If one is kind of steaightforward basic rational, caring for the world and good willing as one's approach to life, many thibgs compare to skills for doing something to reach for some goals in one's educated civiliced picture of the world. So for example one sees when doing somethibg together or discussing sonething honestly enough, that those skills of the other person help to reach this kinds of goals so and so well, while some part of the effort the other one uses to such and such kind of goals, while my own situation similarly estinated is these and these skilks for these goals help reaching them this well. So across time one kind of gains a picture of the world of which skilks help in what, and those skills are from one's own life experience like areas of life used in the skilks at hand reflecting in how one keeps one's limbs and the whole body too, and so in the picture of obe's body there are the different skilks too, and that is in a way that comes naturally from one's own life experience plus from the ways of doibg, styles etc of others havibg cone vua distant social good will while doibg something togeyher, lije a Japanese nartual arts hobby for example, via socia mirrowing to one's gesture language for a while to help the social eye without disturbing what one is doibg oneself. So one has a kibd of human figure lije or an animal figure lije picture of possible skills and of who is lije what in skilks, areas of life, motivatiln, emotional content to their lives, najor areas and the detailedness etc of their picture of tge world, life spheres and effects in the world and in social life, etc and simikarly of aninal species, types, etc. And this is a helping aid in estimating skill levels etc, and so it is allng and does not disturb action, and so one can be sporty with a sonewhat dancing or wisdom of life or music lustener like view of movibg too, kibd of info of ways of living and of doing alobg too.
The way of remembering such is like noticing "that one is like that, aha!" intellectually while doing somethibg else oneself. So it is not like keeping co.pany and not a spiritual thing but instead just a way of learning skills for life from tge point of view of objective thinking and a school kind of picture of the world. Kind of basic observations that school suppises that all have, but they do not have, since they do not seek to use a civiliced picture of the world with common sense along plus folliw civiluced values, wishkng well for the world. How well some skill works out, depends a lot also on what are the person's goals in the world, and those goals and practical choices about ways of doing, quality, etc, are those choices good for the world and for life at large in the world, when watched in a general level paying attention to values, ways of doing, etc.
I do not know, why I write it here, but my grandfather on my mother's side, was called Paavo Karkiainen and he was or had been working in buying wood for factories or the like. My impression is that he was a kind of factual person liking walkibg in the forests, so he took the job that he could get in such a work, and so it was in wood trade and he jyst followed school kind of rationality and schooled education of that job. My imoression is that he either was at the office doibg paperwork and answering the phone about wood trade. Or then when someone more seller kind of socially oriented person said someone (usually a farmer or maybe elderly living countryside or having lived countryside) wanted to sell hus forest for wood, they drove there abd talked the area of life in education's ways a little bit and took a walk in the woods. Or if the people were not sure, they maybe had sone social talk in mind, my grandfather jyst left and returned if the sales person informed it such a time again, and so they made sure that they want to sell the forest piece and tgat their family agreed too. And so they filled sone form of what was the plan, and agreement, but trying to maje it in a way that it was possible to cancel afterwards, but such does not always work out. So they took a walk in the forwst and marked trees to keep i.e. to not to disturb, and trees of which obe has to have an opinion of whether to keep it or not, and they narked the area and that was the official main task, but in connection with that they continued to makibg sure where the edges go, so they went through the areas in the edges or near by and got an opinion tree per tree or per groyps of trees sometimes, which trees to leave so that it would be a nice lookibg healthy kind of edge of a forest, good for the ypunger generation too. And so I guess that was it and he returned to the office.
My grandfather associated with me a little bit, emphasizing school like rationality. My grandmother was not at all like him, she did not associate with me at all, she said that she had only daughters and of her geandchildren all are girls except my brother, so she chose to associate only with him, suppirt him especially, and not me at all, she seemed to think that I should be like my mother who was very harsh on my and very academically oriented. While visiting my grandparents my relatives demanded that I should be or stsrt being a boy, and since tgat was not possible, there was nothing reserved for me, I was just along lije some piece of cloth forgotten in the hall. I wondered if it was so because my grandmother seemed to ve too much for evil.
But my grandmother used to practice from some age onwards telling poems, and somehow she always practised the poem "dark wheat bird's song..." managing to misemphasize the first long word just about every attempt, but then she went to some poetry telling teacher and across the years she became really skilled. My mom at first said, could my grandparents tell something of arts, to show that the elderly often ubderstands arts, and since such was more possiböe in the countryside town Lappeenranta where they lived. And the chouce of the poem was because me and others too ought to know that it was just "dark" suiting to my geandmom, so worth paying attentiln that thete is such a danger or fault there. A d to mym grsndmom my mom Riitta said that it is good for her to know tgat she can well learn valued thibgs kn an old age, since she had mostly been a homemom of three daughters. And she really did lwarn fine performances.
Dark wheat bird's song in my ears,
above the wheat seeds full moon;
summer nights happiness is mine,
to a mist dresses themselves the valleys.
I am not joyful, I am not sad or sighing;
but bring to me forest's dark colours,
the red of the clouds to which day vanishes,
faraway sight of a windy hill that sleeps,
the scent of tiny pink flowers and the shadows of lakes;
of these I weave my heart's song.
To you I sing miss, summer grass,
my heart's great silence,
my religion, sing as melodies,
an oak leaves head decoration lush, new.
I am no longer tracing vanishing fake lights,
in my hand happiness's gold,
life's sphere around me gets smaller;
time stops, wind indicator sleeps;
in my front a twilighty road
leads to an unfamiliar cottage."
Eino Leino (My translation)
* * * * *
On Sunday 30 June 2024, Kaisa Hannele Tervola <hannele.tervola@gmail.com> wrote:
Katoin netistä tervaleppäpuista tietoa, mutta siinä sanottiin mm että tahmeat lehdet, eihän se ole tervettä ollenkaan. Toivoin, että tervolan kimppuun hyökkäilemisen saisi loppumaan tuolla, lepytettyä, muttei se näytä olevan lllenkaan niin, vaan kauhistus koko puu väärin nimetty, luulen. Argentiinalainen nainen joka on muuttanut Afrikkaan ja sieltä Suomeen, olisi tuln tyylinen, kamalan hyökkäileväisiä!, eli olisiko ensinnä mieleen tuleva nimi pillunyrkki tms, ja kun sitten miettii, että mikä siinä menee pieleen, mikä aggressoivisuyden aiheuttaa, niin olisi seuraavsksi mieleen tuleva nimi sille insinöörinheila. Muttei noi oikein puiden nimiltä caikuta. Mutta onko nykymaailnassa niin, että tuollaiset säilyvät, mutta esim minä olisin lähinnä heinä tai pikkulintu tms eläin, pois tieltä väistävä ainakin osan aikaa.Koivu olisi tälleen ajatellen jotain sellaista kuin "yritetään tätä nyt sivistybeesti, ehkä tää kelpaa, kokeillaan, ai auts ei se sit menny, täytyy kattoa että mikä ois sopiva" tms.Ja mänty jotakin sellaista että "yritetään tätä työtapaan niin ehkä se sit onnistuu, tai ainakin nähdään mitä käy".Ja kuusi "eiku hiivatti, ei tää nyt köy, täytyy ottaa takapakkia, ehä tavallusesta elämästä, sen taidoista jostakin löytyy vastaus tähänkin, useasti on löytynyt, mutta ei tää kyl nyt tällasena sellasenaan mee".Terv. Hannele
Tammi ois ehkä jotain sellaista kuin sosiaalusen lojaaliuden varassa toimiminen mutta kulttuurin viisaana pitämällä tavalla, "eikö tätä pidetä hyvänä, kulttuurin mukaan hyvänä, voisin olla sellainen ja jatkaa tössä nyt niin ehkä elämä jatkuu hyvin ympärillä yhteiskunnan carassa olevilta osin, ainakin oman vaikutujseni osalta, onhan koulun viisaus tukena ja hyvänä pidetty elämäbviisaus sen kanssa sovussa".
Pihlajasta harrastunut ehkä tulisi ja kysyisi, että "jos laitan näille tätä, niin voinko sitten mennä ja laittaa noilke tuota, ja voinko sitten mennä noiden muiden kanssa tuolla sosiaalusesti ja jatkaa siinä seurassa ikään kuin se seura tukikohtanani".
Haapa kuin vanha raihnainen tunteille tilaa haluava lääkkeissä dumoattuna mutta ulkoilevainen yms, pääosin nuoremmille puhuen "mutta me emme tuedä mutä siitä tulee kostumaan jos he tulevat tänne, voitteko ystävällusesti auttaa niin me nostamme tätä hiukan, olusi parempi jos olisi hyvä elämä kaikilla, mutta onko niin käytännössä se on ihan eri juttu, no niin". (Haapa tai tämä tekstini toi mahakipuja, katso kivinluevitysohjeita https://parantamisesta2.blogspot.com/2016/01/mahakivut-ja-elamanvalintojen.html .)
Pyökki (laminaattilattia) "no ehkä sitten tääkin pitää tehdä, voikohan tässä nyt, jos mäteentän ihan tavallaan yleishyödyllusen asian, vaikkakin mun mielestä ikävän raskaan tuokionakin mitä muut ei ehkä usko tai jotkut uskoo paljonkin että vammsisia ym pitää auttaa, niin voinko mäsitten, jos vaikka käyn syömässä eka, niin jaksaa huolehtia sen ja sen tästä arjesta, jolloin mun ois mukava caikka vähän levätä, ja sitten voiko jo lähteä jonnekin vai jääkö se taas ja on koti-ilta niin kuin liian useasti tähänkin asti viimeaikoina vai vuosina"