Sunday, 30 June 2024

Of conceiving several people and animals at the same time

 If one is kind of steaightforward basic rational, caring for the world and good willing as one's approach to life, many thibgs compare to skills for doing something to reach for some goals in one's educated civiliced picture of the world. So for example one sees when doing somethibg together or discussing sonething honestly enough, that those skills of the other person help to reach this kinds of goals so and so well, while some part of the effort the other one uses to such and such kind of goals, while my own situation similarly estinated is these and these skilks for these goals help reaching them this well. So across time one kind of gains a picture of the world of which skilks help in what, and those skills are from one's own life experience like areas of life used in the skilks at hand reflecting in how one keeps one's limbs and the whole body too, and so in the picture of obe's body there are the different skilks too, and that is in a way that comes naturally from one's own life experience plus from the ways of doibg, styles etc of others havibg cone vua distant social good will while doibg something togeyher, lije a Japanese nartual arts hobby for example, via socia mirrowing to one's gesture language for a while to help the social eye without disturbing what one is doibg oneself. So one has a kibd of human figure lije or an animal figure lije picture of possible skills and of who is lije what in skilks, areas of life, motivatiln, emotional content to their lives, najor areas and the detailedness etc of their picture of tge world, life spheres and effects in the world and in social life, etc and simikarly of aninal species, types, etc. And this is a helping aid in estimating skill levels etc, and so it is allng and does not disturb action, and so one can be sporty with a sonewhat dancing or wisdom of life or music lustener like view of movibg too, kibd of info of ways of living and of doing alobg too. 

The way of remembering such is like noticing "that one is like that, aha!" intellectually while doing somethibg else oneself. So it is not like keeping co.pany and not a spiritual thing but instead just a way of learning skills for life from tge point of view of objective thinking and a school kind of picture of the world. Kind of basic observations that school suppises that all have, but they do not have, since they do not seek to use a civiliced picture of the world with common sense along plus folliw civiluced values, wishkng well for the world. How well some skill works out, depends a lot also on what are the person's goals in the world, and those goals and practical choices about ways of doing, quality, etc, are those choices good for the world and for life at large in the world, when watched in a general level paying attention to values, ways of doing, etc. 

I do not know, why I write it here, but my grandfather on my mother's side, was called Paavo Karkiainen and he was or had been working in buying wood for factories or the like. My impression is that he was a kind of factual person liking walkibg in the forests, so he took the job that he could get in such a work, and so it was in wood trade and he jyst followed school kind of rationality and schooled education of that job. My imoression is that he either was at the office doibg paperwork and answering the phone about wood trade. Or then when someone more seller kind of socially oriented person said someone (usually a farmer  or maybe elderly living countryside or having lived countryside)  wanted to sell hus forest for wood, they drove there abd talked the area of life in education's ways a little bit and took a walk in the woods. Or if the people were not sure, they maybe had sone social talk in mind, my grandfather jyst left and returned if the sales person informed it such a time again, and so they made sure that they want to sell the forest piece and tgat their family agreed too. And so they filled sone form of what was the plan, and agreement, but trying to maje it in a way that it was possible to cancel afterwards, but such does not always work out. So they took a walk in the forwst and marked trees to keep i.e. to not to disturb, and trees of which obe has to have an opinion of whether to keep it or not, and they narked the area and that was the official main task, but in connection with that they continued to makibg sure where the edges go, so they went through the areas in the edges or near by and got an opinion tree per tree or per groyps of trees sometimes, which trees to leave so that it would be a nice lookibg healthy kind of edge of a forest, good for the ypunger generation too. And so I guess that was it and he returned to the office. 

My grandfather associated with me a little bit, emphasizing school like rationality. My grandmother was not at all like him, she did not associate with me at all, she said that she had only daughters and of her geandchildren all are girls except my brother, so she chose to associate only with him, suppirt him especially, and not me at all, she seemed to think that I should be like my mother who was very harsh on my and very academically oriented. While visiting my grandparents my relatives demanded that I should be or stsrt being a boy, and since tgat was not possible, there was nothing reserved for me, I was just along lije some piece of cloth forgotten in the hall. I wondered if it was so because my grandmother seemed to ve too much for evil. 

But my grandmother used to practice from some age onwards telling poems, and somehow she always practised the poem "dark wheat bird's song..." managing to misemphasize the first long word just about every attempt, but then she went to some poetry telling teacher and across the years she became really skilled. My mom at first said, could my grandparents tell something of arts, to show that the elderly often ubderstands arts, and since such was more possiböe in the countryside town Lappeenranta where they lived. And the chouce of the poem was because me and others too ought to know that it was just "dark" suiting to my geandmom, so worth paying attentiln that thete is such a danger or fault there. A d to mym grsndmom my mom Riitta said that it is good for her to know tgat she can well learn valued thibgs kn an old age, since she had mostly been a homemom of three daughters. And she really did lwarn fine performances. 


Dark wheat bird's song in my ears,
above the wheat seeds full moon;
summer nights happiness is mine,
to a mist dresses themselves the valleys.
I am not joyful, I am not sad or sighing;
but bring to me forest's dark colours,
the red of the clouds to which day vanishes,
faraway sight of a windy hill that sleeps,
the scent of tiny pink flowers and the shadows of lakes;
of these I weave my heart's song.

To you I sing miss, summer grass,
my heart's great silence,
my religion, sing as melodies,
an oak leaves head decoration lush, new.
I am no longer tracing vanishing fake lights,
in my hand happiness's gold,
life's sphere around me gets smaller;
time stops, wind indicator sleeps;
in my front a twilighty road
leads to an unfamiliar cottage."

Eino Leino (My translation)

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On Sunday 30 June 2024, Kaisa Hannele Tervola <> wrote:

Katoin netistä tervaleppäpuista tietoa, mutta siinä sanottiin mm että tahmeat lehdet, eihän se ole tervettä ollenkaan. Toivoin, että tervolan kimppuun hyökkäilemisen saisi loppumaan tuolla, lepytettyä, muttei se näytä olevan lllenkaan niin, vaan kauhistus koko puu väärin nimetty, luulen. Argentiinalainen nainen joka on muuttanut Afrikkaan ja sieltä Suomeen, olisi tuln tyylinen, kamalan hyökkäileväisiä!, eli olisiko ensinnä mieleen tuleva nimi pillunyrkki tms, ja kun sitten miettii, että mikä siinä menee pieleen, mikä aggressoivisuyden aiheuttaa, niin olisi seuraavsksi mieleen tuleva nimi sille insinöörinheila. Muttei noi oikein puiden nimiltä caikuta. Mutta onko nykymaailnassa niin, että tuollaiset säilyvät, mutta esim minä olisin lähinnä heinä tai pikkulintu tms eläin, pois tieltä väistävä ainakin osan aikaa. 
Koivu olisi tälleen ajatellen jotain sellaista kuin "yritetään tätä nyt sivistybeesti, ehkä tää kelpaa, kokeillaan, ai auts ei se sit menny, täytyy kattoa että mikä ois sopiva" tms. 
Ja mänty jotakin sellaista että "yritetään tätä työtapaan niin ehkä se sit onnistuu, tai ainakin nähdään mitä käy".
Ja kuusi "eiku hiivatti, ei tää nyt köy, täytyy ottaa takapakkia, ehä tavallusesta elämästä, sen taidoista jostakin löytyy vastaus tähänkin, useasti on löytynyt, mutta ei tää kyl nyt tällasena sellasenaan mee".
Terv. Hannele 


Tammi ois ehkä jotain sellaista kuin sosiaalusen lojaaliuden varassa toimiminen mutta kulttuurin viisaana pitämällä tavalla, "eikö tätä pidetä hyvänä, kulttuurin mukaan hyvänä, voisin olla sellainen ja jatkaa tössä nyt niin ehkä elämä jatkuu hyvin ympärillä yhteiskunnan carassa olevilta osin, ainakin oman vaikutujseni osalta, onhan koulun viisaus tukena ja hyvänä pidetty elämäbviisaus sen kanssa sovussa". 

Pihlajasta harrastunut ehkä tulisi ja kysyisi, että "jos laitan näille tätä, niin voinko sitten mennä ja laittaa noilke tuota, ja voinko sitten mennä noiden muiden kanssa tuolla sosiaalusesti ja jatkaa siinä seurassa ikään kuin se seura tukikohtanani".

Haapa kuin vanha raihnainen tunteille tilaa haluava lääkkeissä dumoattuna mutta ulkoilevainen yms, pääosin nuoremmille puhuen "mutta me emme tuedä mutä siitä tulee kostumaan jos he tulevat tänne, voitteko ystävällusesti auttaa niin me nostamme tätä hiukan, olusi parempi jos olisi hyvä elämä kaikilla, mutta onko niin käytännössä se on ihan eri juttu, no niin". (Haapa tai tämä tekstini toi mahakipuja, katso kivinluevitysohjeita .) 

Pyökki (laminaattilattia) "no ehkä sitten tääkin pitää tehdä, voikohan tässä nyt, jos mäteentän ihan tavallaan yleishyödyllusen asian, vaikkakin mun mielestä ikävän raskaan tuokionakin mitä muut ei ehkä usko tai jotkut uskoo paljonkin että vammsisia ym pitää auttaa, niin voinko mäsitten, jos vaikka käyn syömässä eka, niin jaksaa huolehtia sen ja sen tästä arjesta, jolloin mun ois mukava caikka vähän levätä, ja sitten voiko jo lähteä jonnekin vai jääkö se taas ja on koti-ilta niin kuin liian useasti tähänkin asti viimeaikoina vai vuosina" 

Basic civiliced wisdom and common sense with high skills, or technical arrangements, guesses, lies, occult attacks and social unjustice

 I just noticed, why many wise people get attacked by criminally thinking people with official position, for example by the care professions. Someone with a poor elementary engibeering head would have thought of the need for safety arrangements in the society and in the lives of individuals and groups, that hey why don't we copy safety arrangements from the wisest? For example a wise elderly person protecting one's home, woukd be copied to protecting the country against intruders, protecting it's laws etc. And an elderly person understanding about spiritual healing, protectibg one's lufe against care professionals around, why wouldn't such a person ve a good model for the workers in care professions in guarding agaibst illnesses, unjustices made by too ill care professionals, etc? 

But such things are not the same, like a country for example has many kibds of peopke, many diffetent chouces of valyes and ways of living, many diffetent skill levels, kniwledge, lufe exoerience, etc. So all those should not be protected as well as the wise protecting their own home, or ibstead of the safety and wisdom of the wise given fair space to live in in the society. Likewise the personal lufe of a person with a different professional inclinatiln, ought not be used to carry the burdens of another kinds of life choices. 

Typical to such situations is that the wise folliw fully basic civiluced wisdom, especially wishing well for the world, clmmon sense like objective thinking, wisdom of life, fair play, honesty without needing to tell a lot about oneself etc, respibsible behaviour, basic civiluced picture of the world and life experience, plus ordinarily recommended civiliced skills. While the robbers on the other hand claim such basic rights being occult phenomena, ocvult protection and occult rights, belonging to some others like professionals in care professions or to some group lije for example the coubtry or some major group in it, and typical to these is ghat their qualitues, skill levels, values, level of honesty, etc are not checked, so it happens that basic common sense according to school efucation gets replaced by guesses based on social eye and lies and on some claim of everything being occult errors which the robbers ought to correcr away by commanding, occult arrangements, gueswork replacing common sense and sure basic arrangements for protecting the basic righrs of individuals and of groups. 

One of the basic problems in this is that basic common sense can be learned and so such abilities to protection learned at least somewhat, but if these effects are claimed occukt and stolen away to care professionals or to claimed religious people who though are very unwise, unmoral, then there is nothing to copy from, to learn from. The whole thing has been replaced occult arrangements, lues, acting, false claims, etc. 

There are useful things about safety, which one can learn via good enough common sense like undwrstanding, and which may be useful for many. Common sense is such a skill, good to try to learn oneself too. In Savonlinna, while living in an apartment house with an old times' military streetname, I learned that if there is shooting or some shooting like bang outdoors, it is often enough for safety to just sit down or to turn off the lights and don't go so near a window that one would be in sight from outdoors. And that curtains are often too transparent for such unless one turns off the light. If one needs to spend a longer time so, like for example escaping hot summer sun, or like during the New Year, it is often nice to leave some nondangerous space open in the curtains, like seeing beautiful nature and being able to go to the window for a short while but on purpose only or only when passing by. 

There is a big difference in how well you are in sight from outdoors, depending on whether you are in light or more in the shadows. 

Also common sense can have usefulness for many, like basic skills usually, it is good to have good forefigures in them. And such may cause that some people with good quality basic skills and following civiluced values, can have surprisingly important persons or thibgs connected with them, without really noticing it themselves, someone just passed by, and so such kind of ordinary wise persons may be much needed, not alliwed to rob such things away from them or use the person to repair or hide this and that. 

Like now tens of years later it comes to my mind that when I was school age, my father's work colleagues from Sovjet Union sometimes visited us or our wooden house while in Finland. And once I was kibd of amazed why one somewhat fat man I thought a forest research colleague called Leo sat in the living room quietly alone for a long while, and it somehow tyrned out that I asked him and he explained that he is not now here because of forest research, instead he is telling how to build houses, since you were interested in that, he said we would learn by jyst seekng him, I did not understand, but my father explained that they build fine houses, like (Leo said to that only something like:) that one white one much talked about upon a hill. And that's it, but there really is a fine white house upon a hill in the center of Helsinki (a white catedral Helsingin tuomiokirkko), and it sonewhat is the same style as he was, but still it is difficukt to ubderstand. That was once years ago, I haven't heard of such later. 

But when I was maybe preteen, it seemed that the international negotiations of the superpowers sonehow benefitted from my view and so there were more of such in Helsinki, maybe. 

Saturday, 29 June 2024

About a natural way to dance and learn skills

 I watched yesterday some of a video of the Swedish old times Eurovision winner band Abba singing their song The dancing queen. For the first time I thought of the melody thinking of a family with school aged girls in Lappeenranta in eastern Finland, and it seemed that the melody did not give much room for individual dancing but instead more like folliwing mom etc saying let's now do these movements and thise kinds of etc. I think that one does not learn if obe has no space for individual expressions of what comes to obe's mind, like a few steps like this, for example those from southern Sweden maybe would like a short piece like pirates. Or a few steps lije snow plus trees. Kind of doibg things that one can based on one's ordinary lufe skills, but not so much that one woukd change to another subject or different skills practised. Kibd of as a group doibg sonething oractical chores together snd each one doibg in one's own style and according to one's own motivatiln and skills, for example varying rythm and mood according to thibgs done. And the action natural like on the video summer cottage like life. 

Visit Kotka

 The Finnish sea coast town called "eagle" Kotka in South-East Finland, is very impressive, at least at first glance. See 


An old song A rose of Kotka, tells of darkening August evenings, still on the more light summer side of the year. 

" A rose of Kotka (town called Eagle)

It's evening,
stars get lighted to shine,
dark water splashes as waves to the wharfs.
Once again song waits in the harbour for the wanderer, night time's joys wait, and a boy waits for someone who would take him. 

Come along, the stars start to glimmer. 
Come along, the played music wakes to thunder loud. Once again singing is heard loudly, wine glasses full of bubbles. Once again a rose of Kotka waits for someobe to pick her. 

Who would come with me to dance? I guess a moment's comfort for sorrow from a glass is allowed? If I decide I want to give you my love, you can own the rose of Kotka for a while. 

Tonight, luck will favour the brave ones, tonight love will give it's glow, tonight charm lips, give their hottest. He/she, Kotka's rose will start to flower. 

One cannot avoid one's fate, not even the bravest ones. You are my fate, you boy of the distant lands. Come along, there is a dance in the bar! Come along, boy, to the harbour of Kotka!" 


This does not connect especially with Kotka, but if someone would like this kinds of charm, but does not have much life of her/his own, would they like to try 
*   white water canoeing (it is dangerous)?
*   Or a, maybe quite short, if so it is nice and wished for beforehand, walk in the forest and sit on a fire in a fireplace with trees around and salmon food getting fried by the fire?
*   A milder, less dangerous than white water canoeing, version would be to paddle a canoe along the rocky shores with trees, grasses and other nature, too, and just watch the scenery, enjoy the experience, for example on a lake. See 

*   " 30th of May 2024   Come to think of it, my father had a nice way of skiing in the forests in the winter, resembling some Eino Leino's poems, but I guess such is some traditional wisdom and he had good skills of recreation outdoors in the winter.
"I ski the snow covers leisurely slowly, (just a few steps, then  stopping for a moment to look at the landscape, the snowy beauty of trees etc, gliding down a slight hill, a few steps and looking around, maybe changing route,...)
Wind tosses snow.
Mostly it is as if travelling against the wind and not so much like being carried along the wind. 

*   Music, sports hobby and (maybe buying) clothes fitted to free time 

*   Maybe studying on some free time courses some languages that make interesting charming foreign cultures possible in your life. 

Trying to figure out names

 Alaska - "down with Kaisa" or "all ask A", might better fit Himalyan mountain tops, with Buddhism granting such a position and view. 

If one then would think, what the former Alaska ought to be called, after thinking of Novaja Zemlja and Russian Santa Claus there, I come to think of the name "Dwenda", kind of people wandering around and asking from whom one can learn skills for so northern life, and the well working answer often is that from some Russian culture. And people also are all the time searching for the tale like beauty of nature etc, of quite round crystal shaped mountain tops, wolves, thick needle trees, etc and of course lots of snow. 

But at that the place seems to be called north-eastern USA, which seems to lead to guessing that China would be renamed usa, leaving the former usa the name Switcherland, kind of fitting the many immigrants there, and usa trying to change the world toward better via highly educated or otherwise wise views. 

????? * * *

Novaja Zemlja

 I have the impression that the Russian Santa Claus is said to have lived in the Novaja Zemlja narrow landform north from North-West Russia. It too belongs to Russia, but it is so north that it sounds impissible for anyone to live there. The name gives an imoression of dazzling white snow cover in spring or summer light. 

But thinking of the name, it really might be that the Russian Santa Claus lives there with his Christmas gnomes or elves. "Nova" is what a new amazingly bright star is called. And in the Finnush language "ja se millainen, ja..." means " and what is it like, and..." which coukd continue: "can we copy it, can we "see millions" of them "jatkossa" when you/we continue this way? So it could be of producing really fine presents! 

The ordinary answer to questions about the Russian Santa or Russian Santa Claus land, is : "We do not know. But we seem to get snow flakes whenever we think of him (Santa), there must be millions of snow flakes in Russia, and the Santa and his gnomes send them, they seem to like having many slightly different kinds of charming snow flakes." On the other hand, when one looks in one's mind's eye toward the Santa Claus Lands, they say that they do not know how they could make or just arrange so many Christmas presents. But they have many snow flakes, so to begin with they send snow flakes, just to have something to send before one can think of any better alternative, like serving tea for example, in a traditional wooden house Russian style. And nearer Christmas they would have a better idea of how to create presents. And people themselves can help, ease the burden somewhat, and some relugious peopke too tend to help, especially under Christmas. 

A comment about tumbling / about accidents

 " 29th of June 2024   Tumbling comments,   Tumbling us a form of sport in which the person goes round like from hands to feet and from the to hands etc like someone flying from a car in an accident might go. Such is often very hazardous, even though I have seen some videos of it. If someone flies from a car and is left spinning in such a way, I guess it is not good to be completely rigid, but instead one shouls give in and bend a little according to the situation, naybe like made from gummy or even more flexible, but without so much that one would go to unnatyral postures. Often in skills the fifference between a successful attempt and an accident is great, lije for example whether one can ride a bicycle or not, so if obe estimates by feelings, one should choose nice effortless easy comfortable nondangerous alternatives with freedom of affecting things by slight choices, so such alternatives may be nice like eating a Christmas cookie, and also religious help may make things so easief, like the car glidingly stop to the roadside for exsmple and all stayed unharmed. But if one tries such when flying away from a car and maybe left spinning, it matters that one would not rely on someone wishing for toughvrealusm like bang to a tree since the other person claimed that trusting positive feelings is such, so one should indtead to kibd of relugiously wish well and wish help from friendly birds etc around for it to end well. And if one is left lying there somewhere, notice that one came out of the car in an unusual way, but moving anyway, not jyst sitting lazily, and so one is in the forest or so and one ought to sit up, open one's eyes and look at the greenery, birds etc abd start being like in such an environment one ordinarily ought to be. " 

From my blog 

Kalevan kisat

 In the news there was some video of the Finnish sports happening Kalevan kisat, the games of Kaleva, referring to the cultural inheritage of Kalevala like things. I watched some foreigner, maybe from Central Europe, being quite satisfied with the nuce summer weather, being able to bear such amounts of cool and exoerience the summer time nature too, trees outside the field and some grasses, the feeling of summer time in the quite cool air. Thinking of Kalevala it brought to my mind the attempt to what would it affect sports' strenght and skills, if one thought of a nature landscape, wishing well for the world, all thibgs objectively and fairly well in wise ways and with wisdom of lufe, so all motivational factirs in one's picture of the world and in life in the living for the sports achievements, also social good will supporting others in supporting the good of the world, and the nature landscape making it easier to see at the same time, feel and get strenght from those feelings, suppirt the world wisely well so, how much more strenght, agility, etc it would give? And enjoyment of moving, of being alive, as a feeling caring being in the world, for better ways if living! It is typical for sports articles of ongoing happenings that the videos etc may change, and then later it maybe only says that the competition is over. Such may relate to the climate demanding different things as the seasons change, and also the society changes as years pass. 

My translation of the beginning of Kalevala 

As a word "kisat" means something like playfully running around, leisurely, like a garden game not taken seriously but nice if one wants such in the beginning of summer, like several guests giving it a try at some point of a loose summer celebration like meeting. In fact the word comes from the word for competition but it is not so much like for points but instead for fun, for the enjoyment of it, each one using the amount of time they feel interested kn investing in it right then, since sports are good for staying healthy and feeling well and for endurancy, also for heat regulation etc skills. It is a way of doing typical to people each one at some point trying something fine, like throwing a hulahula ring to the air in an atmospheric way born from the moment's observations and a likibg toward such, so the things done maybe are not so meanibgful, but instead fun and good for learning like children's games. 

( Thinking of words, Kalevala means place somehow named after Kaleva. In phonetical meaning "ka" often refers to practical life according to traditional ways of life and culture's main current. In the Swedish language "le" means to smile. And in the Finnish language "vauva" means "a baby" and "vaan" means only, solely. So it could be that if teaditional practical life makes a baby smile in a music like way, it may be a mark that the baby has high skills, kind of music level potential. Similarly, if oractical life of the teaditional type makes a person always just smile, maybe they have a good capacity to such and to life in general and are interested in practical life, for examole sports, maybe in a musical way. So a place following such people's views on skills and values, might be with very high skills, maybe worth comparing with Kalevala type skills, maybe being interested in learning such types of skills. ) 

Friday, 28 June 2024

Nature landscapes' fascination in songs

 I haven't been on a summer cottage for 15 years, which is a great pity, since I used to like such and grasp just about all possibilities to go to summer cottage, which was about once or twice a year. 

I remember once as a young adult I was going to the summer cottage of my parents with them, and it was a lake district, so we were wsiting for a ferry across some somewhat narrow place between lakes and with some current in it but not much. So I got out of the car and went to the stony shore, and as I watched the lake's waves I heard this song from a CD, and it was really fine, atmospheric, kind of longing for the nature, seeing it as fine compared with the human spheres of life, and on the other hand just moment, so the experience maybe shared with many, our tricolour motly blavk short-haired collie was maybe along too, or has been on the previous times for years. 

" Y11.   And I have liked Olavi Virta. "Silvery moon, creates a bridge to the sea. There could never come, iguess an evening like this. I wait without success, you my love. Silvery moon, creates a bridge to the sea."


I guess that teenagers often figure fine words to songs, if the view does not need to be the same as in the melody, kind of full of inspiring clishes that somehow fit the melody and give room for life. 


 The famous old Russian song Unforgettable evening, which tells of the beauty of nature, the impressive colours of sunset when visiting countryside, "...even if I would forget everything else, this evening I would never forget", brings to my mind moments when one wanders somewhere, maybe city streets quite in the beginning of summer or a town that one likes, and suddenly comes to some spot of a flowering high flower bush and a peaceful atmosphere, or some fine view over town with sunset colours (which here in the north last long), and one kind of stops and would say to one's children that "hey watch this, this is a moment worth experiencing, so you learn how people lived in the old times, what it was to have nature around, and that some people live like this even nowadays, one can choose to live so, for examole to have a garden or to go to walks in a park or to live in a small town like this or to have a job in a place like here these, etc." 

" Y12.   I somehow feel that this Russian folk song too would fit this Christmas gnome skills text.

How wide one's view and is it a good future for the world so?

 Some people get stuck in very small circles of life, and so they get poor ways of living and are not happy. Also the sphere of attentiln is then often small and so there are not many possible choices in social matters, and so such people easily run into conflicts and crimes like murders etc. The opposite is having a wide school kibd of picture of the world ln a general level and with healthy ways of livkng and beautiful values in the world. Such ought to lead to a good future for all. But the problem is, how to get the sphere of atte tion of others to open in positive ways. For example many animals have both an interest in clise social relations, practical life and anyway part of the time a wide landscape like view of the world, an idea of where they are, how skills and civiliced wisdom go and what is the idea of things in their lives in the wide world. 

The problem in widening another person's view is often that a kind of square or otherwise shortsighted perspective with heavy feeling emphazies, does not take seriously a wide kind of tranquil perspective even if it is objective, but instead asks "what about it?" and rushes to attack something in that landscape in a heavy feeling way. So an interneduate form is needed, like referring to all the civiluced wusdom and wisdom of life that lne has heard of, kind of as saying these things that people in friendly or neutral terms tend to call wusdom or wisdom of life, kind of for the better world that is good to live in, for better life like is wise, and good for the future generations too. 

Like a red diamond

 In the news there was a film about another game claimed to be invented by Tahko Pihkala who invented Finnish baseball. This game resembled American rugby but without violent parts. I do not remember hearing of this one, even though the Finnish baseball is a well known ordinary sport. This game was with an oval shaped ball, but watching the film it seemed that one ran with the ball while all the others tried to steal the ball from him. So it was like about having found a red diamond, or some other rare jewel one-of-a-kind and worth millions of usd. So one was just in trouble unless one managed to get rid of the jewel or copy it to very very many, to maybe millions, like these texts of mine here in the internet have that good side. Even though I no longer understand why my texts would be so wanted. John Steinbeck's famous short story "The Pearl" tells of such. In the internet there are videos of the story, but those seem culturally different. 

* * *

In the video of a movie about John Steinbeck's novel The Pearl the people look clumsy as if so much with an unmoving theory perspective that they do not experience lufe so strongly. But if one then thinjs of the novel maybe been from a time when engineering was clumsy, elementary math like, and if one thinks of the children etc having had such parents or people to compare with, would theory, the rigid terminoligy like style, have been gone through shortly and well: "Aha!" and so there have been lots of room for quick seen and otherwise sensed observatilns of one's own, like bribgs content to life and like is the idea in sports and in driving a car. Is that high quality of life, natural happiness, what in fact was the jewel or pearl? School kind of wisdom fully followed, like is wise in the world, good for life in the world in the long run.  

I watched only the beginning of the video. 

Is it the eskimos swimming in the beginning of the video, or why does it not open to a rich experience of life otherwise than by thinking of cold water? 

But too much pretended close relations, like a child swimming by oneself, concentrating on having high skills, and then another coming clise as if those were shared skills instead of each lne needing one's own ways of doing, needing some individuality. The clise relationd of thinking kndividuals aren't like thinking plus acting relations. Instead each one has a picture of the world, lufe experience and own skills, and one also has values, likings, practical arrangements, some comfortable areas of lufe telling of suitable professions, etc. So one jyst lives in the world and has feelings. Of personal relations either one likes such people, likes to associate with them in such ways, or then those are some arrangement, lije something for society's values, something for personal life in such a society and something for good ways of living there. So one associates with others who are all very different, have different likings, values, picture of the world, different comfortable aress of life, different wisheS,... 

Somehow it came to my mind to add some of my spring melodies here, mostly from April 2019. 

aa se kausi, kun on hyvä vaellella ulkona pitkiäkin matkoja, mutta eilinen oli vasta liikkeellelähdön tunnelmainen, ei ihan vaeltelun. Tänään jo kuljin jonkin matkaa, kun oli pilvistä ja tiet sulat lähes kaikkialla.


Tänään oli ulkona kaunista mutta jonkin verran kosteaa, ja jotenkin se kuvastui tähän sävelmäänkin, vaikka aihe on auringonpaisteläikän lämpö.

31.3.2019   "
Tuo jälkimmäinen on toukokuumainen, kostea viiston auringonpaisteinen tai venäläismäinen ja vaatii kai, ettei ihan vain nojaa kevääseen yrittäen elää sen varassa, vaan että elämässä on jotakin muuta sisältöä, arvostamaansa kukkeaa, mihin kevät vertautuu erilaisena mutta sointuisana."

1. huhtikuuta 2019
Haluaisin erityisesti säveltää huhtikuun osioon vuodenaikakirjoitukseeni säiden ja sisätilojen ohjeita, mutta olen pelännyt, että se olisi hankalaa, sillä huhtikuussa tulee monelta muulta vaikutteena huonoa mielialaa. Ja niin aloitin heti ekana päivänä.Ei ne tuloksen niin kummosia ole sävelminä,mutta jotakin kumminkin, olen tyytyväinen. Ja huojentunut.

Huhtikuussa on se ero maaliskuuhun, että jotkut ovat kovin palikkajärkisiä huhtikuussa, ja niin konkreettinen taso pitää pitää selkeästi mukana sävelmässä, esim. askelten rytmin myötä, ja selittää, miten näköaistin ja tunnelmatajun varassa havaittu maisema luo monimutkisempiin asioihin selkeän konkreettisen rakenteen, niin vasta sitten kauniit asiat tuntuvat olevan ulottuvilla, ymmärryksen tukemia. Siksi luulen, että huhtikuuhun tarvitaan joitain tällaisia perustason elämisen ohjeita, eikä vain laulukirjan hienouksia, joissa on monta taitoa osattava samaan aikaan, jotta ne saa toimimaan elämässään.

2. huhtikuuta 2019   Eilisiltana myöhään koirani ottivat miettiäkseen lämmön palautumista kehoon, kenties siksi,e ttä olin vähää aiemmin antanut niille maitoa, ehkä niillä oli kylmä. Yritin säveltää aiheesta jotakin, mutten niin onnistunut. Lisäsin sen kumminkin tuohon vuodenaikakirjoitukseen, kun se tuntui aiheena sopivan huhtikuulle, niin kuin koirani ehdottivat.

Sitä tässä mietin, kun aluksi oli näissä sävelmänkappaleissa paljon enemmän näkemystä säveltämisen taidosta, ettei nuotinkirjoitus ("write music" nettihaku) nettisivuston Noteflight vaikute ollut niin edullista sävellystaidolle, vaan pikemminkin säveltämisestä tai soittamisesta haaveilevien vaikute, jossa ei taitoa niin ole, on jotenkin miettimismäisempää, tyhjän paperin tuijottamisen tunnelmaista, ei kokemuksellisesti rikasta viisasta elämää, josta kaikille sopiva teema poimia, muutama sellainen ja koostaa niistä kappale, kuten omassa musiikkinäkemyksessäni, joka on pikkulintuvaikutteinen ja puista pitävän näkökulma.
Mutta silleen hyvä tuo Noteflight, kun sieltä sai kokeiluversion, niin ilmaiseksi saa aina kymmenen nuottia tehdä ja kokeeksi kuukaudessa miten monta vain, mikä sopii hyvin tähän, jos huhtikuuta varten juuri yritän säveltää, paitsi, että huhtikuun loppu ja toukokuun alku lehtien tuloon asti eivät enää ehdi mukaan, jollei osta lisäkuukautta.

4.4.2019    "Kevät ei kai suju kovin hyvin nojaamalla kevääseen vaan olisi oltava muutakin sisältöä elämässä, arvostamaansa kukkeaa, mihin kevät vertautuu erilaisena mutta sointuisana. Näin syntyy ainakin osa kevätklisheiden mukaisesta keväästä.

Jos keväinen maisema on liian karu, konkreettinen, ruma, palikkajärkisen tasoinen, epäviisaasti elämisen tunnelmainen, niin konkreettisen katselemisen perustason kanssa kannattaa käyttää elämisen arkijärkistä tasoa yhdessä näköaistin aj tunnelmatajun kanssa, niin tunnelmataju yhdessä nähdyn rakennehahmotuksen kanssa kuvaa konkreettisesti monimutkaisemmatkin ilmiöt, jolloin mm kauneus on elämän jonkun puolen tai jonkin osan piirre, jonka ilmiön kuvaa arkiärki. "


la 6. huhtikuuta 2019
Olen tuuminut, että yksi, mitä olisi kiva säveltää huhtikuusta, on osin märkä hiekkainen tie, kun se on ihan nätti ja kiva kulkea, mutta tänä aamuna sitten yritin ja se oli vain muistikuvan varassa, ei des eiliseltä vaan toissapäivältä tai aiemmin. Niin etten oikein tiedä, menikö pieleen, kun aamulla ei ainakaan ollut sellaista ulkona. Riitasointukin on ongelmnana, mutta kun minusta hiekkatie on hiukan sentapaisen oloinen, ei kun hiekkainen asfalttitie.

Tuo nyt kumminkin tuntuisi menevän blogikirjoitukseni ikävimpien kuolleen ruohikon kuvien kanssa paremmin kuin pelkät kuvat yksinään.

su 7. huhtikuuta 2019

ti 9.4.2019

Tää säveltämisen tapa on sellanen,että on hetki, jollaon tietty meininki ja tunnelma, aiheensa kuten tämä tapa elää säät, ja sitä elän tavalllisen elämän virran osana, ja kiinnitän huomioni etenkin tunnelmaan, meininkiin, sen kauneuteen, vetovoimatekijöihin, ja kuulostelen, mitä se olisi sävelinä, minkä korkuisia ja mikä rytmi, mitkä olisivat pitkiäja mitkälyhyitä säveliä.En tiedä,johtuuko siitä, että olen aloittelija, mutta aluksi on tunnelma, se soi jotenkin, mutta kun yritän kuulostella sävelkorkeuksia, niin hukkaan tunnelmaa liiaksi ja kuulostelen vain, että tossa kohden oli noi sävelkorkeudet ja suunnilleen noin pitkään soivat, mutta kumminkin siitä tuntuu saavan sävelmänpätkän. Mutta ihan yht'äkkiä muun elämän keskeltä ei voi hypätä säveltämään,koska aihe ei ole silloin niin selvästi mielessä eikä se ole niin keskeinen, ja taustanakin tarttee olla tavallinen elämä eikä sellainen, joka on vain yhdellä tai harvalla, niin että viisi minuuttia häiriötöntä sitä ennen on minimi, usein ei riitä, ja muita asioita ei saa sinä päivänä kovin vahvasti pyöriä mielessä, kuten vaikka eilen en voinut säveltää, kun kävinäänestämässä eduskuntavaaleissa ja koko päivässä oli poliittisten puolueiden meininkiä, vaikkei se ole oma osaamisalueeni.

10. huhtikuuta 2019   Tuossa eilisessä sävelmänpätkässä maisema oli kaunis mutta jonkin verran vetinen, jolloin ei tullut rytmiä sävewlmään vaan kuin lumihile kimaltelee kaikki samanpituisia lyhyitä säveliä, vähän kuin hipaistuja vain. Oli maisema lähellä ja maisema kauempana.

Asun auringonpuoleisessa huoneistossa, jossa paistaa aurinko kesälläkoko päivän ikkunaani niin, että asunnossa on kamalan kuuma, eikä ole rahaa vaihtaa asuntoa johonkin tavalliseen, niin etten voi tehdä kesäkaudella yhtään tavallista Suomen säiden elämistä käsittelevää sävelmää, vaikka kiva olisi, jos nyt keväällä opin säveltämään. Mutta toisaalta blogini kaipaakin apua juuri siihen asti, kun puihin tulee lehdet ja kesään on olemassa laulukirjoissa ja youtubessa oikeita hienoja lauluja, etenkin rakkauslauluja, niin että kai hyvä näin.
Periaatteessahan, jos on asunto liian kuuma Suomen oloihin, niin voisi luulla, että voisi säveltää jotakin suomalaiseen osaamiseen pohjautuvaa ulkomaalaisille, mutta silloinhan sisätila on lämmin ja heillä kenties viilennetty, ja niin he taas kerran luulisivat, että sisätilat vastaavat ulkoilmaa. Kanssa jos kesä ja vehreys on ykis aihe, niin sitä on eri määrä Suomessa ja eron ottaminen huomioon kysyy kai suurempaa etäisyyttä suomalaisiin lauluihin, elämäntapoihin, huomion tyyppiin yms. Niin, ettei kai kuumassa asunnossa asuessa voi säveltää ulkomaita ajatellen, luulen. Vaikka kai se on niin, että jos tässä asun, niin tulen kokeilleeksi, mutten tiedä, onko se kovin epäviisasta.

12. huhtikuuta 2019   Samalta päivältä kuin tuo Wet snow, on osin epäonnistunut kevään vesisadetta musituttavan raemaisen lumisateen kuvaus, missä oli kaunis valo, tai aika kaunis. Mutta siinä oli liian erikoinen aihe, paikka pyörätien alun lähellä tuli jotenkin mukaan ja puuttui kuvaus maisemassa elämisestä ja katselin vain lumipallukoiden putoilemista, valoa niissä.

sunnuntaina 14. huhtikuuta 2019   Sula tie houkuttaa juoksupyrähdyksiin. Muttei nyt ollut niin kamalan hyvä vire ja toinen koirani on laiska juoksemaan, hiekka haittaa sen tassuja. Mutta jotenkin nyt huhtikuussa on se olo, että ellei heti yritä säveltää jotakin, niin ehkä jää koko juttu säveltämättä, usein on se olo, että huhtikuun loppu jostakin lähtien jää kokonaan säveltmättä, vaikken niin itse ole yleensä kärsinyt säistä tai maisemien ankeudesta.

Säveltämään oppimisesta katso tämän blogin kohta Tunnelman inspiroima laulu (huhtikuu 2017?), ja tuon saman blogin kuin vuodenaikakirjoitukseni kohta terveistä elämäntavoista, joka tosin on kamalan pitkä mutta opettaa soivaa elämänkoekemusta.

to 18.4.2019, pääsiäinen
Toissapäivänä tein kaksi asfalttiaiheista: yhden kaupunkimaiseman ja yhden, kun puiden varjot olivat aamulla kauniisti asfaltilla:

Näistä jäi liian asfaltinmakuinen mieli, ja niin

Wall papers of northern life

 I got an advertisement of wall papers, which at least some seemed to refer to very northern life: 

Verso-tapetti to Lapplandish life (verso = plant's recent quite big growth, tapetti = wall paper)

Lukko-tapetti to one who mostly wants to ski, i.e. tundra plus northwards, I guess (lukko = lock)

Paratiisi-tapetti in different colours, the green plus light about life with nature this north as southern Finland, green with green somewhere more warm maybe Central European type climate, and I did not know them all (paratiisi = paradise) 


There was also 

Avaruuslintu-tapetti (space bird wall paper) about astronauts and snow

Karhunputki-tapetti (plant called bear's tunnel like cylinder or bear's working career) of which the more yellowish version brought to my mind the old Japanese Basho's poetry books which contain novel like text with poems in between, teaching so readkng poems, which were really good for better quality of life, for happiness and skills, kind of finding this and this fine new thing, like from the nature, or like from literature, or like finding new nice hobbies, or interesting ways of living, etc

Engineering is no longer very elementary

 "  Times change, and engineering has developed a lot from what it was in 1970's or 1980's when many present day adults chose their future profession or strategy in life. When engineering was considered an important major tune of the modern world, but so new and elementary thst some sought for extra means for developing the understanding of engineers toward more complex and more resembling life, guessing that anything would be better, they decided that it woukd be good to invest in learning from actors, and in doing anything more complex, being along in life even if it went compketely ashtray, and guessing that such shoukd be given room even if it was only criminal, and that thise who had skills on some other area of life ought to stay on that instead of choosing a profession they themselves like. 

So it matters a lot that also more complex machines exist nowadays, both computers and even robots capable of having some kibd of pictures of the world, observation abilitues snd abilities to tune their actions according to their observatiobs and picture of the world. Also the internet brings a wider sphere of complex things into the attention of engineering students etc. 

So engineering no longer is so elementary that it stays separate from the rest of the society. And so there is no need to allow all complex things for engineers etc. Instead one should emphasize that with the wide world one ought to rely on school education, on having different emphazies on skills snd values in different school subjects, instead of trying the engineering approsch to everything. In building a picture of the world, objective thinkibg taught by school is much better than engineering studies alone. 


My books 


From my blig 

About prisoners

 In another news article there was something about prisoners. A video in it made me remember myself as a young adult trying to find work via employment byreau etc, kind of as if the officials had then been asking what to do with the criminals similarly searching for a work, place to live in, etc for themselves. There seemed to have been the same problem in my work applicatilns: nothing seemed to work ok, wspecially not in the longer rjn, so mostly I have been unemployed. 

As an anwer comes to my mind the melody of gnome like life


Plus wishing well in the world, good living conditions for all fairly now and in the future, and always follow that goal with common sense, wisdom of life and good quality, while having some civiliced wisdom, a basic civiliced picture of the world and civiliced values, especially being fair while having the goal of the good of the world, seems important in this. My Christmas gnome skills texts might help in this, but those are really long bunch of texts, books: .

About war in practice and about it's such effects

 Finland here in northern Europe fought in World War II against Sovjet Union. Finland is a quite small country so far north that it as a geographical location isn't so central militarily or otherwise. Finland has a traditional culture of common sense like rationality and wisdom of life and with clise conne tions with nature, sparcely inhabited because of the climate but not like having empty space, more like uninteresting climate etc for foreigners. So Finland has not had a written language and school education for so very long. So school books were mostly copied recommended basic education from other bigger countries, and continued along the same lines, thinking that for a small country education ought to create a communication possibility with the rest of the world, based on strenghts well possible for Finns, creating so a place for Finns as individuals, as a place to live in and as a nation in the world. 

So also the Finnish view on war was kind of basic, safeguarding basic lufe in common sense like ways and trying to communicate well enough with the rest of the world. As such war or defending living conditilns isn't necessarily wsr like. Instead it is common sense like estimating the situation and trying to adspt good life to these new circumstancies. 

So it is not like one side against another, it is more like trying to get some idea of the situation while things happen chaotically, or such was my imoression from the pictures of an article about soldiers fleeing from war, in today's news, see . The men in the pictures appeared old, kind of having estimated the situatiln as a whole differently from the ypunger generatiln. I have heard someone claim that what was left after war were those who had fled or were somehow criminal or wounded or in other jobs like medicare. It sounds bad but as one pays attentiln to what they did, it seems that if someone fled from a war in Asia but considered Finland good, Finnish culture worth following well and defending, they came to Finland and wete classified as Finns, since such ways suited Finland. Likewise there seems to have stayed parties that people without so much experience came yo think of when trying to figure out, who would fix the situatiln, lije Swedes were they more peaceful, would the Lapplandish or eskimos be able to fix the situatiln here if it depended on weather skills of bearing jyst the winter cold? But such groups are adapted to a life elsewhere, so here they are kind of like tokens, placed here by some other place's view, not reacting to the environment, not behaving in common sense like ways with a wide educated picture of the world. 

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

My new blog/book "Weather skills for all climates"

  My new blog "Weather skills for all climates", with links to my free ebooks and to some blog posts of mine, see 

The blog ought to be soon available also as a book at , see .

You ought to be able to find it as an ebook at

Monday, 24 June 2024

Solving problems

 " Trust in ideals, with a wide fair picture of the world. Refer to and rely on ideals etc only, since practical arrangements usually are far from that because of social factors, situation restricting choices, etc. And so all people just about always are much worse forefigures than ordinary school learning at a general level. "

Sunday, 23 June 2024

About a new anthem?


23th of June 2024   As I think of myself as younger, I have liked the Finland's national hymn Maamme-laulu, kind of seriously liking this climate's nature and this place to live in, lufe here with the four seasons and the Finnish culture. But later as I have learned to compose melodies, see advices at , I have wondered if I have understood the melody of our national hymn right at all. It seems charmed by the climate etc, but at the same time, as I have also learned of healing, see i.e. , there seems to be in the feeling of singing together as a group, a flow of bacteria created pressing the people downwards toward a lack of moral, kind of toward opposing the ideals sung about, which are not so clear but something convincing, naturally supported because of being good chouces, I thinl. So is it possible to have such a hymn at all? 

If one thinks of choosing a new anthem, it ought not have such too big drawbacks. I have written at lenght about many kinds of useful skills in my blogs, see especially . I used to have a singing experience of life but I have it no longer, and also my picture of the world is too broken. But anyway I have learned from writing that good choices often ought to ve ok from the point of view of tge whole world, or something in that direction, since many have their own likkngs of which cultures abd climates to prefer, and so they should move to live there, and so there ought to be lit of learnibg of new cultures' skills when already living there, etc. And anyway, foreign relatilns matter too. My only melody in this is Reaching for a good future in a society, but it isn't hymn like. Of having written amazingly much of the skills for a Christmas gnlme like life, I guess that some would lije to choose some Christmas song, but is any Christmas song ok all the year? The song "Tonttu" is about Christmas gnomes, but under zero temoeratures are too dangerous if there are many foreigners interested in the song. From writing about the gour seasons, I have noticed that the song "On kesän kurkas huomen ja suvi sunnuntai. Ei liiku lehti tuomen, on lintunenkin vait'. Vienosti kukkii pellit ja vaarat vihannoi. Kun hartaat aamun kellit vain rauhaa rauhaa meille soi. * Kuin pyhäin juhlasaatto käy soinnut yli maan. Tää on kuin sen päivän aatto, suuren autuaan. ..." seems to fit the weathers of all the seasons and bring longed for fracturelessness, but I do not know what it's effect would be otherwise. Of hymbs there is the Finlandia hymn, which is very famous, and has usually been the only much suppirted alternative for the old anthem. But I do not know of songs so well, so I cannot estimate this well enough, at least not nowadays at all. 


From my blog  

Come to think of it, would many like to choose similarly new hymns, or the like, in addition to the old ones, since times change and it would be good to have good lufe also in the modern more globalised world. So the Christmas gnome skilks tgeme might help in that. 


If one thinks of how to compose a song that is good for all the weathers of the year or at least ok for them, is it possible? I think that the singing birds out in the trees all the year would have wisdom about such, so one shoukd compose it thinking of the wild birds. When one has a rough idea of the seasons, the summer is floyrishing, goid to be a model of wisdom of the trees etc, spring and autumn are kind of speedily moving, while in the winter cold the little birds need to know how to turn themselves into feathered balls. The winter cold needs lots of skills but stays largely quite unmoving and prepared, watching the wintery beauty of the landscape. Such coukd comoare with a hot summer day, and nature's beauty from which to learn weather skills etc maybe could compare with region. Speediness in tge summer and winter could comoare with the caried lines and leaves of a tree bracnh, or with looking more widely around. And so one should jyst see what is alike for sll and what is good for each season when just such weather skilks are needed. And so one would enjoy a Sunday mirning atmosphere on a hot summer day, with nature around, both trees clearly in sight and with a good atmosohere and a wide open space like conceiving air and movement too, maybe a grassy sand road or otherwise good quite ordinary road too. So one would admire at the atmospheric beauty of the kandscape, maybe ask little singing birds of such, and jyst compise around the theme as one's glance naturally wanders, and when the experience of the beauty and wisdom of nature is so strong that it helos to create such atmospheric fracturelessness. 


24th of June 2024   I have written something in connection with the Finlandia Hymn in my blig post where there is also a video of the song. 

My melody Reaching for a good future in the society, can be found at .

There is a video of the song Tonttu in my Christmas gnome skills text J36. .

There is in my book about the four seasons, a picture of a song book page of the song Sunnuntaiaamuna, see the spring part, late April at .


There is also the song Finland's Song, which is quite much about autumn weathers but somewhat about at least winter weathers too. If someone has read my books, it is at the end og the booklet Christmas elf like work, which one can downliad for free at . There is in the blog post about the four seasons a video with me singing it. And there ought to be a video of a male chour singing it at my blog post .

Of my own texts the book "Magnifient Views: and nice to live in" seems to bring something of worth in connection with national identity etc. Maybe also my other books etc, see .

Also the previous blog post about manufacturing good quality products seems imporant for a society. 

And the idea tgat one should not be alliwed to affect thing outside the area that one cultivates right then, seems important too. One must in that take knto account the skill levels, values, quality, pictures of the world, situation at hand and whlm thkngs concern, and each one's ways of being social. 

Anf it seems important to always wish well for lufe in the world, now and in the future, wishing things well for lufe in a way that is fair toward all. One should folliw healthy clmmon sense and healthy wisdom of life, and have civiluced wisdom as a helping aid, and consider good quality impirtant in this. Wishing mildly well for the world, like civilucedly from a distance, makes this easier. Also all social contacts, things said or claimed, etc ought to be watched from this context, taking into account which vslues got supported and which not, what opposed, etc. 


( Of my melodies came to my mind some which can be foubd in my Christmas gnones skills text (the first of the booj serues) A47., C11. and was it G44. at and at links from there, the last one in a blog post from January 2021. Maybe the melidies are not so interesting, but the blog posts might be interestkng. - The picture G45. of an Amerucan indian drom I made on a course, was from ready made parts and with the help of the course leader. )

( The first of these melodies I composed in the spring winter 2019 in Savonlinna at Kaartilantie 15B24, thinking as the subject the original header Feeling of more green/trees in town. But then I changed the name to Gnome like life, since I was writing about that subject. 

A47.   23th March 2019   I came to wonder if one could by one's approack and attachement choose how one feels about how much nature there is in the town that one lives in, and I wondered if one could make a song teaching such, and so I came to make a try on it. It wasn't a very good day for me, but the end result is maybe somewhat gnome like and might fit somehow to such choices too.

This well worth mentioning, since the song was about choosing to live so, wander under the trees etc. And I really have been stuck to this Christmas gnome skills subject niw for over five years after that. Next September would be six years of this subject. I really had or had had kn the lufe the thibgs and skills that I write about, but during these a few years I have list just about everything from my lufe except writing endlessly these blogs, especially about the skills useful for a Christmas gnlme like lufe in the midern world, see or . Earlier I haven't been stuck in such a way in my lufe, to kind of positive subject, but on the other hand I haven't understood at all why I have list most of my originally not-so-wide sphere of lufe - was that too too much for some? Is it at all wise to write about ordibary lufe as if treasures found on the way, kind of not mentionibg the tens of years, and that my lufe maybe isn't any wider than that, and ?? ) 

It can be that there are many views to the same melody, many opinions expressed about it or such, and many versions of such a lufe that it seems to refer to. Those are meant for the individuals whose views those are, not to the compiser etc, since even though those may appears views of the same subject or claim of the composer, those if fact depend on the context, ages of those talking, climate and culture, etc, and also dream jobs may be different etc. So those are not something to force the composer egc knto. Honesty does not mean being at the mercy of the opinions of others, it is only an honest attempt to communicate right, not an obligation. 
Adding words to a melidy often changes the impressiln and message a lot, so such is often the view of the one putting words to the nelody, and usually not that of the composer. 
Likewise each performance of the song is different, and mostly those are the views of the performers or of some of them, but socially more distant frlm the choice of words etc. 
Absentmindedly seekng something in a newspaper or internet page when reading a lot, lots of other things, is often something the reader remembers but does not emphasize in one's daily lufe, especially not overly much or as a nain guideline. Yet it should not be teansferred to an obligation on some who are fond of such subjects. Folliwing civiliced wusdom ought to be enough for guiding things in the society and in the world. 
My melodies typically seek to teach skills, instead of me having thought of such as rules to impose on the world. Like if I look at trees outside the window, in a certain way, with a certain attitude, it can affect how satisfued I am with the feeling of green, instead of getting jyst a glimpse of a tree's branches and lits of buikd environment. 

The problem with Finlandia Hymn and with the song On a Sunday Morning, is that when a song is beautiful, it as far as I know brings especially in the long run a counter reaction of attacking all soft or beautiful things, and the attacks are unwise, so thise attacks do not get corrected by explaining more. The song Finland's Song refers to autumn weathers etc, and such typically too causes some mimuckibg autumn and attacking, kind of claiming, was this damage what yoy wished for, and typically it does not help to say tgat the song was about weather skills etc, since the attacks were based on evil lies. 
On the other hand, Christmas gnomes are a subject that has often been left in peace quite much. So the song Tonttu abd my above melody might suit some foreigners. But one must remember that there may be many types of gnones, so one should demand the basic civiliced values which make gnones nice ti live with and nice tgat they exist. And basic civiliced wisdom is needed, especially wishing well in tge world, aiming at being fair, healthy common sense and healthy wisdom of life. 
There is also the hint ant-hem. "Hem" means "home" in Swedish, and ants are insects living in big societies and known of their hard-working, yet maybe nature idyl like, life. So that could mean Christmas gnome like life as a recommended option, but workers largely as parts of the organized society. I learned something from ants as a baby, and that sounds really wise still. 
But so it matters, which kind of gnomes it would be, and my impression is that my above melody "Gnome like life" works better, has kind of a wider sphere of application, than the song Tonttu. 
So gnome like life would not refer to dizzy looks or stuck ways. My view of gnome like life one can read in my book series "Find / Create The Land Of Christmas", see .
Christmas gnome like life isn't so much opposed, at least it seems that with my book series and blogs much of the opposition mildens and kind of fades away, since many think that "yes, ok, I can well do things that I like, if there are not so very many restrictions on what to do and how, etc." And my book series is for a global audience, so there ought to be no need to come to just Finland. A dream job and a town that one likes and admires & fits into it's traditional culture, ought to be the basic advice roughly. So it alliws moving to a climate and country which one likes and values. 
So if you want to know about this view, you will jyst need to read. But there may be very many different kinds of people reading or discussing the subject with family members etc, people of all ages, of all climate zones, of many coubtries, professions, lufe situations etc, so also slme ill and slme with a poor head may read ghe texts, even though my texts aren't the best for such, even though the miracle healing advices are much liked, are the likely goal for many who, I do not know why, tend to read about Christmas gnomes. 

29th of June 2024   Of my melody Christmas gnome like life /A feeling of more trees in town : If one in one's well working usual way of life emphasizes more than earlier something that makes one's life work out better, makes one feel better and kind of satisfied with such a way of life, like enjoyibg the feel of tree branches still moist after rain, when one passes under a tree while walking in one's everyday life, such makes lne more content with lufe without breaking against former habits, the place of a person like obeself in the world, etc. So it can be a well working long term way of life, unlike the melodies in yesterday's pist about a passing beautiful moment. But one must remember that for others the comfortable major choices, values and characjteristics of the good way of lufe are usually different in a personal way that often reflects one's personal style preferencies: what one longs for and sees as a good influence for one's life. 

About products' quality like fwatures affecting life possibilities

 In Savonlinna I liked some things very much. I lijed the attractions of tge area, and so I also liked it's products, which for me sometimes were very relieving, kind of havkbg a good attitude of giving room to life. Here in Espoo in southern Finland, it has not been the same. I guess the difference is that the products I bought in Savonlinna were kind of referring to whole areas of life, with a wide view of ghe world, aiming at giving good possibilitues for such a profession, hobby or an area of life learned about in youth maybe. So it was not so much an emphazis on producing a product, but instead on someone knowing certain area of lufe well, likibg it, understanding how to give possibilities to learn talents supporting it and such jobs , kind of like is good for good quality art, and like the elderly seek to keep up old professions' traditional skills and learning, giving the youth pissibilitues to such. So the artifacts were maybe done in a hobby like way, because of liking such areas of life, and maybe also via spiritual roads I got a lila and a white blanket for my white miracle healing spitz dog - kibd of supporting such lufe, lije was my aim, good healthy ways of living, wisdom of lufe according to feelings, wishing dedicatedly well in the wide world with the help of civiliced wisdom and good quality objectivity backing up the need for free time refreshment, recreation and varied healthy happy free activuties with friends etc in an environment that one likes and which has nature too. 

( The Christmas themed sheet seems to carry like a good area of life. While the other blankets, decoration cushion, CD shelf and the edge of the parrot style mirror, carry only a short while like attention in this object (the white woolen blanket connects to the white spitz that I had, so it was making it's coloyr blend with the environment, giving room to it, but not teaching such to me in the lobg run), and outside that place of attention just bang, without any support of social relations or tge society working well. The woolen shirt is maybe from Helsinki, making one dream of better life that might include such handiworks from natural materials. )

So this is very diffetent from producing certain type of handiworks like plänts plänts plänrs scratch äsh bang! Or with eating make it softer looking lije hot day atmosphere but not caring for such person's life at large, not making yhings good for life, except kind of by smallening the sphere of life to one subject only, kind of life near such pbject's usage. 

( The knitting basket and dry hay are from Espoo, and kind of carry activity in that subject but are not thought as giving advice of how to live a healthy kibd of viviliced life. The drawer shelf is from Savonlinna and seems to tell something of what impirtant jobs are like, hiw to leave such a possibility for oneself, develop some of such abilitues and check that tjings are well in the wide world. While the sewing box bought from Helsinki is of plastic, colourful thin fabric and a thin soft padding, making one dream of life and of improving thibgs widely in the world, while cursing one's lousy luck of not getting such of natural materials. )

I guess that to Savonlinna people come dreaming of making high quality art with a high amount of civiliced wisdom and wisdom of life, experience of life too. So they do things in a hobby like way and not so very long. 

In Espoo people try with a civiluced picture of the whole and with some demanding an eye somehow partly also on the possibilities of engineering educated makibg such, try to figure out how to make masses of such objects, maybe in a somewhat machine like or work lije way. I would guess that someone dedicated choosing the fabrics and materials, and civiliced people dreaming of such handiworks making the products.  

Helsinki as a capital tries to arrange things well in the whole globe with the help of objective thinking, but it is an enermous task, so many arrangements jyst don't carry thst much, and so one is left with partial answersof too little caliber& area, and the not-so-well carrying more widely possible answers like a plastic imitation which one tries to replace with natural materials, maybe referring to local life. 

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I found a video of dogs seeing animals in s zoo.

Dogs are quite young compared to humans, so when they see impressive things, they try to learn skills for life, lijewise young humans. The experienced often makes the error of believing tgere to be several such occasions. 

A white spitz maybe is in some sense chocokate brown. A black dog maybe is in some sense grey, murder or hit like food brown, reddish orange with spots of light colours like white, green, light grey, black, blueish grey, bright orange, yelliwish fading to mild emoty food psckage colour, spot of dim read, and black fading to bluish grey maybe referring to sitting and reading. A orange reddusd brown coloured dog is maybe like middle grey with large round edged spots of dim red with maybe some lila or apricot in it, largely white in a somewhat laborous way, chocolate brown, some small bright white spots above the eyes. ???

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26th of June 2024   I yesterday lustebed to tge song "I have veen thinking about you", which somehow brought to my mind Brutish Buddhists like Sangrashita, and today morning I was somehow left thinking, if British Byddhists think of Finns that way, is it a good way to make nice products, and not so much a near social relationship, kind of having read something that one lijes, which has wisdom of lufe, and momentarily make some product, for exampke sew a little while, for such persons thought of. Then the product us good willing, not overly laborous, not so personally understanding tvat it woukd resemble black magic but anyway has some more positive idea or wisdom in it. Or some Arab in Arab countries writing of such Buddhist resemblibg Eurooean wisdom of ways of living, are some Arabian books like that? 

July 2025 Olavinlinna castle 550 years old

 Next year 2025 in July Savonlinna opera festival will celebrate the 550 years old Olavinlinna medieval castle where the opera festival is k...