln in a week or so, maybe even much quicker, today?
During the last few days it has been cooler here in southern Finland, kind of sadness in the air when the hottest summer is over and the late summer is beginning, especially sad for the smallest insects in the grasses etc. Is that why the Christmas gnomes domain came to my mind, as if somebody else's idea of what to continue to?
Is it that gnomes make handicrafts as a profwssion, kind of mass productiln's features coming along? While elves make handiworks only in a hobby like way or out of interest, only occasionally and at most only a few at a time? Well, my texts in the series "Find / Create The Land Of Christmas" anyway are the old ones, all about the Finnish "tonttu" or "joulutonttu", without knowing the difference between a Christmas gnome and a Christmas elf.
2nd of August 2024 Now the link seems to already work on my mobile phone.
July 2025 Olavinlinna castle 550 years old
Next year 2025 in July Savonlinna opera festival will celebrate the 550 years old Olavinlinna medieval castle where the opera festival is k...
Try to follw these two advices fully: 1. An ok angel " ( The Finnish word for an angel is "enkeli", in which "en...
I have tried to find a song which I liked as a child. It had words somewhat like "A man is now escaping from the prison island in Sakh...
Obs. The advice about "reducing big burdens" is in this blog post, at the entry 3rd of July 2024, after the first snowflake in it...