Like thousands of unique red diamonds: Blogging out of habit/because of occult demand: Learn talents and skills for a Christmas elf like life 3.: wild nature etc * For a global audience of all ages etc : Christmas elf like life year around, world wide, in the modern world, see and * My impression is that nice more local blog posts are much wanted, likewise journalists wished for also in these subjects, and I guess songs, products, etc too, ...
In December 2020 I composed an ode to my poodle Banjo, while still living in Savonlinna, it was in fact how I learned to compose an ode. But Banjo died a few minths later, was attacked. So I wonder if odes are good at all for those about whom they have been composed. A melody is jyst one small part of the individual's life kind of singing, so it is much too little if it is offered as a forefigure, but on the other hand music at large is a wider subject, so for more distant persons such an ode too can be ok, but for the composer and the ones composed about it is much too little, not any wiser view to life egc than their ordinary views, of which there are many even during a one single day.
F35. I just learned how to compose an ode to someone that one loves. I had been composing today earlier after a long pause, and I sat looking at my apricot poodle Banjo, which was laying and looking, and I thought of saying to it how magnifient to live witha poodle with such fine characteristics as he has, but so I sang the atmosphere of that feeling or thought, and then plotted the melody down somehow, but it is was somewhat Russian sounding melody.
But like often with some asked for texts of mine, in the above piece I somehow wrote that it was a Russian sounding melody, even though I do not think so. Russia just would be a good forefigure in such skills, I think, worth mentioning, and many would like to hear such an advice, so I guess my poodle whom I had just been watching, and who seemed to understand such artistic and PR persons' professional skills better than I, propably thought and took care that the younger generation composers would have the chance to learn this propably important hint, help on the way, since Russians live with the weathers and have a wide civiliced view valuing music, as far as I know.
I just noticed that if someone who ought to have known how to live on a certain area, does not do anything, does not rely on any wisdom, but just says "Awful things happen, look at that there for example." or something of the kind, it seems to bring kind of British sounding situation. So maybe the problem is many opposing local views and local type of wisdom. At first sight such soubds like a fight vetween siblings, the different lufe strategies wanting room to live in in the same places. But if it instead is caused by people being originally from different countries and cultures, or interested in different countries and cultures, it at least partly could be fixed by making freely available useful pieces of wisdom, skills, knowledge and wisdom of life, that are either universally interesting or suited to the location and the places' attraction, why people want to stay there, maybe live there, even if some of the pieces of wisdom would recommend moving to certain other places better in that respect for some. For example these texts of mine seek to be such, and the vasic idea of school education is such too. See my books at or at . I am a Finnish speaking Finn, living in Finland in North-East European Union.
In the news there was a picture of an advertisement on the outdoors area of a bar Härmän Häjy at Seinäjoki, it said "Iloonen elämä on tervehellistä", or something like that, which sounds like a misspelled dialect form of "joyful lufe us good for stsying healthy", but now via English it got the content " loo I-type of theory which comes as regards from a place with something hell like there, is good in that it brings joyful life in a healthy way".
If there is some mess, crime around and things ashtray or rotten, one can try to find space for obeself to live in by beginning to cure the situatiln by choosing right basic versilns of things done, choosing them on a very general level of what is good and wise and well working and natural healthy kind in the world, vhoosing tjings, versions which are good basic guesses of such in the situation there or in one's life, and using such basic ways of doing and such good guesses of what actually uötinately is the idea and motivation in tjings done, and trying to live along those lines and see how it would go in the wide environment too. So one gets good joyful theoretical solutions that work kn practice but are more lije individual versions than slmehow suggested by the envirlnment, which I guess was not good enough for carrying the individual's life as such, without own skills doing some part of the job.
I must remark here that the type of hell of Helsinki (-ki means "also/too") is to try to heal the world by taking good choices, preferred ones, of the rest of the world, and since those too often produce a hell, try to cure them to better. Like this maybe started from trying to choose Heaven and noticing that it too needs lots of, really lots of vorrections, since without them it would much resemble a hell, since for example you have to add honesty, practical life, zen, healthy ways of öivkng and wisdom of life, etc.
Of course often the problem is others preventing individual choices in ways of living, doing, styles, etc, in life choices at large. That is typically the situation of most people.
I saw somewhere a picture of a woman who seemed to have as a goal or dream to be a forefigurw for children, men and babies still in the womb. Maybe she already was. But what skills did she have, what would she have been a forefigure of? At first glimpse it seemed that she relied on school like thinking ok, but then it turned out that she was putting the weight of all these people upon some nunn, as if they had been kn an emergency but instead their daily lives were suppirted so without any real reason, except maybe them wanting to misuse such help possibilities, maybe remove such from the world, and give up using basic skills in lufe. The problem with many professiobs is that people come to them when in trouble, so the burden is enermous and influencies from the workers etc there bring lits of bad luck and bad habits in those questions. So the only well working option woukd be to build upon basic lufe skills that have been learned beforehand, as healthy. As a child I learned many lufe skills of avoiding trouble as if the trouble had been quite far and me just unusually strict and diligent in such, but as older I have noticed tgat the libe between healthy normal life and catastrophes is amazibgly near, so maybe many of those who were not sporty agile wuse civiluced fair etc just caught some wound or other big trouble and dued, or list much of their lives without it ever having been clear how bear the death or musery was.
" 30th of July 2024 The map of the Finland being of the form of a woman, the Finnish maiden, does not mean it referring to some certain type of women. The map just happens to have such a form.
Some have wondered if tge style of the map as a woman figure coukd tell what type of woman, but largely that is not so, because the map is primarily describing districts of Finland, so the forms are of this and that village or town with it's neigbouring countryside, summer cottages, etc. So if the map forms are to describe anything, it is the local culture, climate, nature and terrain, forms of nature and human life there, of which in the scale of the whole country is especially important to notice how climate and location differencies affect life in the different parts of the country, like southern being more leisurely in a working life way and school like view and Saimaa region kind of warm countryside like, while more northern kind of tense like huh how will we here bear the seasons, and even more northwards the Lappland. So if the map is of tge form of a maiden, it is or should ve wise and with wisdom of life, especially weather skills, and holistically rational is what is often considered Finnish and good for the locatiln, and the climate and these emphazies make it an independent woman, ok for the country and for the world, ok fairly toward others too, but not so detailedly described that it could not be a similarly wise man, for example the ypung men in the milutary service, if needed, but more like bringkng wisdom than demanding there being any persons claiming the task their own.
A human estimated by some to be dog like is often primarily a family member of someone, kind of stuck to habits being just that, and supporting even unfairly jyst that person and getting support from that person /them. A dog is largely primarily a family member, but sees itself also as an useful member of the society and of the world, somewhat like workibg life and a social contact, also a thinking being, but the view largely in the same speres of lufe as it's human family members, quite much like happens with human children of the same age: the picture of the world and social ways often from the life situations with their parents and other family members.
An adult human estimated to have a "dog's role" is often social in a family member like stuck way, be it with one's adult years' own family or with work comrades, free time friends of the same gender, or the like.
Typical for dogs is that they are younger than adult humans, so to people considered dog like, like some call the Chibese dog like, it is typical that the society around has higher skill level than the individual, so the individual is jyst along and things go well. Sometimes thibgs going well depends on the persln being of the type to whom such places, tasks, artifacts etc were planned to suit well.
In addition to that, a dog needs civiliced wisdom and wider spheres of life. Lijewise human family members too. So they go for walks and grow so in wisdom. It is typical that guard dogs stay much near their home, while dogs wandering largely around on civiliced walks learn to behave well and wisely, have a good life with some healthy wisdom of life and positive values in a society.
But like humans, it seems that dogs too ought to start going their own ways, to their own individual adult lives, when they are 12 years old or so, or at least change family, maybe to some elderly or quite old person if they feel so, because too many years in the same company makes one tired, is kibd of cumbersome and does not bring so wise ways, is not good for health.
" 29th of July 2024 Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to
In the news there was an article about the about 50m long yacht of a millionaire called Schnyder or something like that, which name brought to my mind a poet of a similar last name and the first name Gary. His poems had been kind of not so harmonious, more like at the edge of whether one values nature, but natyre anyway was the subject.
So I came to tjink of how an African in Africa could learn to write poems without such drawbacks. I thought of three element to kind of give a more fresh, flourishing, atmospheric, spirited form to other things. A maybe 2m high palm of the type "taatelipalmu" butmore dense, flourishing, of the type requiring moustness. Yellow quite big parrots. And a black roof of a small building or a shelter for some equipment, the roof of a roof material somewhat like carpet, in about 45 degrees angle, either round or just one side plate largely in sight. And comoare other things in a landscape with these, for example leaf roof. Try to find good language, like is expressive, tells of life, of the world, wisdom, some wisdom of life.
I watched the video of the 9/11 attacks in usa, thinking of it from the point of view of if the world is of spirit. The voices in the beginning of the video sounded quite familiar. First one sounded like an engineer group leader, watchkng things from a very engineering studies oriented point of view, thinking thst something outdide engineering theory has happened in the surrounding real world. While the female voice brought to my mind my pal who had been interested in star treck and became a school teacher. And if the world had been of spirit, it was if she had had a very unrealistical view placing an aeroplane next to a house as if on some Teniikan maailma like magazine's opening, while others had yjpught of her having a realistical picture of the world. I knew her from a sports hobby, so I thpught her quite ok realistical for moving etc, but I was ypung then, and I guess it could have been some other person or an unrealistical view of space travel or a view of space travel together with the view of the world being of spirit and teleportation.
The pictures of humans near the building which had been hit, reminded me of how Finns stsnd near a shop or a shopping center, wondering what is it about, how does it work, how is it possible, why does it have such a style and what it is as a phenomenom.
Finns have experiencebof building well working solutilns, so it is widely known that such have a healthy style and civiluced eisdom carries well too and is often needed in arrangements.
But maybe the shop is offering solutions for the less skilled, and for skilled people in the areas of life that they lack.
And mass production like style if it is handiwork, is different from insight or the like. Also personal forefigure is ok only for a very small group, or otherwise it must be biikd from pieces that modt feel ok with, like eating bakery, basic school like wisdom, folliwing one's owm feelings with common sense, things that one feels good to have around, heaöing effects when needed, etc.
The shop also is not so fully safe as the society at large, since it is a central essential point, so a shop may have army like killing and continue right away like everyone interested in earning money or keeping some basic services in the society at least working, or covering it up that the shop has new group arranging it and kind of trying if this is ok with them but it is very expensive already when a few clients' bought tbings get spoiled or days lost, or if the personnel is not capable enough, so maybe some personnel just walks aside and things continue like with new arrangements somewhere or not even that. So lots of influencies from shops may not be safe, may make one behave as if in a tough situation for a reason. Is it like too wide tv shows etc?
I think that rights should usually be estimated each time anew, instead of basing them on old estimates. One reason is that identity thefts are quite common, and another reason is thst the skills, values, motivation etc of indkviduals vary and may change quite much across the years. Likewise the social relationship change acrosd time and situations too vary and change across time.
Skills and values often get influencies from recent social company and from one's identity as a member of some groups etc. For examole their perspectives used in discussion or their skill levels, approaches to thibgs etc may affe t what the world looks like.
Identity thefts are often supported by the claim of getting fair chances in life, which maybe refers to times when slme groups were absent from education etc, so those studying there might have spoken for some good ideas of those without such educatiln or job or social company. But when people in prinviple have fair righrs, then those other kibds of people are typically with other skills and values, and so they shoukd not be confused with those having thst profession's skills, values, picture of the world, etc. And likewise in human relatiln it is good to k ow who is like what.
As young adult people maybe feel that in principle they have many possibilities in life, but as older they have been disappointed with many options, and so they no longer are so eager to meet all the same old social relations or relatives or some other cjouces no llngef apply, for example some worni g places demand different qualitues than what thry tjought as young.
As young I heard my parents and also as young adult some parents of young chilfren say thst they did not get any room to live in before they stole their children's rights. That is weird but may be common. It sounds like they maybe marked themselves as skilled and sure as possible, instead of trying to be honest in estimating sizes, the real sourced of each followed piece of wisdlm, each person's own syrenghts, the needs of living in a civiliced society, etc, snd try if there were rights connected with less boisterous wording and ln the other hand possible well noticed interests marked ok.
Can it be that a baby or a child kind of cultivates for oneself possible areas of life, like hobbies, jobs, interests, skills of comfortable areas of life, etc. And that is somehow mistaken on some ocvult side as the society's picture of the world. But the child or a baby has as if on a side a view that the picture of the world and the areas of lufe of others are on a wider area, and it is ok for others to live according to their own pictures of the world and likings etc, as long as such is ok in the society,ok from the point of view of the civiluced pictures of the world of others too.
In the news there was an article of two children having drowned in a swimming place on a small pond, because of having gone alone to too deep water. I warched the picture of three poluces standkng on ghe shore and trying to get an idea of the happenings there. It seemed that the 4 and 7 years old children had gone under the surface some ten to 50 centimeters or so, as if like the Olympic athletes kn the Paris 2024 Olympics that are just now there. That somehow life there is not good enough, since impression of drowning in misery and impossible life circumstancies also bring impressions of being so liw that one drowns. So what is it that is lackibg from the French?
Is it individual freedom maybe in a new country? Often some people complain of mindless commands that maybe originally were some version of teaching the nontalented basic study skills or skills of living healthy or of living as a part of the societh, but got copied wrong, maybe also just acted and there was no idea in that anymore. So instead one can rely on civiliced values with basic school like picture of the world , clmmon sense and wisdom of life, aim at things well in the world, good life for all fairly, now and in the future, in healthy kind of wise ways, and ground one's rights to that, like working for the good of the society, nicely for others and the world too and with wisdom of life, and have some nice free time too, that too ok or even nice for others too, with wisdom of lufe, and this too wisely enough in the world.
As I lived over 30 years in Helsinki and liked sports, also the Olympics were sometimes discussed, people thinking that the Olympics had somehow disastrous effect on the possibilitues of everyone to be sporty, like in the times pf farming society, and instead there were left only some possibilities for such, like the sport hobbies for children and for students that I too took part in.
Is it this or some other old film of the Olympics 1952 in Helsinki is said to have caused amazingly much problems, like many other things done by Finns often also have caused, which is a typical major problem in Finland, ordinary things turning to catastrophic. Like in this video there are city center's famous buildings mentioned and one of them a theater, and like often happens with actors, the atmosphere of the film somehow continyed for a while with some actors trying to conquer the film or the landscape. Or like foreigners often want some social side or famous person kibd of serving as their social side of the film, the ordinary city center street seemed transformed to a place for the admirer of some Swedish speaking general llng time ago. Or the president Paasikivi at the end of the film kind of serving as a way to walk over the Finnish culture's views, ways and values. And the Olympic stadiln's tower looking like medicinal terminology or medical practices, instead of referring to a holistic objective picture of the world along all the time, like the Finnish culture values, considers important, instead of the only "plänts" like oval form of the stadium alone as if hot day relaxation without wisdom of life and caring the world wisrly well along. Feelings in one's picture of the world, what is the situatiln, what is wise to do, how forcefully, in which ways good to cooperate, what kind of wiDom of lufe to have along, individual ways of doing, seeing what is a good place for each in the whole each moment, kind of feelibg alive, seei g big things as big and to be cared for and minor matters as possibilities to give more room for wisdom of mife and the views of individuals.
Quite many of the subjects that I have this year 2024 blogged about have brought me vague memories of my childhood relatives or school classmates and teachers having ordered from me texts on thise subjects tens of years ago, and somehow that has still affected my life.
Today I saw the news article which brought memories of having seen such a film tens of years ago, and been asked something about it, but the themes more like having been left in the air, than anything special for me to write about. The article was about murders but the themes more life pondering about questilns in lufe, in the society and in the world, kind of on a more philosophical level.
There was a sea shore and men pondering possible invaders coming there from the sea, and what would it affect if they knew of Brits, or of French, or of Japanese, or the like. And would they kniw the climate or go emptyheaded like engineers? Or would Buddhism in South-East Asia help if it looks like food plus philosophy, instead of active reactive life tgat makes sense, had an understanding of the world and freedom, like the South-East Asia's motorcyclists. So there was in the air what to do with a math like view in engineering, would work like way of doing and ordinary school fix it? If one needs a better understanding, my answer is that a landscape like way of looking and thinking, which both observe structures, is an ok way to think. They seemed guessing that women changing to men's jobs might help to bring a wiser understanding, but those women seemed to have been fond of math as their profession, so things went even worse. And in the cpurt yard the level of understsnding about human luves and of the society was not high enough, more like math oriented not understanding other tyoes of areas of lufe, and so wsrs too must have gone larcrly unwisely or totally unwusely, which was one reason for turnkng to peace movement.
I have written only some of my texts from the point of view of how books usually are written, and the rest largely because there was some demand for my views kn the air, lije grandparents writing something because of having been asked for, instead of having high skills in just that area and in a way that forms a whole and leaves them kind of central in that area of lufe.
My book like books include the paradise theory books and other material of that kind, plus my books about the four seasons and about healthy ways of living, plus I thought needed the book "Alanvaihto haaveammattiin", and the thinking course.
But the rest of my books, or most of them is written because of some demand in the air, not because of my view being a book like ready whole.
In my 20's I had a good thinking ability and wusdom of life, so much of these thoughts and skills are from those times, remembered and many still used, but when writing I have had those times lots of influencies from others plus occult problems, so the remembered thoughts and skills have not been checked when writing as well as origonally. I guess that it was somebody's idea that then the readers would check them well, and such is of cpurse a good goal, but usually the writer should be a forefigure kn it, kind of give an idea of how widely the thoughts apply, what are the different types of grounds for them, etc. But especially lately that has been lacking. And due to occult problems, most of the subjects just somehow were in the air, or found in the news or the like, and I feel that occasionally there are some things entirely wrong, like for example I write because many of these are original thoughts of mine, much needed in the world, but somehow the subjects got cjosen with tale like headers - I guess since such texts too were longed for and maybe read widely kn the world.
I have written lots of advices about learning new talents, changing profession to one's dream jobs, and advices for learning climate skills of the four seasons and also some advices about moving to live to some place that one likes and admires. I have also tried to fit together the traditilnal culyures of the world with these modern times with technology, globalisation etc.
I have lijed Jack London's book Call Of The Wild, but hace not seemed of the same type as the people in Alaska. I guess I would not like to live so north. But I watched some videos of Alaska and as I wondered what was the problem in learnkng climate skills and some wisdom needed there, I came to think of school teachers' education meant for the twachers of the first classes of school, and it seemed yo include such wisdom that was needed in Alaska and which the travellers in Alaska seemed interested in, fascinated by. So I suggested it somewhere and it seemed to work out well.
I also otherwise thought of what would make it easier to learn xrom yhe very northern nature there. And of what types of persons were fascinated by such places in ways good for learning the skills, talents, values, cultural ways of living and some wisdom of the nature well suited to living in Alaska. So as I ran into the Russian Santa Claus living in Novaja Zemlja, and was suddenly asked what would be a good name for Alaska, I thought also of these things.
For learnkbg climate skills, it is impirtant to notice what are the westhers of the nearest few days like, how do they vary, what is characteristic to the ongoibg season, and especially what is the whole year like in weathers and especially in the spirit how the nature lives them, what are the virtues and values to reach for, what kibd of beauty and charm of each time of the year. You should tune to these and not to the weathers, character, etc of some far away places, just choose where to live based on the charm and on your character and lufe strategy being tuned to just such kibd, not dreaming of very far away climate's character trsits, good sides, westhers, things to do, etc. If you prefer some other climate zone's ways and character traits, move to live there.
For learning whst weathers there are, what wise mood of livibg them, what wisdom of the nature, what traditilnal ways of living well suited to the nature around, etc, you shoukd pay attention to kibd of round shapes, arch like, atmospheric, which have lots of wusdom like culture, charscter, wisdom of lufe, or tge like, and that of a natural kind. That brought the "Dwen", with the "en" or "wen" like an arch, a whole yo notice, the "D" making it like thinking maybe typical to young animals, noticing things in the environment, understanding ygat this is just an advice from a thinker, kind of widening obe's view to new things, building a picture of the world. The "w" would maybe help to refer to complex lufe like wisdom of lufe, ways of living and doibg, motivation, etc like tge old times or women. And since the problems of not learning local ways of living often are caused by being interested in other types of places and cultures, the ending "da" tried to tie the whole to a bunch like traditional culture's ways of living suited to living in harmony with the nature environment, having ages old wisdom of life, understanding also rationslly that there is a whole culture hete with it's ways of living, valyes, traditilns, etc, like a tribe, lika tale like, like having also some wisdom of the nature, a tribe similar to those in quite nesr by areas, suited to those who wish for a such way of lufe, want to adapt to and adopt the virtues , character traits and skills that ghe nature's wisdom sees as the good ways of living here.
Likewise if one has some personal objectively true insight, one can by so recognizing find where one has something more to offer to working lufe, talents, wusdom of life, et .
I have for some reason gotten this summer lots of influencies from life in the northern tundra. Here in southern Finland is vety different: much warmef, people inclined toward a much warmer climate. And the nature less scarce, here one can rely on the nature carrying, trees bringing pleasant refreshment after a day's work, while in the tundra there are no trees and that far north one cannot so much lean on the nature, exceot maybe when tjinking of the nature's ways of living the weathers and challenges of the four seasons, of the whole year and what character traits, values and skills it demands.
Anyway, life in the tundra is much cooler or colder and mostly there are no trees. One can compare it with one knterested in the nature, weathers and time of the day in a stony sea shore of low or quite low cliffs, on a cool day with some moisture in the ait, at a time of the day when the sun is not high but is instead quite near the horizon and maybe at least partly covered with clouds. One who is alone on some maybe near-by area of cliffs and sea, and kneels/ kneeling like squats to feel the atmosphere of the nature there, to be quiet for a moment and think of the ages old life there, the ages old nature there.
So it is somewhat like on a foggy day when one comes out to walk some way and after only starting there is the landscape covered by fog or mist. And one is kibd of quiet for a moment and as if swallowing thears of something and thinking of the beauty of nature and of the tree branches nesr by and of the cool.
Or when in the early winter temperature is about 0C and there is a slight kind of greyish cover of snow partly on the ground like frost, and one does not quite know what to vontinue to, is this already winter, does one have winter skills for minus degrees, does one lije such wintery beauty, what will the coming winter months be like this year, why does the landscape somehow resemble school and somehow not, more like remarking healthy wisdom of life being important, do one's social contacts have winter skills, what will lives so turn knto now, what did the insects think of this first glimose or among the first glimoses of winter, will they have skills for it, hiw much the nature understands, yet there is mostly the weather catching attention, needing attentiln and kn a way so quiet yet life at 0+C beneath the surface.
The song "Needless and pins" by Smokie, reminds me here of encouraging and supporting the young, or the northern nature, even if it isn't the most flourishing life anywhere.
Which reminds me of the summer Olympic games 2024 in Paris in Framce, which start today. Sports too is largely a question of encouraging the young, of giving good possibilities to lufe for all even if they are much older and the people today not as sporty as some ancient times when the sports abilities possibilities developed to our ancestors.
These bring to my mind tge name of the Finnish forest god or some such person, who has the name Tapio, which means one who is losing in competition, since at such a situatiln with the wild nature one who aims always at beautiful values in the world and at an as good quality as one ever can, can so learn a lot from the nature, almost God like in proportions. Like the subordinate ones often learn in an environment with civiliced wisdom taught wisely enough. Like children learn new talents, like people in a new hobby tgat they themselves like and admire, learn quickly and big things. And like women and girls learn from being demanded to take the wisdom of all fairly into account. Like the moral ones learn from wishing well in the world and having so as their forefigures everything working well in the world. Like the founders of new liked areas of life learn. But very dominant people do not learn, those lazying like too much eaten or in summer heat.
There is an old Finnish song:
"Forest's son I want to be,
somewhat like a hero (wiser than the people in town, subordinate to the nature) in the dense woods of thick needle trees, which are charming like the steep shore cliffs and their trees, seen from a boat on a lake
And the fuss of the world fades away, is forgotten like it never existed, and there is only the wisdom of the wild nature surrounding oneself, happy fractureless life ages old
There is an old Finnish children's song, I do not quite know why it came to my mind, in addition to the words and melody there are pantomime like gestures telling the story
"From a forest hut's window a gnome is looking out,
And a rabbit is galloping and comes to knock on the door:
- Help, help me, I ask from you
The hunter is destroying my life
- I will give you shelter, so grasp my hands "
I had a cousing almost a year younger than me and she and her brother lived in the same block of houses with gardens as me and my brother and our families, and those my cousins paid lots of attention to this song like in the video's second chapter with the tiny gestures, while to me forest and wild animals were big things, like in the third chapter with ghe wide gestures. Anyway, as older my female cousin resembled somewhat Shakira in this video Waka waka, this time for Africa
I do not quite know what to do if the social environment is enemy like but pretending to be ok friendly. Such is of course different from trustworthiness. In a society one can rely on the society's normal arrangements which try to make fair life possibilities for all, like school for kids for example. As one gets older, more depends on one's ability to find a place in the society for example, like job, hobbies, one's own adult year's family i.e. dates and a spouce. One must so understand also tge places of others in the society and in the world, why woukd they suit and choose such jobs, what kind of social relations they prefer and what is their lufe then like, and so how to associate with them. Ordinarily there are the civiluced ways, clmmon sense, wisdom of life, things done together all talked about which can create some room to live in. But one must remember that often it is good to be on one's own, good to trust civiliced wisdom ibstead of trying to reserve a certain spot in life and so get so stuck to certain choices that one fails in jyst about all life skills.
It is as if someone on some mental side had said that this they wanted to know of the background of women travelling alone. I was on an Interrail trip, one month by train in Europe in my early twenties, and was it two years later also alone travelling in South-East Asia.
A moment ago there sounded like a delivery man on the street interrupted by someone like my mom saying something, and it was as if he had been promised money for going with her to handle something, but such is not ok, is too dangerous! The basic rule is to go with no-one anywhere, not to any place with anyone. A traveller can go to a good quality hotel or hostel, surely known of and checked, and to museums, railways etc usually recommended for travellers, simikarly buy needed things and souvenirs from shops that are ok enough. And if there seems to be problens somewhwre, go to some safer more public place with more people and from there to some other safer place. And one can talk with people, and if one has enough social eye, maybe obe can so better estimate what is what for whom, and so it is said that travelling makes one's understanding of lives and of the world wider.
This news video of a fire tornado in California brings to my mind childhood environment, some sides of how things went ashtray when the traditilnal Finnish culture was wise but in connection with technology and computers there came an attempt to put objective pictures of the world on computers, and since the computers people imagined were so elementary, there came the problem of how to get the picture of the world on computer stay as a picture of the world instead of being mindless nonsense and maybe turning to it's opposite, and so since such skills seemed needed in the future, many well working things turned to dominating nonsense or to harming tge things which should have been cultivated, and so such was called evil or acting or the views of others, and civiliced ways were just lost.
Such ought no longer be the problem if one would use a basic vommon sense like objective picture of the world, civiliced values and lots of wisdom of lufe, understanding that people aiming at different professions may often have different skills and values, and also otherwise individuals differ.
One ought not affect things that one does not care to well, i.e. not for example affect as much as a more skilled and dedicated person. And one ought to leave the large world and the lives of others untouched, follow civiliced values in them. Basic civiluced picture of the world is good to have, but each one should have one's own picture of the world, in which they know if they have read some knowledge from a book or heard a certain person say so or have personal experience of things being so. The picture of the world ought also contain edtimates of the trustworthiness of each claim. So one person understanding and greatly valuing some kinds of things, does not mean that person's clise social contact or childhood social environment aytomatically understanding or valuing such.
" The news today claimed that in connection with the major music happening Coldplay, Helsinki changed it's name to Coldsinki. There was a video with a tram and road signs with the text "Coldsinki". The piece of new mentioned the major use of services, the major wishes of travellers and of living in Finland being an important determining factor in what to call the place. Having lived my youth in Helsinki and all my lufe, except travel, in Finland, I would say holistic rationality with common sense, healthy kibd of wisdom of lufe, ibdividuality, some fracturelessness, civiluced values and the lufe possibilities created by civiliced wisdom of life, and good quality in these, plus the Finnish climate and nature, the four seasons with daily recreation outdoors a psrt of the way of lufe at least in the southern half of Finland, and summer cottages, active life, many possibilities for an individual, music too, yet not at the center of attention of the world but more like just living obe's own life, in harmony with the world.
When I lived in Savonlinna in eastern Finland, where there is an opera festival in an old medieval castle almost every summer, the educated female singers and female singers on some local free time ooera singing courses were surprisingly often of a certain somewhat stiff brisk somewhat school like style not-fat-at-all and not round-shaped type of women. I have wondered what they were and why just such, and it is as if some had said that thise are Stephen type transvestites, good to know. So I have wondered also what it means that some person is Stephen type. It seems to mean a person social mainly only with boys of 10 to 12 years old, and like them via some social connections be dragged to women's things, learn something of them but rely only on boys' views and boys' understandkng also in that. So it is lije catastrophically collapsing women's things when claimed to be ok to take part in them and cultivate the needed values, skills and fair play needed in such. The problem is that some type of mild keeping company type of social relatilns between men who try to be of the same group ("we did not do anything, no-one did anything, we do work quite like usual but are not personally speaking for some new endeavour or course of action"), without such being good influence if women get it, such ways somehow got as influencies to girls, so girls lost some of their spirit and room for their own things, their own wisdom of life, and boys mistakenly started copying from girls or women things boys (when taking into account values, skills and skill level, profession like tasks well cared for in the society and in tge world, ways of doing, type of being social, social place in the environment, loyalty, future goals, dreams, expectations, whose views one trusts, does one avoid something, etc) did not need. The normal way of women and girls being social among women would be that each one follows one's own wisdom of life, and together we try to arrange things well in the society, follow the rule "Live and let others live!", see F60. at , and give each civilicedly room to live in, dividing labour etc fairly.
If it does not depend on the browser, one could by clicking the pictures enter into a detailed picture viewing view where one can easily read the texts etc.
26th of July 2024 I wrote to the search keywords that advices like in these books of mine, are maybe what often is wished for from the women's magazines. But I am writing on a very general level, since such is my strenght and these kinds of skills etc were needed all over the world. Besides, my level of being socially interesting compares with a docent in the university, mostly ok for getting to know some facts but not enough for a lecturer. So the skills taught in my texts should be taught by some other more interesting writers before they fit magazines etc, abd anyway those need to be adapted to the local lives etc, so my books ought to be jyst one of the available sources for journalusts and not ready for magazines.
But the Christmas gnome skills texts might make an internet magazine or some long series of articles or booklets? There is one link to such an ateempt and it looks nice, but I did not get it any more ready and the texts are longer, need cöicking ooen. I jyst rythmed it according to the pictyres, of which maybe half at least were afterwards added years ago.
27th of July 2024 I am not just some writer. It is essential to notice that I am an objective thinker. As far as I know, I am the original source, kibd of the inventor of many thoughts and skills, comparing with Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton, but my thoughts and skills are of different subjects, and I have written many of them. On some mental or spiritual side I have at least earlier been told that people/ some person with my type of strenghts are born as humans once in a thousand years or not so often. Also on some mental side I am told that I am or have been the best thinker, thinker type of writer or something like that of the human kibd nowadays, of which people remember "feelings, rationality and moral for computers". Likewise also of other subjects I have tried to write of my strenghts, instead of knowing any other Finn or other person who could have written the same, kind of the original info. I have tried to write for all ages, from school age to 100+, and writing for a global audience, at least mostly. I have unusually much wisdom of life and at least have had a large capacity in thinking etc.
My human environment usually has not shared my values, goals and comfortable areas of life, even though they many may have claimed so, since I have tried to follow quite many recommended choices and have had good skills for school type of thinking and wisdom of life of my own. So many life choices which appear like differencies in skills are often differencies in goals between me and my social environment, kind of people feeling comfortable with different amounts of each thing, and so they also develop different skills and have different amounts of and different kinds of life possibilities. So it mostly isn't true that anybody from some group could replace me, or that I ought to follow the wisdom of life of others instead of mainly my own wisdom of life and fully my own social skills.
Please observe that in my blog the ebook downloads are free, and of course the blog links free too. And that at and my ebooks cost mostly about 1usd, with immediate download and sometimes unlimited sharing. But some of my ebooks there are more expensive, typically about 3usd.
Last summer I was ill, starting from quite the beginning of June. I did not quite understand what it was but I had pains and it seemed jyst about fully an occult thing. It started from me having taken from my texts about the four seasons each season to a separate blog page, wondering if it could be easier for dome foreigners do. But the summer part started with some of the spring in it, kind of thinking tgat wonderful that we have the summer and flowers and greenery now and the holudays soon coming too. Some Chinese man, or is it such a msn with the name Kai, who seemed to say on some spiritual side that he was a radio voice in northern China, said that there was not going to ve any music on his radio station, and that he said that there must not be any good summer in so cool as Finland. I did not understand why he coukd so decide about thkngs here, but now later I wondef was he complainkng about cobsrant change, about meeting new wonderful much lobged for things lije the beginning of dummer. Did he not know of weathers varying, of things in lufe usually needi g bew good starts like coming from a hlbby in a good civilicefly good willing mood and with wisdom of lufe quickly arranging home a little bit like is good for lufe and good to do things that way.
So is it that tropics ought to be taught about needed variations in lives? The usual way is to have some educatiln and a civiliced society which recommends thkngs that are good to have in lufe in normsl healthy ways, lije spirts, nature, recreation outdoors, some nice mysic, both work and hobbies, jeeping jome nice and clean, healthy ways of living, etc. Usually music, common sense and some sports or motion hobby that one likes teach skills for variationd, if one has school education and folliws ckviluced valyes with goid enough quality.
In the news there was some interview of some American women, and even though they talked of politics, of the coming electilns, the words made one compare it with what had been told of the beginning of a war in the old times, maybe a hundred years ago, and it was clearly different nowadays. Going to talk of such with neighbours snd awuiantages sounds lije something only familues raising their kids togather might do sometimes, it did not sound like a natiln wide thing, much less a change of times, but could have been a beginning of a family project to do something together or plan a holiday, maybe go on a vacation trip with a family or choose vacation tines so that childcare fits together with other things done. But when comparing ut to a beginning of a war, it did not sound like such a big change in the society - why would changes come so aruotly in these midern tines?? The interviews sounded more like they could have coooerated as a town district yo keep up the things they all valyed in the local possibilitues for life, like education, working life, familues, etc. It seemed that the world is so global, people from so many different cultures, or interested in different cultures, that borders between coubtries aren't such an exact thkng.
Earlier today I watched some Vysotki's video/song about war, and it jyst seemed that the differencies between individuals were causing such, and that thr fights of siblibgs or of other childhood envuronment would have ceased via gettkng more distance and changing to other social circles of the kibd of people one behaves civilicedly with, respects and values, feels it good to be in the same society with them, so those would be one's clise relatilns, and stay away from childhood environment.
In Savonlinna where I lived seven years at Kaartilantie 15B, at first there lived, if I remember right, on one side none, then there came russian family to live there with teen aged kuds, but on tge furst evening their two sons who were already older, went to watch some motor cycle gang, just out of curiosity, and it seemed that they never returned. They seemed to have some other teen boy as if as a replacement, but it wasn't quite the same, even though the boys had been so old that it would have been natural for them to go to study for sone profdssion elsewhere, even though theh did not seem of fully adult age. Anyway, the life of the famiky seemed badly shaken, as if with a lack of luck - can it be like I had years later bad luck there after my white spitz had died? The woman seemed to like the place very much, just loved it, but then she too had to move away because of money shortage etc, and she so cried, lije I cried years later when I had to mive away, and I too had loved tgat place. Could it be that on an arts oriented place or in a town or district well reserved for certain kknds of strong areas of life, much valued in the world or by the natiln, there might be a way to get money to be enough if one somehow worked this and that in arts of good quality or teaching arts or whatever the local strenght or task is - or in bringing such arts skills to where those are much llnged for?
Maybe the Russuabs had had a bear there living the winter with them, or after thrm there came two bears and an older kibd of bear cub largely on one's own alreafy. As if a somewhat old man inhis workibg place, soolen socks in sandals, tea cup in hand, trying to create some comfortable life. So it seemed but I never noticed anything special connected with them. But it deemed that there lived wuse bearsin the neighbouring apartment, and it was somehow very good for writing and trying to solve the problems of the world. Here in Espoo I have sometimes on some spiritual side as if a bear in the apartment, a vague grey figure, just outline, but it is nothing in wisdom comoared with Savonlinna, so can it be mice here?
Anyway, a bear walks in the forests when there is no snow and the ground is not wet. It sees things like a human in a place with a few trees: there is an ooening and light in that direction, sensing the light coming at a tilted angle from between the tree tops or from side just under the treetops where there is an opening, and on the other side maybe more dense forest, imagining the feel of gren branches almost against lne's face if one enters there. So there are different kinds of miljis glidingly changi g to the neighbouribg lne. So in the light obe has as if a wide wuse atmospheric view, a society level point of view with atmospheres too and civiluced wisdom with the detailed eyesight bringkng objective tjinking and practical lufe along. And where one wanders is considered normal just then: some trees, sone terrain but not a so wide view, more like primarily jyst obe context. Or then like entering a sofa one can enter the dense forest, is it mainly for rest and talkibg with the small insects etc things like dummer grasses, dew, insect life near by, etc.
And vua such a view if one looks at a sturdy fallen tree branch, there comes strong ways of doing bringing certain kind of activity, whilr some other kibd of ways of doing sre jyst atmosoheres in the air, kibd of possibilitues, nit yet realuzed here at least or at all. So in a way, if one thinjs of handiworks, a fallen tree branch as a home decoratiln, like I had there, seems to teach handiworks somewhat like a bear's view, like the fallen squirrel shaped very thin scraps of pibe's bark sometimes when the snow mels on spring. So if I can solve environmental problems this way or that way, is it learned from the bears or from my pets, or via birds from bears fsr away? One spring shen dnow melted I tjought of bears, and I had bought frozen lingonberries and full milk. So I had the lingonberries in a vup and poured over full milk, and the milk froze like snow crystaks but not fully, it was so much like spring. And I sent the recipe to some bear sanctuary or zoo and maybe I got some handigraft advices via birds in return.
" 5.2.2018 Nätki suburb is largely like grandparents' home. The people here are, like elderly and people with large capacity, considerate and good willing on the surface but have their tough side when needed. They are all the time skilled in the amount arts are but mostly just live in their homes here.
24th of July 2024 in Espoo, In Savonlinna I liked the inclination of the place, I had chosen the town partly because I liked it's attractions and main professions somewhat like my still somewhat distant dream jobs. So I was just satisfied with the shops' profucts, with the professional type of inclinations of others living there, with many of the arrangements, with the space left to live in, even though I would have hoped for more space for sports, going to places, being with people without danger, but I still had somethingthat maybe was important for me to write about, so I largely stayed at home, learned something about arts, wrote jyst about dsily and liked the lufe with my dogs and my vidits to the city center and the public library there, and the local newspaper.
Here in Espoo there is no such peace for my inclinatiln. When I in the beginning compised something, there came a grest fuss of it, and my poodle was really fine artistic elderly gentlemsn instead of judt like the dogs in the neighbourhood. The home does not feel so in harmony with the environment. Instead here just about every time I think of making home nice or jyst living my lufe here indoors, there come as if some lines from somewhere at the street's side, kind of sayi g that I ought to have plastic contsiners for study papers (called "mappi" in Finnish, which does not connect in any way with maps), maybe in the style of lld fashilned comouter screen. Such jyst makes no sense. It isn't officially so here, it belongs some tens of years to history or to some engineering oriented person's scjool years. The engineering ofie ted things hete nowadays aren't of thst level, but instead one wonders at humanoid robots, shop's attempt at robot delivery wS it two summers agl, the automatic car I once saw, the cultural communication problem of Latinos mixing engineering with dreaming of living kn Vantaa, and the ordinary school or kindergarten near by.
So writing about Christmas gnome like lufe seems Espoo like, seems to suit the people around and what the places are for. But in the air there is some occult problem of some on some spiritual side claiming that all ought to behave like the Seedish culture, but it does not make sensd, since Finnush speakkng Finns think through tjkngs in the wide pictures of the world and in wisdom of lixe, and so things work out, but if obe replaces such with the Swedish following some product's created socisl box, no-one cares for the whole, and so lives and the situation of the world just go ashtray.
At home it seems that it is an ok enough atmosphere mostly only if things are left untouched, also home chores largely undone, which is jyst impissible in the ling run, and instead of leaving the home my way, thkngs like clothes etc in quite round looking buncches like one in care professions lifting a clith or other object, kind of to see what is this or to arrange thing in one's own care profession's style, and olwering it to roughly the same place as a bunch it happened to fall to, trying to make things nuce and comfortable with food. So I guess it is a quite ok style that many care orofessionals want to learn. But it is not my choice. It is not good for being acyive or understand about skills etc. But it really is a style which does not show almist at all who was there and left thibgs so or from whom there was social inflyencies, so such irratuonal skriik skraak style social dominancy vua some occukt roads and the social claims of others based on such style left there, gets much smaller. But there seem to be handicapped (some just come from hospital and trying to see if they can continue lufe by eating well, kind of taje a look at their own situation and feelings) in this apartment hoyse, and awful such crines in the apartment jyst above mine, so one is jyst about always trying to take into account that ways of living here ought to be somehow good or ok for handicapped in the same house. So instead of soeedily arranging home and things just in any way that seems to work, obe must take care tcat nithkbg awful hapoens for socual reasons or lack of cobsiderate ways between human tyoes, and tvat there would always be some comfortable healing ki d of optilns, ways to have ok capacity to think what now, learn about healing, think about lufe chouces, solve social problems which maybe led to accidents, etc. And similarly leave room for impirtant jobs, foreign cultural influencies and the school work and kindetgarten near by.
I do have some plastic paper containers ("mappeja") but those are mostly old obes, having some study papers from the wilderness guide course, some containing lots of copy papers of self-estimation tests etc from a course for applying for work vased on my somewhat enhineering type of studies in the u iversity in the 1990's, and I used to have a big bunch of papers of work applications of work baded on my university educatiln, and some of the containers have vopies of song lyrics (Vladimit Vysotski's), short dtorirs, hobby books, interesting magazines, maybe brochures too or something of the kind.
Here is a song by Vladimir Vysotski that I just found,
It is about sauna steam bath experience with a lake shore and trees near by, but from the point of view of lufe experience of one not skilled in the heat regulation of the north, in the presence of others with heat regulation snd other skills for the local life. So tge others are more serenely living, but the basic things that one needs to take into accojnt about lufe so north are dtrongly in theur minds and the foreigner only learning to pay attention to such necessaties to the lufe kn so cold.
I guess it is a view needed to understand the serioysness of northerners, but the song lyrics I had or maybe still have, are fine Finnish trsnslations of some society level opinions like about peace movement, etc.
I just found this song of Vladimir Vysotski that I used to espdcially like. I was told that it was about his lufe as a poet, about the search for wisdom of life, about having found solutions that xarry well, almost too well to be able to communicate it all to the others in the society.
"The horses drawing the carriage which got scared of some sound or just had too much energy of theur own
The song telling of the moment /way to live the edge of a chasm (of the too low lewel of understanding and quality of others)
I was given horses which do not obey or listen
I did not have time to live
I will not have time to finish my song
By the edge of a chasm
But more like wanting to spend time outdoors instead of coming to the indoors, wanting to live according to one's own wisdom of life. Is it a song of a youbg adult?
For you to see tgat there can be things or deeds ok in a society and in the world, which are of the type of personal wisdom of life and insight that carries well, like for example weather skills, I add here the blog pist of mine from yesterday, so you also, if you read my books, see what such wisdom like in the above Vysotki's song I among other things have or used to have:
24th of July 2024 In yesterday's news a picture of a forest fire in Portugal, somehow wine resembling style
I wonder, I wrote the book "Wine like fascination of life" or just collected the texts to it, since some were so much wushing for wine like weathers, and handicapped for softening, some young adults for better life, etc, and since the text Dwenda in the beginning of my book "Of walkkbg in beauty" seemed so outrageous to many, and partly maybe since the miracle healing advices appear too good for many. So I thought, I remembered, that the name of the book was "...of life" instead of the flat academical sounding " life". The book was a collection of texts snd linjs of which even one could be like raising a glass for the glory, love etc of life, could make one feel emotionally well or momentarily quite well kn a lasting way, lift the spirits so. So I wonder how can thr name of the nook be in different style? Has somebody else changed it to suit their own wines instead of rhyming it with my texts?
I have wondered quite much, why many people do not seem to have as an important major goal in their life to have a good future for living beings. Does it connect with some being so interested in making murders that it seems they way of life? Murders sound like the person is not comfortable with where one lives. So have they thought of what kind of environment they are comfortable with, where would they not feel a need for murders? As I have learned to recognize different nationalities, it seems tgat almost all people either are from some far away place or otherwise from a very different environment, or are always inclined toward some such very different other cultures and climates. So genetically or becsuse the human species is somehow of a wandering kind, most might feel more comfortable in some certain different kind of environment. Would they so find a good place for themselves in the world? And other people would like to live where thry used to live.
I made a book and an ebook "Wine like fascination in life: introducing my books via their especially chsrming texts" of my blog
Some who watch thibgs from an atheistical point of view that has civiluced wisdom, objective thinking skills, other skills of one's own, wisdom of lufe and some understanding of arts, may still ask, what is it that gives a priest keeping a seremon his position, the position of the seremon? Generally position is given based on skills and values. The priest has some skills with which he can create or keep up some things in the society, be it via prayer or a good enough wise understanding of human lives, of the world, of communication, values etc. But snyway his skills help him to keep up some things that are wished for, and since such is quite rare or needs special dedicatiln also from the listeners, such is valued and mentilned and tried to respect by others who want such good sides to their lives. The effect may be largely taking into account also spiritusl kibds of things and respecting beautiful ckviliced values so that it is good for the society, and so there is a place for it. Often when someone has wished for high skills, some others can learn somethkng of such momentarily, abd some elderly persons maybe know how to support such learning and have an understanding of a well working society, which is largely based on reaching for wise civiliced values kn wise civkliced ways with wisdom of life and common sense.
Otherwuse, without such highly emphazized thing of extra high skills, keeping up thibgs well in the society by both common effort and by valuing the wisdom of the wise. Without such there often is some problens of keeping up a high enough level of objectivity and of ckviluced wisdom and healthy wisdom of life in one's social environment. But with such high skills greatly valued but church sermlns seldom visited, it is very much easier to get children to read some civiliced piece from a good quality dictilnary adding to the subject of conversation, or to value good pianonlessons as high culture, the nature's beauty as a source of wisdom and healthy ways of living, etc.
In the news there had been told of someone havibg stolen some old guns from a weapons museum. Today the news told that as the motivation there maybe was dept. I do not know of tgat, but the stmosphere of the museum house in the picture brought to mind South-East Asian atmosphere. Are Asians there worrying of what was originally from their own country and whst lianed from foreigners snd later claimed own? My impression is that one can get to know something of the orihinal local culture of one's homecounty, own culture. Long time ago places sound like having been culturally more homogenous, and foreign travellers too mainly via certain routes and from certain countries. While nowadays the world is more global, and to schools, libraries and to the media added lots of useful pieces of civiliced wisdom from all over the world but somehow suited to the local life, good for it and much wished for, like music, good books and useful skills for example.
The book has two parts: first texts from the blog with roughly? the name of the book. And the secobd part the latest texts from this blog
In the news there was an article of an old wooden villa type of house on a hill (cut terrifyingly in half by the railroad on a flat ground some pair meters above the sea level) at Linnunlaulu ("birds song") by the railroad side at the center of Helsinki. It is old, not in so good shape, but one of the old wooden buildings left. In the article a picture of the hillside road to the house, the walkway looks charming each half a meter interesting in it's own way, like in the old times and like the wooden house somehow suits with.
In some picture of the greatly collapsed balcoby obe pays attention to the woods supporting it, the woodwork having the style of this and tgat tree species' wisdom and of the Russian tsar. It seems impossible to find such woodwork anymore, especially not so like good quality work instead of only trying a little (which might be of a good quality if very motivated to the values) or pretending or making some work filling criteria but not in spirit ok, not a ground to build the world upon, for example some industry like woodworks maybe were and the capital somehow a place to show what kinds of skills there were, like products in a shop.
But if one thinks of what one has learned of occult thibgs the world being of spirit, or of handiwork materials being suited to certain kinds of purposes, or of people each having their own inclination, suited to certain places in the world, bringing good life and good quality there but not anywhere in the world. So one could maybe on some spiritual side choose to be with good basic rationality, having a seen landscape lije view which observes structures and atmospheres, especially those of the wild nature, trees etc, but also tge old times' woodwork, the wild animals there, sense of sight keen like on a cool ckear weather. And so such a view around would also be more likely to keep houses dry, without bacteria, etc, well cared of, yet complex and varied miljo fir life, good for a full understanding, wise values and good ways of doibg, with an understanding of how approach and values affect things. And on the spiritual side an ubderstanding that such often means that people with different valyes well respected often go different roads. For something to go well one ought to respect the wild nature, it's visual compkexity, the impirtance of wise values, etc.
When I was a child, I was a girl, so I watched military things more from a comfortable distance, more from the point of view of society's civiliced wisdom and of life skills all ought to learn as young, more from the point of view of what was the goal in wars and in having an army, and from the point of view that things should go well in practice instead of large failures dominating. So my basic point of view was that murders are a different thing from fighting in a war. Soldiers' skills ought to be based on ordinary life skills that are good for lufe, lije sports for example and a good understanding, high values and wisdom of life keeping things well, making people work together for a world that is good for life.
So for killing shooting, sword, etc would work out well. Instead of mixing it with the goal of causing any destruction possible, which maybe originates from the engineering oriented having tried engineering's ways to other areas of lufe, instead of school education's wide view which is intended to suit all professiobs and be good for life.
So for soldier like skills one ought not aim at making the lives of others worse, for example oppose healing skills and influence things toward worse ways of living, poorer values, not-at-all wise type of social contacts, etc. Such goals are a thibg an army ought to oppose, also if it isn't war time.
So often one ought not let boys etc think these things through alone with other boys etc, but instead the society should have wise views in these subjects, available also for the girls and women to talk about. One must remember that many boys and men think that one cannot take several perspectives into account at the same time, for example school's civiliced view and army skills. Likewise thry maybe do not understand or do not try to take fairly into account several types of persons' or of cultures' views, values, skills, situatilns, etc, but instead jydt claim doing so and somehow wander from discussion point to another without keeping a fair picture of the whole as a goal.